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  1. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    Mats, You still earned the major prize for persistence and ingenuity. Prize is dinner on me at Nuri's should we ever meet there. Now what about teaching me how to "Reply with quote" on this forum; it must be so easy but I am incapable of working it out! :oops: :oops:
  2. N

    Electricity costs

    Just a thought that may not be relevant. Is there any possibility that they are effectively amortizing the capital cost of upgrading the system to cope with increased demand? In other words charging more for ongoing use because they know the up front cost would be excessive? Last year our...
  3. N

    Pope Benedict and Muslim Reactions

    Hi Jim, If I could have a go at your slavery comment. I do not believe that there can be a "True" answer. Even accepting the fact that all things are never equal. My personal view of slavery is that surely it must be totally abhorent; how can one human own another? I have never and could...
  4. N

    Electricity costs

    Just a comment on Mungos suggestion about collecting rain-water. The rainfall in West Timor is not as reliable as in Bali. On our last visit to family in West Timor, during two days of pretty solid rain, I noticed none of the houses had gutters or any rain collection system so I suggested it...
  5. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    Mats, Congratulations! Top of the class. How did you know that? Did you do a Google? I suppose being an Aussie does endow you with certain superior levels of intellect!!! (Is that how you spell intellect?) and - sorry DCC but what's a "DC boy" (hope that's not rude) and - if anyone...
  6. N

    Satellite Television

    Wow, Thanks Roy, Let's hope I do get there. I would love to be involved in sport at junior or senior level. I have been involved in soccer in both England and Australia for many years as player (long ago) referee (which I never enjoyed) and coach at both junior and senior level. I have...
  7. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    Hi DCC, No, not Grace! for those who do not know her she was a one time girl-friend of jim morrison. Another clue born 1964 and once described as "the most controversial woman of Rock" by Rolling Staone Magazine.
  8. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    Hi Rafeal, You misunderstood my intended comment on Garcia. Whilst his period with the Grateful Dead was a little after my prime music time I still rate him as one of the best of all Rock musicians. As far as Morrison was concerned have you ever read or seen any biographies? As far as...
  9. N

    What to Eat?

    Hi Mark, Assuming Mark Wales has some sort of connection with Wales, I regretfully advise that you are most unlikely to find "Chip Butties" in Bali; and also assuming that the "Emerald Isle" you have arrived on is not Eire; but if that is the case you are in luck because you will find lots of...
  10. N

    Satellite Television

    What is the coverage of the "World Game" like in Bali? And whilst on the subject I know there is a football (soccer) field in Ubud so does that mean there is a Football Club and, if so, does anyone know of any contacts for that club? Many thanks
  11. N

    Pope Benedict and Muslim Reactions

    To me the whole group of issues regarding terrorists, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, imperialism, religion; the Pope, Bush and bin Laden is a highly complex, emotive and subjective issue. There is no solution! It's about people; it's about respect; it's about comprehension amongst many other things...
  12. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    Hi Jamie, No we don't have a problem. Jerry Garcia may not be the role model I would choose for my grandchildren but he was certainly one helluva guitar player. And did you know he had most of one finger missing? As far as my second cage-rattler is concerned, well I'm going to leave you...
  13. N

    What do you forsee for Bali?

    In the entire history of Rock only two people really rattled my cage and Morrison was one of them. Most of the time I can set aside personal life and professsion artistry, but not with him! Not that his music was any good anyway! But what's this got to do with Bali?
  14. N

    Introduction to a hopeful Ubudian

    Thanks Bert, Doc and Roy for your reassuring early advice. So the plan may well be that my host organisation lines up temporary "digs" for me; I then find a house and 'She Who Must be Obeyed' joins me in January. Roy thanks for message and being a local could you advise about the...
  15. N

    Introduction to a hopeful Ubudian

    Hi all, I have been reading your forum for a few weeks now and really enjoy some of the "debates" and the interesting and varied content. So if you don't mind I wouldn't mind joining in; Bert said it would be OK :wink: I am a soon to be retired English born Australian with a close...