Who and When: Life in Bali


Mar 20, 2008
I'm jus curious among us; who will eventually live in Bali or at least have a place to go as a second home and when is your plan.

Mine: it came out of the blue. It's never been planned. In 2-3 years we'll start the new life in Jakarta although I now can go there already and start occupying our new house as of this month or next.
Once settled, I shall then look for a place in Bali where we'll use it as our second home but can't yet define when.

And you? As I read many among us are heading for Bali but can't keep the tab on who is going and when. It'd be nice to know the various plans, times, reasons, motives, occupations by each member here of their eventual plan to live in Bali too.
Was it a plan all along? A dream? A temptation? An adventure? A love involvement? A chance? Or an economic reason.
Whatever it is, may your dreams come true.


Apr 24, 2008
Ciaooo Milan,,

Looks like people are reluctant to reply to this post :(

I cannot tell you too much or else i would write a book and i may bore you.
My husband and I spend a lot of time in Bali on vacation, we love it so much we married in Bali.

We are going through a transition phase in life, both nearing our retirement (visa) years. We are not sure where to move just yet, but we want to leave Australia.

One idea is that i would love to return to Italy (Roma), but then we love the life in Bali, the people, the energy, the vib ! Two totally opposite realities, i know!!!! :roll:
We are torn between the two loves of our life.

So thats my little boring story,, e tu ?, cara, ,how did you arrive to be in Italy ?


Mar 20, 2008
Ciao tesoro!!,

I was wondering where are you??? After all, you were one of the persons who fought for Balipod to be re-opened.

Allora, my husband happens to be here near me and I asked him about your dilemma whethere to choose Bali or Rome for retirement later on in your life?
He immediatelly laughs and tells me to tell you --- BALI!!! He says Rome is fine but only for a visit and no longer living. Unless you have inherited a cozy apartment near Piazza di Spagna or Via Condotti ... :lol: :lol: ( I say this).

No at all, Chilli, your story is not boring, don't worry about it as I love hearing people's passage of life --- their experiences, their turning points in life; what makes them they are today and live where they are now, etc.

Sono cosi contenta di averti qui nel Forum perche' mi fa sentire unpo a casa in Italia. Dopo tutto, sono ormai, diciamo--- 40% italiana... :D

Continua scrivere, ok? Mi raccomando. Ciao!


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Well for us, we hope sometime in the next 3 years. But we may live in Lombok or Bali, it is not decided yet .. well not on my part. My husband would like to live on his home island, but I may want Bali - let's see. We would go tomorrow if we could just win that lotto :D :D

I hope not too many forum members are moving to Bali soon, otherwise there will be no-one left on the forum. Just about everyone who joins, finds out what they can from the forum, moves to bali and are never heard from again. Better things to do... lucky buggers 8)


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Well my story is I want to and will retire to Bali inside 5 years.
I have an apartment there which is being rented out ( to supply a small income) and will look at purchasing a small house to live in.

After a marriage breakup I have realized I need to leave Australia and get to Bali for the sun, the life style and the friendly people. :D
And the fact i have met the most wonderful Indonesian woman who makes my heart very happy and I think has extended my life expectancy by at least 10 years due to her nature, her smiles, her boundless happiness and her wonderful son.

Sad tale I know but I think it will have a very happy ending for both of us.



Apr 24, 2008
Ken, its not a sad tale at all, it is LIFE.. and look at what you have to look forward too !

Bali to call home,
a wonderful new love
(and her wonderful son),
10 years added onto your life, WOW, magic happens. :D :D :D

I wish you HAPPY EVER AFTER.........

Milan,, ti ringrazio per la tua calorosita' (so i dont appear rude, i will translate) thankyou for your warmth. I am happy if I can make you feel more at home being an Italian on this forum.. I know only too well the feelings of expat and not fitting in :(
non ti preoccupare, sono qui !

Freogirl.. you, Ken and I are all living in the same part of W.A.
maybe we can all catchup in Bali one day.............happy hour, here we come :shock:


Mar 20, 2008
Bali to call home,
a wonderful new love
(and her wonderful son),
10 years added onto your life, WOW, magic happens.

