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  1. B

    Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple

    To the state? No, unless the wife dies and the husband doesn't dispose of the land within the timeframe allowed. if what you are asserting were true there would be no need for the any timeframe because the joint ownership wouldn't be recognised or possible in the first place. On divorce, the...
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    Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple

    So suddenly this it is not polemic anymore but a discussion? Classic!
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    Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple

    Kabim but the nuances of what you are asserting obviously escape you. Your straw man argument about harta bersama is irrelevant. Restricting the rights of an Indonesion woman to own property is something that would not be tolerated as Roy correctly points out. The prenup as you keep going on...
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    Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple

    And out of those 6,000 cases which ones support your assertion that an Indonesian woman can lose her land to the state if she is married to a foreigner and doesn't have prenup? The purpose of a prenup is protect the right of the individuals names in the prenup.The assertion that a prenup is...
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    Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple

    "Law is a science" funniest thing I have read on this forum in a long time. Kabim and all of his learned friends have this 100% wrong. A simple application of normative jurisprudence would show that. You are making an assertion based on your interpretation of the law which is not supported by...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    There is no proof that this is true. To use your analogy it is the opinion of one particular turnip. I do believe that there would be some retirees the country would be better off without.
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    Your assumption is wrong because not all income is completely taxed at source. Interest for example is generally subject to withholding tax usually at around 10-15% and tax treaties also generally allow for partial taxation of private pensions in the non-source state in order to minimise tax...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    The tax treaties generally cover all income including private and government pensions. Your "shooting the messenger" comment doesn't logically follow in any way and if I have any agenda it is not against expats, I have made acquaintance with many wonderful expats and I too am an expat. It's the...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    You extrapolated the behaviour to any action of the government and since incorporating any or all behaviour would constitute the entity itself I fail to see how I am putting words in your mouth. In any case your individual/personal gripe and contingent criticisms have been rendered moot. Now...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    For those expats that have been avoiding tax and do not want to come clean yes better to skip off to one of those countires like Thailand or Malaysia because once the current sunset policy is over and you are caught avoiding tax you might be spending time in Kerebokan gaol. I don't agree that...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    Harsh? Yes, probably but it is not my intention to be unkind for the sake of it, rather as a wake up call to those who should know better. It is all very well for people to ask innocent questions, to make inquiries in good faith, but to load a question with accusations such as "god-awful...
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    Retirement Visa - Fiskal

    Dr Deepak Your rush to judgement and jumping to conclusions is not doing you any favors. Labelling the Indonesian government insensitive and impolite, diagnosably insane and capable of doing any wrong against you says more about you than it does about Indonesia. Had you put your research...
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    Indonesia's Tax Base

    There has been a rush of people applying for registration. I have no doubt, in the interests of "efficiency" or because they are not up to speed on all the regulations, some tax officers have been incorrectly advising applicants. There is no requirement to be employed to have a tax number...
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    Indonesia's Tax Base

    From a notice on the Indonesian Tax Department web site: Translation: "Those that have an NPWP will be free from paying the overseas fiscal tax beginning 2009 and the collection of the overseas fiscal tax will be abolished beginning 2011" said the Finance Minister Sri Mulyani...
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    Indonesia's Tax Base

    Indonesia has one of the lowest tax participation rates in Asia. The tax ratio (tax receipts/gdp) is less than 13% and NPWP holders represent less than 2% of the 120 million workers in Indonesia. The recent increase in the Fiscal Tax is specifically aimed at encouraging more people to register...
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    Bali is suffocating

    Susi Johnston's sweeping generalisations and breathless rhetoric about Bali and Indonesia in general seem to be de rigueur amongst the chattering classes especially those expats making their living there in the so called "arts". It's easy for any casual observer to come up with the laundry list...