A nasty view of Dps river in the dry season..

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May 11, 2005
not a frequent fishingspot for me....



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hey Tommy! No sate ikan? Looks like it wouldn't need any sambal!

There is an interesting article in the current issue of Echo about the serious situation of the water supply in Bali. As more and more demands are made on Bali's water supply, less and less of it is available.

Anyone building in Bali today, and they plan to have a bore, (well) they should consider going at least 20% if not 30% beyond the water table once they find it.


May 11, 2005
yup the old well here is much lower and also much filthier due to chemicals from motorbike washing, garment-factories, washingwater (fosfates etc etc) running freely in the rivers of denpasar. ontop of the chemicals we have tons and tons of littering in the rivers... plasticbags, wraps, leftovers from packaging. i'm not talking about any particular river-spot... it looks more or less like this all over denpasar, which i have to say has the filthiest riversystem i've ever seen. nothing new to me really, but it seems thee's no stopping and it's just getting worse by the year.


May 11, 2005
ehum.. hey. this looks pretty good. :shock: .. what i'm talking about now is not the picture.. i sent the pic. to a host and the post both via my pdaphone and wasn't sure how it would look and the exact size of the picture, but it seems i got it just about right. :wink:

bert, i havn't "figured" out and planned out how to make a special section for mobile users on my personal website quite yet, but, i'm thinking of a special section/link for pda/ppc users with more text and less graphics with a simple upload/post picture option. This way one could easily post pictures and drop a line from the road.. wherever one might be. sounds intresting? maby you got some suggestions or pointers i can follow to make this work? i've looked at php.. uhum.. but havn't really got into it and got alot to learn. my site is really simple and was made through Word with some standard frames and i added some features like a chat, counter, weather-prognosis through SRC. now, a "mobile-unit"-version with easy picture-posting would be a great addition for my personal site. would be intresting to see if there is an available site created in this way?

and back to the original topic. the extreme littering in denpasar is a really really big problem. health-issues and environment-issues, i hope, should be taken more seriously, but in a city like denpasar, with so many people the government seems helpless. i'm not sure how one can influence or make a difference. this is definately a government and all the people of denpasar issue... :roll:


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Re the rubbish in Bali , do they have such things as dumps? not something iv gone to look for . But guss they must have.

As for what to do every little helps! :) we started a clean the local beach when living in oz , where when you were out walking you took a bag & filled it with rubbish , not hard after about 2 years of comming home with 2-3 bag's full, we found we hardly filled 1 ! as the more we did others would follow .

Also teaching the kids so they in turn teach there families .

my last trip over I walked down the beach with Made with ice creams she through her rubbish on the beach so I told her off , she said "but look it's all over ", I said " yes but do you like that " " no of course not " so together we filled a bag .

Thats one convert , she will tell another & so it go's ..

As A mum when ever my kid's through rubbish on the ground they where made to pick up at least 1 bag full of rubbish of the st or park ,now as older kid's I see them tell younger kid's of if they through rubbish .

I did this rule to my children as it's what my mum did to me , so my children will do to there's ...

As far as goverment go's iv not met any that do much for this problem :cry: all they do is talk , as they do with most things ...

It's up to you, you, & you


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi Jill

The river through Denpasar hasn't changed for the better since 1973 (when I fist saw/smelt it).

And yes, they do have "garbage dumps" here...They're called "Indonesia".

At the risk of being branded as "too negative" (once again), I'm leaving it at that. Want to see how much Indonesians have "learned" over all these years about "sanitation" - just drop into your favourite supermarket's toilet. Now them's reality sandwiches. Really believe it's going to change in a hurry? Don't hold your breath.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I once was near Lake Tamblingan, in the mountains, and there was quite a big pile of garbage, real nasty.

I asked, "why is it lying there?"

"Because it hasn't rained yet" was the answer :shock:

I once thought of making a photoalbum with Bali garbage pictures, lets say a thousand or so, and call it sarcasticly "My Bali Trip in Pictures".com or something

Remember this from some time ago?:

http://www.bali-information.com/expat_f ... hp?t=152.0

I don't how it "goes", but there are / have been several groups busy with garbage cleaning...


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi again Sanurian
yep no what you mean , :cry:

But isn't the old saying "a journey of a thousand mile's start's with one step "

but are you for real no dumps . or is that tongue in cheek :shock:

I no it's bad but like I said every little help's & if every one says not my problem . I won't make a diffrence

well you no the rest ...


Jun 18, 2005
Perhaps some economic incentive to recycle may help the issue.Give money for glass, plastic and paper. It is amazing how stupid people are to crap in the the places they ultimately will eat or live. It is unfortunate but until something bad happens it probably will not change. If you are not from the third world you look at all that garbage and think "jeese it really does not need to get any worse it is already gross". I wonder if it could be profitable to start a recycling center ??? also what type of bureaucratic governmental BS you have to clear to institute something better for everyone.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
The problem is the way people used to live. Mostly in villages with none of the trappings of modern civilisation such as plastic bags and coke bottles. In the old day most of the rubbish produced was bio degradable not like today.

The mores have changed but as in many places the education has not.