I agree absolutely with Chilli, Ken.
Yep, I said exactly what Chilli has translated and since it's nothing, I just wrote it in Italian.
How interesting to have your wedding in Bali.

Freogirl, that's about the same time my husband and I will live in Indonesia too and he would like to move now if possible but he still needs to work as he is so restless as a person. Yet, just 2 days ago, he officially got his retirement. But he continuously wants to work still and is in the midst of getting a deal finalised out of quite a few offers that came his way.
Abu Dhabi, Kazakstan, Ruwais and Congo again. Once he gets this signed, then I will book my flight to Jakarta for a visit of three months as I need to get away from here for a change. Too many unhappy people around regardless of the materials they have, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
FreoGirl said:
I hope not too many forum members are moving to Bali soon, otherwise there will be no-one left on the forum. Just about everyone who joins, finds out what they can from the forum, moves to bali and are never heard from again. Better things to do... lucky buggers 8)

Freogirl, maybe you exaggerate. I have just counted about 130 recent posts, and based on who I know is in Bali over 50% of posts are from Bali.

I'm unsure where some members are because they don't tell us - and I have not figured it out from their posts - but they were not the frequent posters. If those of you who don't list location can fill it in - I would really appreciate it :wink:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
mimpimanis said:
I'm here, I post :D

And for that I hate you.......

But in the nicest possible way :)

I fully intend to suck up to all the people who actually live in Bali and post on here with their wealth of information when I eventually retire there and increase my knowledge/friends/associates/forum posters.

Roy and Bert and Minpimanis you are all in for a visit...




Apr 24, 2008
Thats where i got it from Milan,, i loved it so much.

simple but says a lot. LIFE..................ISSSSSSSSSSS..............NOW !

do you really think i can be sued ................ :p

Salutami tuo marito' and digli di non lavorare troppo because Life is now :wink:


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Thats fine Ken, I look forward to meeting you.

And now to answer Milans original question..... ( not reluctant to answer before just very very tired the last few days and though still reading the forum no energy or enthusiasm to post)

I came first fell in Love with Indonesia in 1989 when I spent 6 months in Java. At that time I considered buying the losmen I was staying at, as it was up for sale but it came to nothing.

In 1997 while travelling in Lombok I met Made. In 1999 we married. As Made was working in Lombok and I had fallen in love with the island as well as him that is where we set up home, even though he is originally from Bali. From the start I wanted to live in Indonesia not UK and Made also had no desire to move to London. A month's holiday there cemented that decision for him.

Our home and business are in Lombok now. However we have also contracted a house in Bali. Initially I had a personal reason for wanting to spend three months here. But I quickly got used to constant power, water, the cooler temperatures, malls and shops and the easier life... especially with an infant. So I started going back to Lombok less and Made coming over here more. Long term we may consider buying or building here as we both would rather our son to go to school here and infact he will start playgroup this month. :D But long long term, once he is older and school is finished I still want to live in Lombok and hope by then that things will have improved infrastructure wise. With the development plans for Lombok the question or water and power are hopefully going to be addressed.


Mar 20, 2008
Hi mimpimanis,

Thank you for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading that and feel that I now know more about you upclose and personal. That's what this string is all about as I like to dig deeper to what and how everyone is like and where they're coming from.

Jimbo, that's because you've reached your goal, so now Kazakstan is not of importance to you any longer.
Hubby and I still need to achieve one more goal despite his official retirement 3 days ago, he'll go on. Perhaps another 2-year of works minimum, then we could really breathe a little and enjoy the sweetness of life even more.

Nice reading about the other posts here as well.


Apr 24, 2008
I am enjoying reading these posts , its lovely to actually "kind" of get to know each others stories. We are after all real people here sitting behind our screens.

Nice to hear some of the guys posting their stories too.. :D

So Milan, thanks for opening this topic.. i imagine you in Milano with your italian husband eating in the great restaurants,, most of the population in Milan must be on summer vacation by now? July/August. Are you going to the sea ? or Your flying to Jakarta arent you?

Mimpi,, little things like you picking up your child, i imagine you driving in your new car.. in the humidity, how the new car going , or havent you received it as yet ?

little idea here :idea: We could turn this forum into sharing friendly level , you know, people not getting so heavy with each other, just general chit chat

the rule would be NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SLING AT ANYONE........ :cry:

Ken, i shall be in touch early week..


