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  1. P

    Newbie says hi and quick intro

    nice car, what sort of times are you posting?
  2. P

    Newbie says hi and quick intro

    Hi Pete, good to have another petrolhead aboard, myself and few other expats have started a petrolhead club, if you're interested in meeting over a beer or two, send me a pm and we can arrange to meet up.
  3. P

    120 Day Tourist Visa on Arrival

    would there any information concerning the likely cost of the 120 day visa? I'm guessing the same as the existing price for six months stay? Also, what would be the views from the companies that provide Visa Services, would they be losing much business and income? just a thought
  4. P

    Truth, Justice and Harmony

    Truly heartbreaking, how anyone can contemplate hurting a child is completely reprehensible to me, you showed good sense and self control.
  5. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    The 24hr bit is easy, the tough part is the week lead up to the race, now that takes real dedication.
  6. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    Re: RE: This newbie is really an old git! Jimbo, F1 has dulled for me over the last few years because of the corporate involvement, much rather go to the Le Mans 24hr race, great atmosphere and about 250 of us go each year, have a visit to and you...
  7. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    Vincent, many thanks for the info, have already had contact with Erwin Kodiat through cyberspace, unfortunately the last time i was in Bali, Kapal Selam didn't have any meets so unable to see any of you. your events look V.interesting and dive into your website every so often to see whats been...
  8. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    Cheers Ned, is that your real name? just thinking about Ned Kelly, the well known bandit or is it freedom fighter :wink: Any specific picture taking? i really enjoy underwater photography and Bali is really excellent for that, as you probably know. all the best P
  9. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    Re: RE: This newbie is really an old git! The plan is to split my time between Bali/Indonesia, Phuket and the UK, this way i can indulge my passions, Bali/Indonesia for the diving and photography, have only scratched the surface, 'scuse the pun, use it as a springboard to see friends and...
  10. P

    This newbie is really an old git!

    Hi there; Just a note to say hello to everyone on the forum. I've never been one for 'joining' things but this forum looks too good to miss. Been visiting Bali off and on for the best part of thirty years, now firmly retired from full time work and can think more about spending time in places...