Search results

  1. L

    Looking for house in Ubud Area from 25 Feb 2011 for 2 months, 2 people

    Hi all, We are looking for house in Ubud Area from 25 Feb 2011 for 2 months, 2 people Here are the requirements: - 1 or 2 bedroom - up to 10 km from Ubud - 4.000.000 rp per month max - Internet or at least phone, so we can set it up - kitchen Not required pool or air con. Thanks! Luca
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    Configuring Speedy Telkom on a Mac Os x

    I left Bali already! The answers are here
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    Configuring Speedy Telkom on a Mac Os x

    nope! I had to buy a wireless router
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    Tea Shop

    wow, I think I am lucky as I live in Balangan, not far! Thanks, I'll check it out!
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    Tea Shop

    Hi all, I am looking for specialty teas in Bali, anybody knows of a specific shop? Thanks!
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    Bali Post Office Info Needed

  7. L

    Bali Post Office Info Needed

    Hi All, I am planning to go to Ubud Saturday, stay one night and send the stuff I buy on Sunday...but is the Post Office open on Sunday ? :roll: Would be great if anybody knows! Thanks!
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    Speedy Installation time

    I did not compare yet. I am in Balangan, Jimbaran area, at the end of a road taking to the beach.
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    Speedy Installation time

    Hey Mike, There is the possibility that they give priority to flat customers. It would not be fair, but it is possible. My modem is the standard one they give (a non wireless Star Net) and I use a wireless router (cheapest one I could get in depressing RIMO, 520.000 rp Aztech WL830RT4). I've...
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    Speedy Installation time

    speed is not too bad. says it's about 0,5 / 0,6 in download (out of a max 1 MB). So I am getting 50/60% of the maximum. Considering I am quite far from the central it's ok.
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    Speedy Installation time

    nothing. I had to buy a wireless router. Now I am online with my mac too.
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    Speedy Installation time

    2 days and I am online! Plus there is a 3 months offer for which I will pay 40% less on the 750.000 office package. I got a non wireless modem too. Now, trying to configure it for my Mac thanks to all!
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    Hi Bert, thanks! Not solved yet, but I opened a specific thread here for future reference would be great if you could have a look!
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    Configuring Speedy Telkom on a Mac Os x

    Hi All, I just got Telkom Speedy but I cannot configure it for my Mac. The two Telkom guys who came to install said that the provided modem (Star-Net ADSL2+Router) does not work on a Mac. Maybe they are right or maybe that means they are simply not able to. I already asked for help in this forum...
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    Hey drbruce , I just got speedy today and as you said they had no idea what to do with a mac. So I let them configure my wife's Xp and it works. But now I am stuck as it seems the Mac does not like this modem I got a Star Net...maybe you have something similar and could help me with the...
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    Speedy Installation time

    luckily I can manage routers...let's see what happens! Thanks, you are very helpful!
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    Speedy Installation time

    wow...thanks for the answer! We will go tomorrow with the owner and do all. It seems there is a 200.000 rp 3 months offer where they include the modem to. Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow! Thanks!
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    Speedy Installation time

    Hello all, I am going to spend 4 months in Bali and just found a house in Balangan. There is a phone line, the owner called Telkom to install Speedy, they said ok: 200.000 for the installation, 750,000 a month for the flat. All cool. Only one thing worries me: how long will it take before they...