Jun 7, 2008
Hi...I was really excited about this thread and was hoping dozens of people would post with their "stories". People are so interesting. Then I considered that if I don't post on this thread, then I guess I can't expect everyone else to....

I currently live in Japan (many years) and am in the "planning" stages of moving to Bali. My reasons for moving to Bali come from my many visits and the love I have for the place. I still maintain that of all the places I hear people talk about, I have never heard of SO many people going back again and again to one destination? I'm sure people have "love affairs" with many places, but it seems particularly so with Bali....?

I have been an educator all my life and as far back as I can remember, have been involved with some kind of volunteer work or charity activities. Without thinking about it, it is who and what I am. Over the years, from carrying a suitcase of used clothes, to being involved with an NPO in the Ubud area, to my current volunteer interests, my interest and committment has grown to the point that I wish to move to Bali and "work" as a volunteer full-time. I don't consider myself someone special, nor great - it is simply what I do and what I want to do.

I'm not sure if I will attempt to do some "regular" work for a while or simply "retire" and volunteer only, but my steps are the research I am doing now. My target is 2 or 3 years from now. In the meantime, I travel to Bali 2 times a year for about 4 weeks each time. It is a small "taste" and I have to say I love the flavor....

I look forward to hearing more stories....



Mar 20, 2008
Sydjapan, it's really great knowing you more by reading your story here. Thank you.

Chilli wrote:
i imagine you in Milano with your italian husband eating in the great restaurants,, most of the population in Milan must be on summer vacation by now? July/August. Are you going to the sea ? or Your flying to Jakarta arent you?

As you can see in my thread: The Change of Scenery but also, you touch something that I've been meaning to address here especially to the women.
Yes, hubby and I love going to Restaurants and just last week, I noted something strange is taking place in our society here in Italy.
The Restaurant is a beautiful one with a capacity of 250 people, yet, cozy, intimate and lovely. All lush with plants and high ceilings, etc., added by a garden at the Entrance where people could take their coktails primarily.
But then, as we were seated already and just chatting away waiting for our dinners to be served, around us there were tables filled already by perhaps 3-4 couples plus 2 young families with toddlers and the atmosphere was very pleasant.
Then one by one, a group comes with a-20 women and I thought must be an Office Party or something to that effect as after all it was a Tuesday night. Then came another different group with a-30 persons and all women! After that another one with 6 women. Then with 8 women. ALL WOMEN WITHOUT MEN!!
As most of them were seated behind where my husband was seated, he commented when I said that I was surprised to see all these so many women go out on their own in groups without men and without being able to see these women's appearance, he said: "they must be a group of masuline and ugly duckling kind oflook of women". And I promptly responded: "Not at all!" Some are quite nice looking indeed.
And my question to you, Chilli, is: "Is this what post feminism is all about? Because if it is, I'm quite happy being the way I am and that is a semi-traditional/liberal kind of woman and not this feminist embracer just so we could all go out alone in groups and chat and eat and pay ourselves. It just doesn't appeal to me AT ALL. No, thank you very much".
What's say you?


Apr 24, 2008
Hi Milan,

I dont know what to say,, Milano is a very large city.

Perhaps they were on some business dinner, reunion, how do you know every table of women were Italian ? one table may have been a group of woman vacationing togethor in Milan. (summer time, full of tourists).

perhaps one table were having a girlfriends dinner, they may belong to some club. They may be all divorced/separated.

they might be a lesbian reunion, some may have been travestiti !!!!

hahhahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viva la difference' !!!

every few weeks, i go to dinner with my auntie, my cousin, my sisters, and we are a table of all women..

we must never "assume", it can make an ass out of u and me.


Mar 20, 2008
we must never "assume", it can make an ass out of u and me.
:) :) that's a good one!!

I guess the question is a bit too heavy for you, huh?

Anyway, this Restaurant is not in a tourist area and the ladies passed our table so of course I could hear and also distinguish. They're Italians. Maybe they're all Italian lesbians... :lol: :lol: Even worse, they're all trasvestites... :) It's your word, Chilli...not mine... :D :D