
Hi all,
Just letting anyone who may be interested know that I'm letting some of my web domains go. I've got a couple hundred that I've bought over the years and managed to sell a few for some profit. Anyway since arriving in Bali I'd had a few ideas and whenever that happens I always look to secure the domain name as a precautionary measure to anything that may transpire at a later date.

Currently going under the evaluation hammer in January are the following which relate more to a potential Bali based business:

b2bali.com - b2b being a term for business to business, think along the terms of Alibaba for example, all the wholesalers in Bali under one web portal.

thebalitrader.com - Self explanatory for any Bali based trader.

balibabas.com - an online emporium of antiques, trinkets and goodies?

balibazar.com - much the same as above

balisurfnetwork.com - Surf portal for Bali?

If anyone is interested in any of these contact by PM. I host everything with GoDaddy so can easily transfer ownership through them.



Why reply if you only want to be negative?

I've got another one that would suit you but I've already been offered good money for twats.com so you're out of luck. :highly_amused:


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
not even if you would offer me money, with all respect
none of them are any good, to use

What? Why are they not good to use? If I were any sort of trader in Bali the balitrader would be a great domain name.
b2bali also sounds like a good domain name for a Bali business to business.

A few years ago when starting an internet based business one of my biggest challenges was finding a domain name that was a good match with the business name.

When I see the phrase "with all respect" or "with all due respect" I expect what follows is not going to be respectful.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
twats.com ?

I thought I owned that one, or parked it somewhere or other "out there", years ago.
Maybe Blueline sold it off to GoDaddy when I left.

Not sure why biomicrobe ("located in Jakarta") wrote what he wrote. Lead poisoning, perhaps?
He should try and register his avatar name as a domain:

For example: biomicrobe.com - a portal for Jakartan toilet engineers, flood mitigation scientists, registered brain surgeons and bacteria busters

Probably too late, even if he knew how to go about it.
I wonder what domain names he thinks are "good" and still available?

Come on, biomicrobe - strut your stuff here so we don't think you're a born-again-boofhead, or in cahoots with FPI (and other assorted rat-bags).



May 30, 2011
possibly the best reply i have ever seen canon loooooooooool

couldnt agree more

everyones always so quick to shoot people down on here and i have no idea why???
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