All the newbies....


New Member
May 11, 2005
New Zealand
Hi everyone,

Well I have posted a couple of times on this forum as I am moving to Bali soon. I am a primary school teacher. I have posted to ask questions/advice and have been really grateful for all advice and assistance given to me.

I am a Kiwi but am currently living in South Korea. I will be arriving in Bali at the end of July and really can't wait now. I have also really appreciated being able to come here and ask questions when necessary but also use it primarily as a search tool to gather whatever information I need. And I must say it has been invaluable to me. Also very interested to read about what people say about Bali and what they find to be pros and cons.

Cheers Lily :lol:


New Member
Jun 4, 2005
Hi y'all!
yeah, I'm a newbie and only post every once in a while, but I'm in the middle of moving and the internet is usually the last thing on my mind at the end of the day. (plus, I have to "steal" my connection signal!)

At the moment, I'm in my hometown, Bend, Oregon (US) and will be flying out to Bali on the 15th of June. My wife got a job teaching and I decided to tag-along! I have no idea what to expect since I've never been out to "your neck of the woods" before! I left my band of 5 years, quit a pretty sweet sound-engineering job and will be living off my life savings untill i can find some "work", or get deported!!!!.....

Is it just me or have all of you been this stressed out moving to Bali?!?!?



New Member
May 11, 2005
New Zealand
Hey Garret,

I am still nearly two months off arriving and I am finding it stressful. I always want to run away when I think about having to pack things up to go. Purely because I just can't be bothered having to do it. Especially when you look around and think you have achieved something only to look somewhere else and see how much stuff you still have and how messy everything is. Not good.

So where is your wife going to be teaching?

Cheer Lily


New Member
Jun 4, 2005
Hey Lily, thanks for the's nice to know that I'm not alone!...but at the same time, I wouldn't want anyone to be in the same mind-state!

As to where my wife is working, I'm not exactly sure, but I know it's a "Cambridge" School. Does that soud familiar? She's stressed out enough with getting ready for the move, so I've been trying to not bring up too much in regards to Bali....Plus we're dealing with some Visa problems AND my car just got vandalized and I'm in the middle of selling it, so we've got a "few" things to think about!

What company will you be working for?...Have you been doing this for a while? This is my wife's 1st job outside the US, so we're pretty excited....nervous, but stoked all the same!

Anyways, good luck with everything and keep in touch! I know we'll be somewhere in Denpasar, so we'll be two of 300,000 or so!




New Member
May 11, 2005
New Zealand
Hey Garret,

I am going to be working at Canggu Community School which I am hugely excited about. I applied for the position about a month or so ago after I had been looking at it's website. I thought everything looked very cool and was really impressed by lots of things that I saw so yeah I am really looking forward to it.

I am currently working at an international school in South Korea so this will be my second time. I have lived in London to but that is certainly not in the same league being as it is an English speaking country. I haven't heard of the school your wife will be at.

I am trying to pack up my things here in South Korea and decide what goes back to NZ, what goes to Bali and what gets biffed. It really is the least fun part of it. I have a car back in NZ which I will now be selling to but that responsibility will probably go to my lovely Dad. There really is nobody that can clean a car like him! Bless.

Fortunately I am going over to Bali on my way home from South Korea so will be there for 5 days from the 10th till the 15th of July and will then be flying back from NZ on the 27th of July.

All a bit stressful but very exciting at the same time.

Cheers Lily


New Member
Jun 4, 2005
Oi, gie' ayes an email when yoos get ins like!!!!!!.....or whatever!....I would love to chat about South K. and NZ sometime....
I'm actually trying to get to London! (Ninja Tune is my dream job!), ever catch any "ninja" shows?...yeah, I'm a music nerd.

Anyhow, hope your dad can get you a good price for your car! (I actually just asked my pops if he would try selling my car for me if I still have it when I leave....funny huh?)




New Member
May 11, 2005
New Zealand
Hey that's cool for chats - anytime. NZ and SK are great countries and I have had a fantastic living in SK. SK people are lovely and it is a very safe country to live in for a single girl like me. I loved London too - I think it was a great place to start for my overseas adventures.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for the wellbeing of your car.

Lily :lol:

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
I am a lurker too. Hi. I don't have much to say but still like coming by this forum. Always some interesting conversation. I will be in Bali next year and owe a couple of people there some whiskey.

If any one would like to join me just let me know!



New Member
Apr 23, 2005
OK Tracey, I get the message as a lot of others have also. So here goes.
I joined this forum a few months ago, initially getting information on moving to Bali permanently and as for now just browsing, as what I found out about making this big step from West Australia to Bali is not as easy as it seems. That is in regards to what I have found on this forum as to what is and isn`t advisable to bring with ones self. (Leave behind all my electronics and "my Burmese Cat" :evil:) No, I can`t do it! Not for now anyway. So here I am stuck in what must be the most boring :( place on earth. So all you expats over there enjoy, and "one day" I will make the move.
Selamat Daging.
Huib van Dorssen.


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
Perth Western Australia
Hi Tracey,

I joined the Bali Expatriate Forums because I love Bali and want to keep up todate with what is happening in Bali.

I have been travelling to Bali since the 70's and in the 80's I met my wife in Bali who was also there on holidays from Australia.

Since then we visit Bali at least once a year and our daughter likes to go at least twice a year.

We normally stay in Sanuar or Kuta, however we have travel all over the island and have stayed at numerous places through out the island.

Our next vist will be December this year.



New Member
Apr 23, 2005
Beste Patatje,
You ask why, well this must be the most over regulated, over taxed and over rated country on earth. Now take for example Bali or Indonesia for that matter, every day when you walk out the door there is something different happening and more so if you travel from one region to another.
Now I can understand why you people still in Europe want to leave, as I was over there not that long ago and with the EU, well what can one say about the price of things. But as for wanting to come to Australia to live, well it is not that far behind in regards to the cost of living. I myself am on a pension and I can`t afford to go touring or even afford to go to the movies (bio). As for my next visit to Bali, I`m saving up for that, but seeing this so called Airport Tax keeps going up every months I`m not getting very far.
So no the grass is not any greener over here.
Selamat Tinggal
Sorry Matsaleh, must have been thinking of food again.


Apr 20, 2005
well ive been lurking this site for a couple of years and joined a few months ago ...i love reading your ,burt,ringo and everyone one else i left out posts guilty of not posting for a few good reasons (though i did post something else today ) 1. i dont live on bali and i dont think my opinion( and most of the things you guy talk about is )valid . but i love to see what the talk of the day is guys are very open about your feelings and lives and i dont think you know how much we lurkers know about you . when someone posts something i have a good idea whos gunna say what back . i think the thing i like best is when the hissey fits start all fight like some disfuntional family and i love it ...on some of the topics that ive followed ...the assuie girl... she had the drugs and she had to know the bud was in her bag ...assuies boycotting know i live near nyc and if youve ever been in the city when brooklyn is "in the house " you would know what trouble guys would fly back to bali and kiss every aussie you could find.....i would say most days when my life , mortage ,bills, traffic ect are getting me down i hop on the site and dream of being in bali and being just like you ...the bottom line to all the things that you guys and the rest of the world argue about would go away if we only could live and let live ...tracey i wondering if you still want to hear from all us lurkers now that you,ve met a few of us ...wishing you well jamie


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes Jamie, I still like to read/hear from you all.. I like to hera what others have to contribute & their side of the opinion...

Thanks to everyone!