Bali Dog Rescue


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Sooner or later, most expats in Bali come face-to-face with the ongoing problem of stray and mistreated dogs.

I personally know of one group in the Ubud area that is actively addressing this issue. It also has links to another group in Denpasar. I urge all dog-lovers who care about this to help them in any way they can. Donations, of course, are always welcome. Money, dried dog food, office equipment, voluntary help, anything!

Their website is at: <link corrected by moderator>

Their dog shelter is in Lotondhu (just outside of Ubud). Visitors are always welcome.

They are doing it tough and need all the help they can get. I have adopted two dogs from them and can assure you that this group is not some kind of a scam.
Please consider.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Thank you manuel

Feel free to visit us when you get here. Send me a PM for contact details.

Ciao lagi



New Member
Aug 12, 2007
Hi ... Sanurian, am curious about your dogs' lives ... do they live in your house or just outside? What about walks? I work full time and am single, don't spend much time at home though so think it might be best to just volunteer or donate, though am ready to pick a dear dog up off the street and take it to a vet :)


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi canuk

Very nice to hear from you on this forum, especially since this particular topic has not exactly inflamed many others to respond in huge numbers.

Our two dogs, Sophie and Arno, "live in our house". We have a sizable garden so they have plenty of room to run around in. Of course, the big world outside our gate always beckons.

We took considerable measures, (time and expense), to modify our main gate so that they couldn't get out. Didn't work. Arno, especially, always figures out a way to open them, much to the surprise of the local "gate-modifiers" who assured us (on the second or third "modification"), that no dog could ever get out of here. Well, they were wrong.

These days, we just let them come and go as they please, except at night. It's certainly not the best thing to do, but the dogs are happy (and still alive).
Unfortunately for us, our dogs now bring/invite various of their friends here, so it's not unusual to see six or so "extras" hanging around lately.

Then there are various Balinese who come daily with their religious offerings and always leave the gate open!
We installed a bell on the gate - that "worked" for a while until it became more hassle than it was worth.

A few of the big hotels and other organizations have recently offered to lend their ear to BARC's project (with a little prodding, I might add). Hopefully, something good will come out of it.

Everybody is more than welcome to volunteer their time, services, skills, etc. Money helps, too, of course. BARC currently needs about 200kgs of dried dog-food per month, just for starters.

One last thing, canuk:
...though am ready to pick a dear dog up off the street and take it to a vet...
Many of the dogs that BARC find on the streets of Bali don't look very good. They get veterinary treatment, as a matter of course and, perhaps more importantly, some loving care. Some even get some owners who do look after them.

The BARC website is: <link corrected by moderator>



New Member
May 27, 2007
Ubud Bali
A worthy post Sanurian.

My wife is involved with BARC and I can wholly endorse your comments.

We presently sponsor a dog at the shelter and have made various contributions over the last year.

The founder of the shelter is tireless, passionate and dedicated to the unfortunate plight of the Bali street dogs.

The shelter is always open to visitors and maybe those that do might just decide to sponsor a dog, make a contribution or even take home a puppy.



Aug 19, 2004
I will be there in March but would be more than happy to send Manc a monetary contribution to take over in February for dog food. For that matter anybody from Au going over sooner.

It will not be a huge amount of money, certainly not enough to waste the cost of electronically sending it.

If anyone is going over and would like to take a contribution from me please pm me.

Thanks Tina


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
The BARC website seems to have disappeared. The address I posted above was correct. I don't know what's happened but will find out as soon as I can.

For those of you who just posted from Australia regarding monetary donations, like Tina, the stray website, (pardon the pun), has details of a bank account in Victoria where cheques can be deposited.
That account is operated by a vet there who is involved in coordinating Australian donations for BARC. There is no way to donate electronically yet.

Regarding the availability of dry dog-food in Ubud: There are some pet shops there now and some of the supermarkets (like Delta), might have some.
For those wishing to buy some food...BARC mainly needs the Puppy variety. (Most of the sheltered dogs are pups and older dogs have no problem eating the puppy formulas.

Linda Buller, the founder of the shelter, is currently in Australia and should be back in Bali in about three weeks. I will try to contact her and find out what's going on with website.

I apologise for any inconvenience I may have caused with the "dead link". It was working perfectly so it's a mystery to me, too.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Thank you, Balined

That was the problem. What I still don't understand is why the www1 address worked fine for a few weeks and then didn't?

It's fine now.


manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks for the info Sanurian. I will buy some dry food and toys in Ubud for the little mites. Tina, I dont leave till 15th Feb, so if you want me to do anything for you just let me know.

peter turner

New Member
Jun 3, 2007
ive not been on these forums for some time and missed this string which is of definate interest to me and i will definately make the journey to ubud to help and maybe give a dog a new home .
it is one subject which does inspire me to help and i hope i can do some good !


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Well, it doesn't sound like you want someone to add to your dog problems but I am anticipating bringing mine with me when we come and to that end called the Indonesian Embassy here in London to ask for information about importing "the flea bag" to Bali.

I guess the lady there was running an off-license at the same time as the embassy because she kept shouting to other people in the background in Indonesia as she was trying to answer my questions. I, frankly, understood her Indonesian better than her English - and I don't speak a work of it!

She kept saying I should talk to the airline. Well, called a number of airlines and they suggested that I talk to the embassy - sound familiar?

Anybody (not running an off-license) care to advise me? The only way I am going to get the best woman in the world to come with me to Bali is if I take the "flea bag" too so please help me out.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Welcome back, peter

You can most definitely "do some good".

As I've said to others in the past, helping BARC does not have to be a donation of money alone, although that is always welcome.
"Spreading the word" helps, for example, as well as fund-raising ideas, writing to organisations both here or abroad (Bali Tourism Board, etc), voluntary trade skills (to fix buildings), computer expertise, equipment...

BARC has a meeting on the first Saturday of every month in Ubud, to discuss plans, strategies and toss ideas around. Of course, every concerned person is welcome to attend (and participate, if they choose to). The meetings were being held in Cafe Moka (Jl Raya Ubud), but I think the venue's going to change soon, (if it hasn't already). Check their website for, (hopefully), up-to-date information and contact details:

(Having said that, I just had another quick look at their website and quite frankly, I believe it needs a bit more work.
There is no mention of the monthly meetings, for instance, and navigation through its pages should come up more quickly with relevant information.
"Fixing" things like this is a form of help, too.)

I personally don't have all the time in the world, but I am making some time to assist them, however I can.
In recent private conversations with Linda Buller, I've promised to give BARC its own web-server space on the internet in the near future. "Everything helps."

The more people like yourself who do care about this issue, the better. I applaud you.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
I would just like to say a quick "thank you" on behalf of BARC, to the following posters on this forum who have so far expressed interest/support for its cause:

Tina, manc in oz, manuel, canuk, Balined, jogry blok, peter turner and markit (I think)

Your help is much appreciated.
