adopt a beach in Bali

It's the same problem the world over so no point in bashing Bali...we simply do not know how to rid ourselves of the garbage we produce.
If some enterprising Elon Musk type can find a way to convert garbage into something useful they would, at least, get a Nobel prize as well as be the richest person.
Converting into art is interesting, so credit to teddybear, but converting into some biomass, and using as recycling or a source of energy, is more in line with resolving the massive problem.
Throughout history homo-sapien just buried their rubbish and it naturally converted organically but, with the chemical compounds used in manufacturing in the last 100 years or will take chemical engineers to invent some method to bio-degrade using a similar organic technique as nature does.
I'll stop my rant now as I'm going to sleep.
Tanks D. I have another , BALI BINTANG BONFIRE FESTIVAL just don't stand downwind , the Balinese do like burning tings , T.
Btw, here is list of 10 rivers that are responsible for 95% of all the crap in world oceans.

Yangtze East China Sea Asia
Indus Arabian Sea Asia
Yellow River Yellow Sea Asia
Hai He Yellow Sea Asia
Nile Mediterranean Africa
Ganges Bay of Bengal Asia
Pearl River South China Sea Asia
Amur Sea of Okhotsk Asia
Niger Gulf of Guinea Africa
Mekong South China Sea Asia
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I have solveld this problem I believe. A tourist rubbish tax. If every tourist was taxed ,made a donation of say A$1.00 , then this will create a rubbish waste management industry employing huge numbers of locals , and even another way out idea ask the tourists to take home ad a souvenir , some Bali rubbish packed in a nice pretty recycled plastic box. Oh I am hot today must rest my mind now. As a Transformers fan, need to find my AL SPARK my critical thinking energy is running low.T.
I have respect for your idea,however on an island where 70% of its revenue is generated from tourism it's crazy to expect tourists to pay to have a clean beach,check out Thailand where they have rubbish problems on the beach also , the local small businesses go out every morning and clean the beaches for free,dirty beaches no tourists therefore no business,its not rocket science,surely by now with the lack of tourists in Bali because of the Volcano they would have the smarts to do anything to entice tourists

But that would involve thinking and planning something that is not in abundance in RI
I have respect for your idea,however on an island where 70% of its revenue is generated from tourism it's crazy to expect tourists to pay to have a clean beach,check out Thailand where they have rubbish problems on the beach also , the local small businesses go out every morning and clean the beaches for free,dirty beaches no tourists therefore no business,its not rocket science,surely by now with the lack of tourists in Bali because of the Volcano they would have the smarts to do anything to entice tourists

But that would involve thinking and planning something that is not in abundance in RI
Gday, maybe I need to think of another name for this Rubbish Tax, Mmmn maybe a Bintang tax, accommodation tax , employee tip tax, taxi tax, well lets just call it GST.Goods and Services Tax. And drop it to 5 cents per purchase, 5000R. If it was marketed correctly as a charitable tax to help employ locals then I am sure all these cashed up tourists wont mind , What a difference Balinese peoples attitudes would be . Or just ask for more donations from other countries to pay for a huge incinerator, oops they have one already Mt Agung. I am running out of ideas now , Oh another maybe is to get rid of one use plastics, market Bali as a National Park, and bring over a colony of Koala Bears from Oz and maybe a Platypus or two. Build an Aquarium, a Zoo ,Bali should send a delegation to Cairns and take note of ,the Lagoon and its birdlife, the Boardwalk, the harbour restaurants , a tourist town if there ever was one, All of Balis temples and ceremonies are a plus and enhanced to make it more tourist friendly like offering tourists to spend a day in the shoes of a traditional balinese, maybe they already do I am unsure if this happens. , I know lets start a GO FUND account to build a proper waste management facility. I agree Bali has competition from other tourist hotspots but they not as close to Oz than Bali, 3 hours from Perth, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore a little further. From Bali a National Park fan member. AM I being silly now ? T.
Bali, Indonesias newest National Park. In Oz entry fees apply to enter some Parks, Well there it is , a Bali National park fee ( aka GST, Rubbish Tax, Bintang Tax, Arrival Tax, ). Damn where is my AL SPARK , I am running low again on ideas. Just one step to the left, And madness takes it till. T.
Bali, Indonesias newest National Park. In Oz entry fees apply to enter some Parks, Well there it is , a Bali National park fee ( aka GST, Rubbish Tax, Bintang Tax, Arrival Tax, ). Damn where is my AL SPARK , I am running low again on ideas. Just one step to the left, And madness takes it till. T.
Till is Toll,
I have respect for your idea,however on an island where 70% of its revenue is generated from tourism it's crazy to expect tourists to pay to have a clean beach,check out Thailand where they have rubbish problems on the beach also , the local small businesses go out every morning and clean the beaches for free,dirty beaches no tourists therefore no business,its not rocket science,surely by now with the lack of tourists in Bali because of the Volcano they would have the smarts to do anything to entice tourists

But that would involve thinking and planning something that is not in abundance in RI
I have respect for your idea,however on an island where 70% of its revenue is generated from tourism it's crazy to expect tourists to pay to have a clean beach,check out Thailand where they have rubbish problems on the beach also , the local small businesses go out every morning and clean the beaches for free,dirty beaches no tourists therefore no business,its not rocket science,surely by now with the lack of tourists in Bali because of the Volcano they would have the smarts to do anything to entice tourists

But that would involve thinking and planning something that is not in abundance in RI
Didn't the local Muslims gather together to clean up the beachs not long ago, so the effort was there , Thousands I heard. Its all very well collecting this rubbish but a permanent solution definetly needs to be found. Recycling into floating pontoons, build a pontoon bridge to OZ. Rubber marine products, rubber paving, . Rubber condoms, be HIV aware Just another health warning from T.
Bali Hindu religion is one of the spiritual reasons tourists come to Bali to observe. It is so intertwined into daily life nothing else seems to matter...but it may also be their economic undoing when tourists find some other place more attractive.

Most garbage on the streets, which sweep into the drains and eventually into the rivers to the sea, are created in the Temples. Much of the garbage that is collected is burned making the air toxic.
A recycling plant, and the land it occupies, defies their God's will. Generating needed electricity by using geo-thermal has already been nixed as contrary to God' desires. Creating a reservoir to collect water during the wet-season to provide for the increasing demand isn't the way Bali Hindu Priests think. Enlarging roads to cater for increased traffic isn't acceptable as many street Puras will have to be removed.......the list goes ON.

I'm not suggesting I have any religious agenda...just showing wherein there's a problem that, if THEY don't get to grips with soon...will be obvious when they say "What happened?" their economy collapsed due to lack of tourism.
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Davita, if bali hade wide avenues and more concrete and shopping malls etc, I would never come back here. Why bother, I can get that crap all over the world.
Screw wide roads, make them narrower :)

Regarding recycling, I agree with you.
Electricity? Hmm, tricky stuff and so is collecting water. Maybe they want to depend on the weather and seasons.

I Bali was like Dubai... pff, thank you but no!

Problem is that we westerners think we got something special going. Do we? Yes, but we got there on our own. This is why recycling, clean energy etc. makes sense to us.

I know one thing for sure that if nation, continent, country or even a village etc is pulled into 21 century from mud and sticks age, only bad thing happen. Most of Africa, India, China, Middle-East etc. what a global cluster fu** those countries have become.

Remember Star Trek prime directive :) look it up.
The genesis of my post # 29 was to indicate how Bali has evolved and done nothing about its infrastructure. Bali had doubled its population in the last 50 years and, notwithstanding the requirements of tourism, has hardly dented its own requirement for energy, water, garbage and infrastructure, due to their religious and cultural zealousness.
They are brought up to think the Gods will always provide and they don't have to do anything except pray and make offerings.
Time will tell if that works....I was in Bali after the second bomb, when the place was devoid of white-looking tourists, and they couldn't do enough to welcome me....and hoped I'd spend a lot of money.

edit: I predict this latest fervency to switch the internet off during Nyepi will bite them in the the hotel occupancy next year!
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The genesis of my post # 29 was to indicate how Bali has evolved and done nothing about its infrastructure. Bali had doubled its population in the last 50 years and, notwithstanding the requirements of tourism, has hardly dented its own requirement for energy, water, garbage and infrastructure, due to their religious and cultural zealousness.

Imagine, if they had updated everything according to growing demand. Bali would be one big pile of skyscrapers and highways. Thank you but no, thanks.

They are brought up to think the Gods will always provide and they don't have to do anything except pray and make offerings.
Time will tell if that works....I was in Bali after the second bomb, when the place was devoid of white-looking tourists, and they couldn't do enough to welcome me....and hoped I'd spend a lot of money.

I'm not a luddite but I think we need places like that so we can take time of from the relentless greed driven "who has more shiny crap before they die, wins!" world.

Planet is full of concrete jungles, where 25 % of population has become mentally ill. Yes, seriously ill - lonely, depressed, childless, perverted, godless, afraid, bald and fat. :)

edit: I predict this latest fervency to switch the internet off during Nyepi will bite them in the the hotel occupancy next year!

Turning off Internet on Nyepi is nothing new.
Locals like it. It has meaning for them.
davita said:
edit: I predict this latest fervency to switch the internet off during Nyepi will bite them in the the hotel occupancy next year!
Turning off Internet on Nyepi is nothing new.
Locals like it. It has meaning for them.

If they seriously want to follow the sentiment of nyepi , the first thing they should do is close all the hotels for that period , but of course they wont do that because it hits them in the pocket , a modern idea methinks .
Imagine, if they had updated everything according to growing demand. Bali would be one big pile of skyscrapers and highways. Thank you but no, thanks.

I'm not a luddite but I think we need places like that so we can take time of from the relentless greed driven "who has more shiny crap before they die, wins!" world.

Planet is full of concrete jungles, where 25 % of population has become mentally ill. Yes, seriously ill - lonely, depressed, childless, perverted, godless, afraid, bald and fat. :)

Turning off Internet on Nyepi is nothing new.
Locals like it. It has meaning for them.

Harry you talk like you are unaware there are 4 million Balinese. Historically they lived off the land and enjoyed their lifestyle for generations...just like any other civilizations but, for the past 50 years Bali has enjoyed the unique benefits of tourism. It started small and has now developed into a robust industry....and that is how Balinese now survive, put food on the table and send children to school.
Historically, other civilizations survived by agriculture then along came the industrial revolution and other modernity concepts...and those who did not accept, and lived in the past, effectively died...just like the dinosaurs.

I understand you don't want to live where mammon prevails and therefore you will leave...that's great.
Then I suggest you find where your own 'haven' is and move certainly isn't in Bali where greed does prevail, and is well known, even to other Indonesians.

BTW I read the Jakarta Gov't has denied Bali from turning off the internet.
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Dude, you must have met some really shitty people here. Chinese? Locals I have met and hang around with daily never ask for anything. If I buy a service, sure, I pay, like everywhere else. Nothing wrong with that.
Bali Hindu religion is one of the spiritual reasons tourists come to Bali to observe. It is so intertwined into daily life nothing else seems to matter...but it may also be their economic undoing when tourists find some other place more attractive.

Most garbage on the streets, which sweep into the drains and eventually into the rivers to the sea, are created in the Temples. Much of the garbage that is collected is burned making the air toxic.
A recycling plant, and the land it occupies, defies their God's will. Generating needed electricity by using geo-thermal has already been nixed as contrary to God' desires. Creating a reservoir to collect water during the wet-season to provide for the increasing demand isn't the way Bali Hindu Priests think. Enlarging roads to cater for increased traffic isn't acceptable as many street Puras will have to be removed.......the list goes ON.

I'm not suggesting I have any religious agenda...just showing wherein there's a problem that, if THEY don't get to grips with soon...will be obvious when they say "What happened?" their economy collapsed due to lack of tourism.
A mobile recycling plant could be a solution located on a ship off the coast of Bali and awaiting, receiving, scooping waste, T.
A mobile recycling plant could be a solution located on a ship off the coast of Bali and awaiting, receiving, scooping waste, T.
What method of recycling do you envisage for this floating plant and how do you see the garbage being transported onto the float?

I'd be worried Susi might think it's a pirate ship.... and blow it up...:D
What method of recycling do you envisage for this floating plant and how do you see the garbage being transported onto the float?

I'd be worried Susi might think it's a pirate ship.... and blow it up...:D
Gday, well when I say a ship, maybe a giant floating platform anchored to the bottom like oilrigs, The waste could be transported along a covered conveyor belt attached to a long jetty type structure. Or by ferry, barge. And then there's the fishing trawlers catching waste instead of scaly tings. There are many uses for recycled plastic and now recycling old tyres for fuel. It would also be open for tours wont the green tourists love that. The recycled plastic turned into blocks for man made islands, ask the chinese about how they turned reefs into Islands. Imagine a Bali mark ll. But cleaner. One only has to be a creative thinker and the world is any bodies island add ons. There's the new runway , new island resorts, swim in man made lagoons. Bali ,s 30 acre rubbish tip could be turned into a golf course, for the rich and famous, well I just created lots of jobs for the locals. As long as the developers are drooling over a new resort golf course, and there's money to be made Susie will be on side and dont forget the trade from green tourists govt and visitors everyone will be happy. This waste facility could be powered by wave,wind, and fuel made from tyres. After Bali is cleaned up move it to the Pacific and build a island resort or 50 in International waters. So many ideas so little time, send recycled waste into space, create a rubber block art work of the Mona Lisa in deep space, build a block chain to the moon with space cafes along the way . Ooops now I have done it blown my cover , ok Yes I admit it, I am a fan of Major Tom, floating in a tin can, tell my wife I love her very much. T.