Are the Gods Color-blind?


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
Pacific NW - USA
BaliLife said:
Milan, your posts do you no service - reading your posts, I can't help but chuckle. You're about as logical and intelligent as an ostrich with it's head in the sand.

Can we please sacrafice Milan's profile at the Goa Gong Pura and get Chilli back? :lol:


Yikes! I'm still pretty new here so I don't know how common that type of reply is. Does the "lol smilie" make it okay????? Just want to know before I say something that requires being sacrificed.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
You'll note I asked for her 'profile' to be sacraficed. :wink:

I think milan's rattling off about Chilli is petty and pathetic. In fact the instance she cited, I think Chilli's response was very fair and diplomatic - Milan should be thankfull she didn't get a grand old lashing.



Mar 20, 2008
I do not accept to be treated here in this Forum by a nerd and a jerk such as you just because I protested to your gross thread a few months back that you seem to want to keep the rancours alive on personal basis even when you are not involved or rather, I ignored it.
Stop attacking me and I think Chilli can take care of herself.
This is abusive for you to talk to me in this manner. I DO NOT ACCEPT IT!
Tough luck if I'm the one who stands up to you.


Mar 20, 2008
I'm going to ignore once again as I'm now getting ready for a 3-week holiday in one of my favourites place in the world where I went already a couple of weeks ago and that is: The French Riviera. An additional info: they're building an artificial island in front of Monaco, where I'm going to stay for just one night and carry on to Nice, Cannes and St. Tropez for a week each.

Au revoir! I'll check in here every so often whenever I can.

From an 11-year old girl. Thanks for the compliments!


Aug 19, 2004
milan said:
I'm going to "tell it like it is". Drama is synonamous to Italian. I'm first to admit that I've become one myself that it takes 2-3 weeks for me to metamorphose and revert back to the natural and gentle Indonesian me whenever I'm back in Jakarta and even when I just joined this Forum.
My exageration of praises to you, Roy, was derived from my gratitude to meet someone who is generous with his knowledge and since it is not the normal practice in this country, I was just so elated to see that I finally found people that I could relate to which happens to be in this Forum that I went overboard by gushing all over with compliments and what not. And of course, they were miscontrued but I didn't mean anything but a genuine appreciation since noone in this country is willing to part with his knowledge and it would be a suprise to many, that many Italians do not know their own history and many other world knowledge, for your information. It's very very provincial and closed-minded here.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it too much, mimpimanis, just because one member leaving the Forum. Imagine me living in this country for years now on and off. I've had to face a person as such many times over and every day. Thus for my preference to stay most of the time at home for the last 3 years now as I realised, it's the only way to live sanely and peacefully. Not only that. But there's a local saying that goes: "phoney like Juda". Unfortunately, anytime I see a nice Italian person (based only on my personal experience) and my husband's --- it's fake! This is what I learned by living here. But I thought this time was going to be different thinking that Australian-Italian must be way more temperate than an Italian-Italian.
Little did I know that by wanting to engage in a topic of the phenomenon of women today -here in Italy, I was accused of wanting to gossip.
And how condescending to want to teach me etiquettes. But I let it go and just ignored.
Now, it's also time for me to express the truth as it must be put in the open, regardless that this Forum is about Bali.
Once again, this is strictly taken from my own very personal experience and my Italian husband. I do have 2 best Italian friends and some aristocrats as well. They are the ones who are humble and genuine people but also some who come from the simple backgrounds are truly and genuinely sympathetics if not funny. My husband couldn't agree more.
My apology if I do not write or speak as elegantly as some of you but I'm a to-the-point kind of person or tell-it-like-it-is as some would call it. I don't mean harm but only truth.
Thank you.

Hi Milan

Don't take any notice of BaliLife I know his words offended you but unfortunately on a public forum you have to take the good with the bad.

I understood your post perfectly.

Have a great holiday.