All the newbies....

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Yes! I was offered a volunteer position w/ V.I.B.E. to teach art classes to anak2, unfortunately; I was unable to ready myself for the trip.
I was not able to gather enough funds, sublet my apt., lend or store my art collection ect...on the 2 week notice I was given. Apparently someone had cancelled and then the position was offered.
The position has been filled I am told, and I believe that it will once again be offered when the next session starts in Feb.'05.
I am looking into ways whereas I will be able to stay for an extended period (a 6 month cultural visa was part of the deal VIBE offered),if anyone has any ideas to help me achieve this goal(sponsers?) please let me know.
I would like to provide some sort of service while I am visiting, and would prefer desa over citylife.
Also, I was unable to expedite my visa, and was given a 4-6 week wait...
has anyone else in the US experienced this recently?
I would like to hear from any others who practice Agama Hindu Bali living not in ID.

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Ya driver, it's very difficult and I know much is absent. I must trust my drugstore bought dhupa and self-made canang will be accepted. The Gita states that a simple leaf, flower or water is enough but...
I have often wondered about the oversees shipping of Tirtha?

what does the devout do while away from the island for an extended period?



New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Adelaide Australia
Hi Guys,
I have just got back from 10 wonderful bays in Bali, it was my first time there. Fell in love with the island, it's people,culture,food and climate have already booked another flight early next year.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ah, this sounds like deja vu to me! First trip, fall in love, second trip, get serious, third trip...never leave Bali again! :shock: :D


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Hi all ! my wife & I have been going to Bali twice a year since 2001.

The first time we came I got ill & didn't enjoy the Island at all & had no desire to come back in a hurry.

My wife booked us again & the second time for me was when I caught the "Bali Love Bug" & now I just cannot get enough

We have a met lot of great people & made some good friends on our visits & keep in touch regularly by phone or e-mail.

We are bringing my father inlaw this trip ( November) for his 70th birthday so he can see for himself why we rave about Bali all the time .


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Nice move Charlie...bringing "dad" over to see for himself. I brought my mother over meet my wife and our kids, and she loved it so much, she decided to move here too!

When she passed away from a heart attack on Mother's Day 2003, she was packing her things getting ready for her move.

No tears, and no regrets. She was cremated in the states, and her ashes sent to me in Bali. We had a wonderful Balinese purification ceremony for her at the in my mind, and in the mind of my Balinese wife and family, she is indeed, very much in Bali.


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Hi Roy:
Sad to of your loss , I hope your mother had a good innings & didn't suffer.

We envy all you "expats" that have made your home there . Reading the forum gives my wife & I something to aspire to when we are finally ready to make the same move, but for now we try & get back as often as possible.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thanks Charlie for your kind words. My mom had the greatest sense of humor of anyone I’ve ever known. She knew best how to laugh at herself, a disarming trait that endeared her to all who ever met her. She enjoyed life to the fullest, and there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t try at least once.

I’ll share a funny story, that at the time it happened, was not all that funny, but in the end, we roared endlessly over the events.

On my mom’s first visit, this was in in 2000, I took her to visit with my Guru, who is half Dutch (father’s side) and half Balinese (his mom), in Mas. If it wasn’t for Jero Tony, (and he is a full balian), I would have never come to make Bali my home.

Anyway, my Guru, Jero Tony is also a master of Balinese dance, and usually has a large number of young boys and girls around in his compound for dance practice. On our visit, with mom, such was the case, and they had never seen such an old “wanita bule” before, so they were curious.

While sitting with my Guru, wife, mom, and a hoard of Bali kids, my mom all of a sudden had a slight seizure…the kind of stroke associated with very long air flights, and her false teeth exploded from her mouth. Of course, at the time, this was not funny, her having a seizure, nor was the reactions from the kids, who screamed in terror, running, likely non stop, all the way to Benoa.

But later, after being all checked out at the hospital, and back home…she just looked at me and asked, “Tommy, (my mom’s name for me), are those kids OK?” We just laughed and laughed and laughed, and all I could say was, “don’t know mom, but I think they might like it in Australia!”


