
  1. spicyayam

    Trump taking the lead in at least one poll

    Donald Trump overtakes Hillary Clinton for first time since May in ABC poll | The Independent I also read if Hillary wins Air Force 1 is going to be renamed to Con Air.
  2. davita

    Bags in overhead bins

    The following is a summarised report in Jakarta Post... "A Garuda Indonesia flight attendant stopped an alleged theft attempt by two Chinese passengers who were spotted trying to take valuables from bags belonging to other passengers from the overhead compartment on board a flight from Jakarta...
  3. balinews

    Journalists given light sentences for visa violation

    An Indonesian court has sentenced two British journalists to short jail terms after finding them guilty of violating immigration laws by trying to make a documentary in the country without the correct visas. A prosecutor had asked the court to jail Neil Bonner, 32, and Rebecca Prosser, 31...
  4. balinews

    Visa free travel to Indonesia for 45 countries (not including Australia)

    The Indonesian government this week finally formalized a visa-free travel regulation that was announced months ago for citizens from 45 countries, in a bid to boost tourism and improve relations with those countries. President Joko Widodo signed the presidential regulation on visa-free travel...
  5. balinews

    Foreigners jailed for making illegal documentary

    The Batam Immigration Office in Riau Islands province is considering slapping criminal charges on two Britons for making a documentary about piracy on the Malacca Strait without proper documents. The office earlier planned to deport the two, but it later received instructions to file the...
  6. SHoggard

    Looking for Evan Jones: Batam

    Ya, I know this is the BALIpod... but someone might have an answer... I'm looking for an old mate... Evan Jones ... a wekk known figure ( Lucy's 'Oar House, Riau Island Adventures). Can anyone give a lead (PM me if you have an email for him )
  7. spicyayam

    Interesting logic: Indonesia bans flight tickets from being sold at airports

    Why not ban the middlemen? [/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. davita

    new visa costs

    I've heard that the cost of all visas and entry permits to enter Indonesia have increased. I also heard that a Visa on Arrival (VOA) can be for 7 days and costs US$15. We are hosting some visitors soon and ask if anyone can confirm this new VOA...I remember there used to be a 7 day VOA but...
  9. gilbert de jong

    anyone who likes wintersports, skiing/snowboarding ?

    Hello balipodders, I hope to get some tips from people who know some good places for a 10-day (or so) wintersports vacation in Asia/Australia. I long for some snow, good pistes, wooden chalets, gluhwein, cheesefondue, but will settle for snow, good pistes, hotel, pepsi, burger&fries... So...
  10. Joe Writeson

    I'm just wild about Hary ... A short story - Joe Writeson

    TFiF...another week in paradise grinds to a conclusion and I'm still Joe's kicked a match winner... Anyway what I will try to do is post a short story or some 'teasers' here every Friday...if admin allows of course...and see if I can remain within the 'Bali Fiction, Faction and...
  11. S

    no Bintang

    Here in Amed where life is slow but motorbikes drive very fast, I've noted a disturbing lack of the availability of Bir Bingtang. Some folks say 'factory broken' another man told me locals don't want to pay a price increase. An organized boycott maybe (chuckle)? Maybe it's being horded on...