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  1. D

    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    roy to be serious, i dont understand balibounder1, when i got there 3 weeks ago, to smell my bali and fall back in her arms. i dont understand. Sorry everyone to get like that
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    I need some information

    doesnt matter where you stay kopijawa just walk out into the streets and ask the same questions you just asked here. everythings about an 1hrs away.there is lots of good snorkling to be had. look at sanur. as for culture head towards Ubud
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    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    Roy, you dont know what you are talkin about, every australian knows, you need a good set of neck high waders. (we call them in oz) To get past the first brake of seaweed(rubbish). but after that what happens? balibounder1 you say so much against Bali. i gather you live there? please tell...
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    Complaints Department

    WOW i've been away three weeks and trying to speed read through all the posts. And im telling you all just relax and enjoy a good debate. lot of good people here and i love to debate sheesh
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    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    Balibounder1. I know the prices of things in Bali. Yet when i an there with a friend (a first timer), and they look to me for direction of a correct price. My answer is always." Do YOU think it is a good price for this, if you do ,buy it. If not walk away. I wont let on what i think its...
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    Drug Testing

    I just got back from Bali last Tuesday. After being there for three weeks i saw no such testing going on.
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    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    Bli Gede, your right about the Balinese sun on chocies. but i confess now about the flowers. I had jawa g/f for one year and i brought her flowers she looked at them once, then her eyes bright-end and said OH i can take them to church as offering. They did not impress her at all. live and...
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    First impressions of yourself

    Tommy, new pic please. i find myself looking for sunnies everytime i look at you like
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    The Danish Muhammed Cartoons

    Matsaleh, a very provocative post. I find myself having to rethink some of my own views in and around these subjects. I know but a handful. NO! I have met but a hand full of muslim people in my life and they would all be welcome to sit around my table. I have found them all to be lovers of...
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    First impressions of yourself

    Well Tommy i think Javanese women skin colour range from white chocolate to dark chocolate and all chocolate is yumiiiiiiii. and you know that chocolate that has liqueur in them... well i dont know where their from.
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    Wayan Murna passed away

    RE: Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances This is truely sad. My heart goes out to you and your family and my prayers are with you. You have my deepest sympathy.
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    Free Airfare to Bali

    Hi guys. This is short notice, but i have just won a free return ticket to Bali. The catch is if you want it, you must travel with me on Tuesday 14th Feb from Adelaide, Australia and return with me on the 7th march to Adelaide. You will have to pay the taxes (approx AUD $200) and your...
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    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    Re: RE: Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances OK, OK (Davo makes a note). 1/ No flowers for Indonesian woman. 2/ get massage lessons from Roy. hahahahaha Well Roy now that you put yourself up into this relm. you can expect to be my help desk when im in the dog house. :wink: :lol:
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    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    Dear Thorsten, thanks for the hint. As for your PS, you are a naughty boy. Just 4 days to go till im back in Bali, woohoo. Will be hanging out in the Legian area to start with then who knows where. I will post my bali phone number when i get there. cheers 8)
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    Using a public PC -USA?

    I can not access from USA or AUST server. So i guess its gone for now. Sanurian, you posted some good advice. But one over my head is, Hardware firewall. What is that?
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    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    I wish you could edit after you post.
  17. D

    What do you think

    lol. I crack myself up to
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    Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

    Ni Luh, muched love greetings to you. thankyou for your response. Shall i now have to learn how to massage. Well, occording to you i must. Now you shake my confidence. But you are quoting Om Roy. So i will take a slow breath that he does not know everything about Bali woman. Is the girl...
  19. D

    What do you think

    Bli gede, quite right my friend. I checked it out. I miss read. But my cheeks are wet with tears of laughter from this string, 'A Russian bushman'. I have visions of a russian bushman walking in circles in the snow looking for his cycle. Too much man.
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    What do you think

    Jamie, im sure i have no idea what your talking about. lol Bli Gede quite and interesting string you have started