Barack Obama, an Ex Bali Expat !

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Dear Mr Obama, thanks for visiting our site, and pointing out you were an expat on Bali once too.

We wish you all the luck in world in the coming elections.

The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book. He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published as Dreams from My Father in mid-1995.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
During the primary campaign, CNN did some nice biographies of the major candidates and that was the first time I heard about Obama’s stay in Bali with his wife to work on his book. They even had some photos of them here in Bali, but I can’t recall where they stayed.

His sister, who teaches school was supposed to come to Bali last month for a fund raiser, but it seems there are enough Americans on Bali doing a good job of raising money for his campaign anyway.

Any Americans on Bali (or off Bali) with interest in what’s going on here in Bali regarding Obama’s campaign can check in here at this group:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Hello guys and girls,

He (Obama)has been in ofice now for 20 days or so...
Didnt take long to (as americans say) f*** up :lol: .
And may be people will realise now, that's it's not the president (Bush) to blame for so many things like the war in Irak, Afghanistan, Guantanamo "prison", but the entire government. Thus not only republican's but democrates too.
friendly greetings, Gilbert.


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
Can we have a forum rule which disallows anyone looking for serious political discussion from referring to Fox News? Maybe just to be fair we can include MSNBC too?

The difference between Obama and his esteemed predecessor is that Obama saw his mistake and purposely appeared on TV to take responsibility and apologize, promising to learn from the error (which thankfully wasn't an Iraq war sized error). Bush would have just forced the nominations through anyway... When did he ever care about little things like the law (or the Constitution)?!? ;-)

Seeing as Obama has only been in power for two weeks, Americans can be proud of the amount he's achieving in making the U.S. credible again...

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
I know fox is a "pro" republican media outlet, never the less the story is true.
I never said that he didn't apologize for his mistake, but to ingnore this "little" mistake by the people is somewhat strange? What bothers me is that in the same breath he made his apology, he also said that this is probably the first mistake of more to follow :roll: .

so the war on Irak is or was a mistake, well we never will know what would have happened is the war was not taken on by the US. I agree it has been dragged out for too long which costs many good soldiers their lives, but the innitial reason(not the so called weapons of mass-destruction reason) was good. Actually you can compare the war in/on Irak with the war in vietnam, as to the responsibilty of the president.
I dont understand your statement about the law or constitution, as we can't know if Bush would have pushed thru the nomination.
Btw, what has he(Obama) achieved within those two weeks, what can make americans proud, and the US credible again?print more USD :wink: ?
I am not saying he should have achieved anything within those weeks, give him some more time..a couple of months or so. That should be more then enough time to see, how he holds up his promisses from the election. CHANGE, isn't always's just different :)
friendly greetings.....Gilbert.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Historically US presidents have the first 100 days to "prove" themselves in the job before political infighting and party political allegiances take over and make any consensus difficult, if not impossible.

Having said that Obama has some truly huge mountains to climb with the financial crisis but balanced against that are the "slack" the rest of the world will give him merely for not being GWB :lol:

I have always (nearly) been massively disappointed in what the US presidents have promised and actually delivered with one major exception (Clinton was a minor one). That was Jimmy Carter - a "born again" religious peanut farmer turned out to be a visionary leader with, unfortunately, too many idealistic programs for his party and the US (and an idiot brother). The advance of time has only added to his stature.

Give Obama some time.


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
Hey Gilbert,

Where was this mistake 'ignored'? It was a headline on every news organization out there! And of course he'll make more mistakes, after all he's human (and not the second coming as some might believe ;-)) You make mistakes too, right? For a president, as long as the mistakes are not willful nor significant, we should cut him some slack, and this one was neither. He chose a very qualified candidate for the job, but the vetting process failed. In fact it's not really his own mistake, but he stood up and said 'the buck stops with me'. What more can you want from a President? Now he'll nominate someone else and you won't even notice...

And what was the initial reason for Iraq, if it wasn't WMD? After all, the reason Bush gave the UN was WMD... Did W have another reason he didn't want to tell us about?

And for achievements, just try a different news source... Obama has got more done in his first two weeks than any other president in living memory, it's just that Fox doesn't like to talk about it!


Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
Sorry to say it wasn't a headline on every news organization. I use MSN as my homepage and the day before Daschle removed himself they had a headline saying how smooth Obama's first days were going.

How is a person very qualified but poorly vetted? If they have ethical issues then they are not qualified. And which candidate are you talking about? Geithner? Killefer? Solis? Daschle? Richardson? All of these have withdrawn other than Geithner and most people here feel he should have.
Obama is doing the best he can but to say that he has done more in 2 weeks makes me question where YOU are getting your information.

The republicans are giving Obama the same amount of slack the democrats gave Bush...not much.
That's politics...

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Hi ...
"You make mistakes too, right?" Probably I do, but not an entire nation depends on me, ofcourse he's only human, and i give him some slack.

"And what was the initial reason for Iraq, if it wasn't WMD? After all, the reason Bush gave the UN was WMD... Did W have another reason he didn't want to tell us about?" 9/11 rings a bell, I think Irak was what the country wanted and needed...a visible enemy. At the beginning there was nothing then support for the war, even when the given reason to the U.N. turned out to be a wrong one.

"And for achievements, just try a different news source... Obama has got more done in his first two weeks than any other president in living memory, it's just that Fox doesn't like to talk about it!" for your information, CNN tells the same story on their site as fox:wink: .

Once again, I agree we should be patient with Obama, but done more in two weeks then any other president?? think thats a little "overboard".
Friendly greetings....Gilbert.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Jeez Jimbo, you want more from a president than honesty?

That's asking for a whole lot more than I've seen in all the presidents, prime ministers and premieres in the 50 years and from what I can read since the time of Abraham Lincoln, supposedly the last honest president.

And look what happened to him.

For me I guess plain old honesty will do.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
It is obvious to me that if honesty was the only criterion Jimmy would have achieved so much more than he did. Unfortunately you cannot always tell the truth and that has proved to be the case.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Jimbo you are undoubtedly right concerning Jimmy's achievements and frankly I can't remember that many of them.

For God's sake it was the 80s and I still had hair :lol:

I can just about remember this thing I did with twisting my head quickly to flip the hair out of my eyes - haven't needed that one in quite a while now - hell, if I tried it now I'd probably put my back out.

How's the search for land going?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I am on a plane tomorrow night to start the journey. 51 hours to get there and then a wedding 2 days later. After that it starts in earnest.

As for Hair I was fine in the early 80's but then it went down hill after that. Hair receeded and stomach protruded :D Part of my ritire is devoted to getting fit :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Good for you, Florida is full of fit retirees (not!) As I said to Bert in another string "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" - hell, I'm beginning to sound like a believer :evil: