Who and When: Life in Bali


Apr 24, 2008
it is such a pleasure to read these stories,

p.s sooze,, you are lucky to have 8 weeks in Bali.


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
Morley-Western Australia
Yes Chilli
I feel extrememly lucky to have 8 weeks in Bali each year. I work shift work with adults with intellectual disabilities. I more often than not work my days off, so that is how I get so much time off for annual leave.
AND it is worth every minute lol :D


Nov 16, 2006
Warwick Qld Australia
Here's my boring story...I first visited Bali in 2006. When we first met Steff kept telling me stories of Bali, as he had been visiting for a week or two each year for the 6 years before we met...it sounded so good I really wanted to see it for myself. Steff was running his own business and could only manage a week or two each year to have a holiday...he visited New Zealand, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and then Bali. He was so impressed with Bali that he then holidayed there every year afterwards. He said he could jump on a plan and be in Bali in 6 hours (can't do that any more as there are no flights direct from Brisbane!) he could then unwind and have an affordable and enjoyable holiday before a short trip home again.

My first visit was a real eye opener for me as the only other country I had ever been to was New Zealand. I immediately fell in love with the people in Bali, such a love of life and sense of fun but with a respect that I had not experienced before. We only had two weeks that first time so we've made a point of taking 3 weeks to a month each time since then. We have a habit of walking a LONG way and stopping to chat with those we meet, shop, or eat at a warung then when we're really tired we'll catch a ride home someone. We've also made some friends in Bali and like to visit with them when we can.

We investigated moving to Bali to live during our month trip in Feb 2007 but found the visas didn't seem to fit our current situation. We only have a few more years and the retirement visa is within our grasp...well 5y6m for Steff and 9y5m for me, but who's counting? Until then semi-retirement in Oz is how we'll have to stay unfortunately...but at least we can still holiday in Bali until then. We had another month in Bali during Oct/Nov 2007 and are now planning our next visit for Oct/Nov 2008.

All things going to plan we will be living in Bali within the next decade...but we're enjoying life to it's fullest while we wait.



May 4, 2008
Hubby and I are in the process of selling our home, as soon as it's sold we'll be moving to Bali.
As an Indonesian, I went to visit Bali for the first time last year. My hubby, my son and I fell in love right away and have been talking about retiring early on Bali.
