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  1. B

    Benchmark Returns for Investment Villas

    Old thread but here is my take. Investing in a rental villa without being on site to keep an eye on things in bound to go south. In Ubud where I am. The supply side is expanding faster than demand. Come low season and there are for rent signs everywhere. Also the locals don’t bother with...
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    Driving from Bali to Jakarta and Back - Tips?

    Ok an indecent amount coffee consumed and rant mode on. I have no experience from driving a car. And I have not driven in Jawa. But I have driven a scooter with the missus at the back on Highway 1 plenty of times and it is certainly not the same as driving on smaller roads. The speed is...
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    Dring schools near Ubud?

    OK the joke is on me. Better at least get caption right next time eh :) Maybe I need to clarify myself a bit. We live primarily in Sweden. We come to Bali two or three months a year. Plan is to get a car in Sweden in the future as the family expands. My wife will attend driving school in Sweden...
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    expat ownership of property

    Markit got a few good points. This is my own opinion of course but I have seen so many houses with realtivily small boring windows. Also the the windows and door frames are made of dark brown or back wood. It make the room and house itself feel very dark and depressive inside. All the interior...
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    expat ownership of property

    An alternative to quasi ownership using a nominee or a lock your self in in a lease is just to rent yearly. In Ubud they are building like mad everywhere and all these places will hunt buyers or lessors soon. I dont think the demand side will keep up. Probably the situation is the same in a lot...
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    expat ownership of property

    Keep in mind that a lease is a temporary interest in the land only. A 25 year lease is short when it comes building your home. If you lease land then maybe it takes two years to complete a building and then effectively your 25 years lease turned into 23 years. All added value ie buildings...
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    Dring schools near Ubud?

    Do anyone know of a dring school in the Ubud area? I know an Indinesian driving licens is not worth the paper it is printed on but the idea is that my should wife to some basic practice.
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    Fibre (Fiber) internet to homes in South Bali

    I am for the moment renting a vila with a fiber connection. I also a have Mifi router connected on 3G to Tri so I can use the one that works best for the moment. The speed I get varies noticeably during the day. Until 3pm it is OK. Then it gets slower and slower as Indonesia gets online and...
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    Buying villa without IMB

    The obvious reason that there is no IMB already in place is because there is a problem of some kind. I am sure the seller would love you for taking over the IMB problem. And as always in Indonesia a problem translates into money . Your money. The realtor will happily describe his/her favourite...
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    Immigration On the Prowl for Villa Renters

    And the law protects me? In a way you are right Smoke. You should follow the laws of the country where you live. But even if you do that as good as you can in a country like Indonesia it does not mean you will never have any problems with the authorities or other parties. Follow the law and the...
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    Immigration On the Prowl for Villa Renters

    Immigrasi think they are smart to use Google. I am sure your friends will get an generous offer of some kind to correct their wrong doings against the people of Indonesia. Nasty experience for sure though. I highly doubt immigrasi's sole motivation here is to uphold any kind of rules and...
  12. B

    How that Balinese can treat each other

    My Balinese wife sometimes tells me that Balinese themselves are not always nice to each other. She also tells that I never get to see much of that because of my bright skin. My wife was once bitten by a dog and went to the closest medical clinic to get the needed injections. This was in a...
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    Possible to raise a built house at the end of a land kease?

    At least the option of knocking the house down would give me some bargaining leverage the lessor. And by house I mean a masonary house not a joglo. Also, what would motivate me to do any real maintenace on a house say the last few years of a lease? I can easily see the appeal for a balinese man...
  14. B

    What value do all the property agents really add?

    I have been following the Ubud property market for a few years and I wonder what value do all the property agents really add for the seller and the buyer more than just an ad? Yes, they do put your vila on their home page. But I have yet to come across even a remotely OK homepage. This goes...
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    Cost of living for a family in Bali

    To clear up the confusion about MiFi routers. I have one made by Huawei (E5776 4G/3G) and I find it quite useful when I am travelling. By itself it will not speed up the internet. But it has another advantage. Even if the coverage is really bad or nil, there are usually an odd strange hard to...
  16. B

    Possible to raise a built house at the end of a land kease?

    Imagine a bule leases (Hak Pakai certificate) a plot of land for an initial period of 25 years. The bule then builds a house on the plot and lives there happily. At the end of the lease the bule want to extend the lease for another 20 years still Hak Pakai with a certificate. 1 What mechanism...
  17. B

    Nearly booted of the plane because of VOA not covering return date

    I am married to a balinese woman so I guess she could sponsor me for a Sosbud. She is living in Sweden with me but she is still WNI. If I understand things correctly she could also sponsor me for a KITAS (ikut istri) as well. The thing is we are primarily based in Sweden and only spend about 4...
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    Nearly booted of the plane because of VOA not covering return date

    I have done a least dozen trips with Qatar Airways from Copenhagen to Bali. Every time my return date is past the 30 days that a Visa on Arrivial gives you. I have never had any problems. Just extend the VISA once in Bali and pay up the agent fee. Everyone is happy. This time I was flying with...