New Member
Sep 27, 2004
That is a very funny story Roy.... Thank you for sharing it with us!

I will ensure my father-in-law brings along a large tube of "denture grip" when we come back (just in case) as I have seen him without his teeth & it scares me!

He is really looking forward to his first trip to Bali & said to me without my wife's presence that he might try to find himself a new bride when we are there ( silly old bugger) I laughed at his comment & so did he.

Could any one tell us what & where is "Geneva" in Bali ?


Lovely story Roy.

I took my Mum to Bali when she was in her 60's. On a particular tour to the area where they handcut slaps of stone, there was an elderly Balinese Lady who was fascinated with Mum. Laughing, touching her and wanting to know about my Mum's life.

She said "I am the same age!"....mighty big difference though, this
Balinese Lady was still working, hauling blocks on her head, wearing just
a sarong.

A true meeting/clash of cultures which will stay in my memory for ever.

Mum always mentions this story when we get to talking of Bali.


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Coffs Harbour, Australia
Hi to all! I'm off to Bali in Nov with my 3 1/2 yr boy as first timers. I have a friend who imports from Bali to Oz who's giving me local contacts in Legian where he used to live w/ wife & kids for 15yrs. Planning to stay in Ubud for 3-4 weeks but pretty much have an open timetable for 2 mnths. It's great to read about Bali from people who actually live there now. I'm very excited to see and feel the place for myself and looking forward to hopefully meet the locals esp the children for my boy to meet and play with. Was hoping to stay for 3 mnths but too short notice for sponsor letters from friends' families. Have friends from Bali and Jakarta who live in Sunshine Coast and have been once to Indo Independence Day celebration and absolutely loved the food. Anyway, that's me and thanks for all your suggestions and humourous insights. :D


CharlieBali, Geneva is a large outlet for handicrafts etc in Jl Raya Seminyak. Do search on http://www.Bali there have been many posts on the subject


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
It all sounds a bit crazy to me. Personally, I don't get it. Then again, I knew I shouldn't start drinking arak in the middle of the afternoon. My screen is getting blurry (maybe needs a clean).

As for a "definition" of "acceptance"...does this person not own a dictionary? My kiddy dictionary reckons it's "approval".

In lots of places, real acceptance might include not being laughed at (derisively), when your back is turned.

I deserve another beer for that.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ok Guest, you have been spooking around and placing those useless remarks for a while, go and annoy someone else please.

I hope you agree with me on this one too, because I get tired of deleting your messages.


Mar 9, 2005
Hi all,

Was a "lurker" here for quite a while but decided to change my status to "poster".

My story is that we have holidayed in Bali 13 times over the last 14 years usually staying a month each time. The last three times we took our little blokes which was a handful - but better full than empty. We just love Bali, the people, the cuture, the food, the Bintang and the weather - living in Far North Queensland OZ the weather is similiar to that of Bali.

We hope one day to retire in Bali but this is a long long way off yet - but I am still dreamin.

Our last trip was in Feb 05 and we also took my mother as a 65th birthday present. She has been to Bali 8 times in her own right but has not been back since my father passed away. So she was thrilled at going back to Bali but the heat and walking really knocked her around and I think that will probably be her last trip - she is from Sydney.

Anyway that is my story - for what it is worth.

Claire Quinn

New Member
Feb 10, 2005
Legian, Bali
Hi Tracy and all,

I joined this forum about two months ago and I am finally in Bali living for this last week. We have had a business in Aus for some 20 years, and finalising a good business is not easy.
Anyway we have settled and living at Legian and just tonight I got back onto this forum and I must say I love it. I have learnt so much as we were coming over here to live and it has been a huge help. Roy has offered me a Margarita at Nuri's and I will take him up on that soon. Now that I am here, I am sure that I can contribute to some topics and I need Bert to help me get my photo on board.

Tracy I always read your topics and one day we will meet, I really enjoy them and you are right, us newbies should contribute, but I have been soooo busy, leaving our life in Aus.

Claire Quinn