best place to open a restaurant in bali?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Good luck with it Ali. As others have suggested, you just have to come here and then you can see what it is really like. I hope you stick around on the forum and share your thoughts and impressions when you first come here.

ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009

Thank you for your comments and support. I really appreciate it :)
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ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009

I have reasons to believe that it can find its place not only in Bali but anywhere else. My first question is, where have you had Iranian food?

The unfortunate facts regarding Iranian cuisine is that we as a people have failed to develop it and make it better, Iranian restaurant owners do not have a clue about the industry and many more sad facts.

But I can point you to some great Iranian restaurants in Europe and N.America where you will enjoy the food.

Oh, one more thing Jimbo, food and liking it is a personal thing. I don't like sea food, does this mean that you don't like it either?

Best of luck,



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Well I was asking those reasons. It will hardly be a market for Balinese so I presume it will be aimed at tourists. I have eaten Iranian food all over the middle east. I never said I did not like it only that it was not accepted as a great cuisine. With your name I presume you are Iranian or reletive of one and there is your bias.

No idea about what you mean by a sea food arguement but if you do not like sea food in a country that is based by the sea you will limit your cuisine.

ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009
Hi Jimbo,

Thank you for taking the time and explaining your point of view on the matter. I outlined some of the reasons why Iranian restaurants have not been very successful outside the country.

Indeed I'm Iranian, but I'm not biased towards the cuisine. Even if I open a restaurant in Bali I will not be serving the tastiest of hundreds of Iranian dishes as I have to adapt myself to the market.

My restaurant will not be a fine dining place, it will be very casual and my target market are those that are looking for a quick, full and tasty meal.

By the sea food example I was trying to make a point, and my point was that people, even members of one family have different tastes and likes and dislikes. I'm a professional and will not let my likes and dislikes

control my business.

One last thing, in my opinion Iranian Cuisine is one of the top five. But thats only my opinion :)

Best wishes,



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Good luck my friend. Your market in Bali is very complex with lots of such places. You need something to stand out if you are to make a success in this field.


Feb 16, 2010
You also have to see it yourself the settings of where you plan to build your restaurant. Honestly it would be a tough competition if you're just planning to put up a regular restaurant there. Something unique might not waste your investment if so.

ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009
Dear Jimbo:

Thanks man, I really appreciate you taking the time and challenging me on this topic. Hopefully by the time I come to Bali you will be there and we can have a drink and discuss this furthermore.

Balivillaholidays: Thanks. Yes everyone here mentioned the tough competition out there, I will do my best to create something new:)

Thank you,


Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
A lot of my Aussie mates who come to bali to surf love kollege ( or college - forgot spelling) next to rubikon as well as Ocha as the food is a cheap local style and it's quick and easy. My personal fav is warungku in denpasar for that style ( Nasi Campur). Most regular tourists I know ( not really sure about the hotel crowd though) would rather be eating local style food. But then again most of them are hardcore indo travellers that have been coming here for years. An Iranian restaurant might work if you had some bellydance action going on. The punters would love it for sure.

ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009

Well KuraKura, problem is, bellydancing is not Iranian. Belly dancing is an Arabian dance and even though I'd love customers to pour in my restaurant I like to keep it simple and Iranian.

But mark my words, I will have great food, for tourists and expats a like, and much more. But thanks for the laugh man, made my day :)

Best to you all,



New Member
Feb 28, 2010
Ali, as everyone already mentioned, do your research and do it well :) Business in Indonesia (not just Bali) is not unlike crawling through a cage of hungry tigers with a few choice cuts of meat strapped to your family jewels, or so I heard it described by a friend of mine. But do post here for your grand opening :D Never had Iranian food before but want to try. My goal in life is to sample at least one dish from every country on earth :D


Oct 10, 2007
When I lived in Edinburgh I had a Iranian friend who invited me a few times to have lunch and dinner in her house to taste Iranian food and I remember I liked it so much!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed it, although that it was almost 14 years ago so don´t ask me about the food because I already forgot it and it was the only time I had the chance to taste Iranian food but I really have a good memory about Iranian food.
I remember (with a smile in my face) as well how my friend talked about her loved country, she used to mention very often how beautiful Iran was and the great memories she had when she was a child with her big family living on the countryside, she said Iran had a beautiful countryside (I have to say that I am very ignorant about this country and I have not idea about her beauty), she was very very proud to be Iranian and her country.
Follow my memories eating a few times with my Iranian friend I put my fingers up for Iranian food!!!:icon_wink:

ali alavi

Aug 30, 2009

Madcat: Thank you for your thoughtful comments, I will specially take in mind the Tiger story. I will let you and all the wonderful people who have heartily gone out of their way and helped me on this topic; about the grand openning. I will be sure to help you with sampling different cuisine from different parts of the world:)

Begonia: Well, I have heard so many similar stories regarding the first time exposure to Iranian food. I am very happy that you enjoyed both the food and the conversations with the Iranian lady. Unfortunately for the people of the world, our country has become a sort of a mystery. This is due to the sanctions and stupidity of the government. But the country is indeed beautiful and one of a kind, we have 4 seasons all year long. We have deserts, mountains, green, and so much to see. maybe some day you all can visit the country and experience Iranian food and hospitality first hand, both of which in my opinion are first and second to none. I hope that if I open this restaurant I can please you with my food and friendship and that I can tell stories of the country.

Thanks again guys,