At present I live beside the Caspian Sea and the beaches are just littered with plastic and glass rubbish but nobody seems to care. Great Pity. Jill has a good point in leading by example but it will take a long time.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
In my opinion, the decision to deal with the problem of waste/pollution, and the unsightly/unhealthy aspects of it all has to come from the top.

In our province, Gianyar, that has happened. In Ubud, in particular, we are lucky to live under the watchful eye, and power of the royal family of Ubud. No fast food restaurants here folks and no street garbage either!

During the last three years, great steps have been taken here in Ubud to eradicate the heaps of garbage waiting for the rain. The Ubud Rotary, in conjunction with the royal family, and backed by Swiss funding opened just last year in Gianyar, a waste recycling plant, and waste disposal unit.

Garbage trucks now come down my gang once a week. This is something I thought I would NEVER see in my life in Bali…but there they are!

Anyone coming to Ubud in the last two years has got to note a remarkably lack of garbage and trash, “waiting for the rain.”


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
To answer Jill - hi jill :D - yes they do have dumps, and yes they do recycle. The little old men and women who push around bicycles with the baskets on the back get paid money - albeit a pittance - for the plastics etc they collect. We used to have a guy come around regularly and collect the plastics and glass from our restaurant. He got paid 100rp per aqua bottle.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi charlie
yep I rember them comming to your place ,& I have seen them looking in dust bin's for bottles also .

So Roy how long did it take ,& who started the big change in Ubud ?

If it can be done there then, I guss that mean's it can be done in other aira's . & didn't sound that hard ha Sanurian ! just some one taking the first step

In the mean time ill still pick up rubbish every time i'm in Bali , just like my mate's do
Jill :D


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
The Gianyar province waste control/management project began almost three years ago. Without the support of the Ubud royal family, the best efforts of Ubud Rotary would not have been realized. And yes, I surely agree, this sort of thing could happen anywhere on Bali, and sooner or later, it will have to, but as I earlier wrote, the incentive has to come from the top.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Just came back to this string, and not sure anybody's still looking.

"Garbage dumps" generally, around Indonesia, mean any bit of land that nobody seems to be using for anything else. Visit any popular objek wisata anywhere and chances are you'll be disgusted by the junk lying around. Even in more remote locations.

In Bali, the most efficient garbage recyclers are the dogs. They work really hard (if only to survive), eating left-over temple offerings, left-overs from cockfights, you name it. Imagine contemporary Bali without dogs. Some of us bules might think that'd be an improvement. The reality is much more basic than that. No dogs - more s**t. How much more s**t can this little island absorb? All more power to The Island Of The Dogs (or is that supposed to be G*ds?). Please excuse me if I unintentionally offend anyone with my piercing, unsubtle observations.

In "my" previous Balinese village, I noticed that even though some of my neighbours, with bigger and better cars than me and far more wealthy, still shat in the garden. Could never figure that out. Notions about 'hygiene' are still incredibly nebulous here. Sure - I could point my finger at the education system. Isn't that where it all should start from? But then, many "teachers" here would be lucky if they could tell you the name of the biggest mountain in Indonesia, or the third largest city, and so on.

What hope for the students, if teachers don't know much in the first place?

Currently, this archipelago has the dubious distinction of being one of the most inefficient places around. Ask people in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, even Vietnam. Indonesia is the butt of many jokes. Personally, that hurts me inside. This place should be one of the richest places in the region, not just culturally, but materially too. When the rip-off merchants here relent (I think I made a joke there), things will/might get better (for the little people). I pray for that day.



Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Sanurian, you have made some pretty caustic and inflammatory remarks over the past weeks regarding Indonesia in general and Bali in particular.

If you find the people, the cultural conditions and the prevailing government so repugnant, why on earth do you stay?

There must be something you like about the place? :?:


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Sometimes you can have a love/hate relationship with places and definately people. I have had this in many countries especially when I have had a bad day.

In Kazakhstan where I am now I hate the water ( Dirty, Black or brown, Sometimes only cold and sometimes none) and many other aspects (Bribery/corruption, ineffecient) et. I still enjoy being here though. I understand Sanurians point of view but it could just be an off week or so.

Waking up to a good sunrise/sunset can change all. A bottle of cold Bintang with Indonesia friends takes all the pains away.....but they still exist.


May 11, 2005
i for one never expect anyone to be happy or optimistic all the time and don't have a problem with abit of pessimism. i hate forums that won't allow people to express themselves as they wish (excluding the extremes..) just because the moderator wants to keep everything neat and happy. If someone is a pessimist so be it. Let him or her be like that. That's who the are.. or who the was at that particular moment. i read the baliforum for some time before but the conversations, i thought, got out of hand. everyone was talking about how much the balinese smile and i love the smiles, everyone smiles, smile smile smile... phew! It felt abit like the, don't know if you've seen it, Ren&Stimpy cartoon where Stimpy go berserk with extreme happiness to the song Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy....


May 11, 2005
now back to the main subject.. I found Pak Roy's story about how waste is handled and processed in Ubud very intresting, but Denpasar is much bigger than Ubud so this will take alot of more effort and resources to overcome. The awareness is not as prominent and spreading awareness plus sharing resources for undertaking this immense task lies in the hand of the government... Though the "real" job to keep it clean and organized lays in the hands of everyone living in the Denpasar-region. Without resources, awareness and governmental influence i unfortunately don't see anything happening in the near future.
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