When will liberation come?

When will "liberation" come?

  • within the next 5 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • between 5 and 15 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not before 15 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never, Balinese like foreign investors

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 9, 2004
:roll: :roll: Geez if i didnt know who the hell Roy was i would think he was a kid, because that is what he sounds like. I live in Bali so NA NA NA NA and anyone who posts from outside Bali are idiots. :twisted: :twisted:

This Nuris thing gets on my nerve as it sounds like some old boys club with added snobbery where anyone who is a tourist is a nobody and anyone from overseas is a failure because there not in Bali.

Well the only claim to fame most people have who drink at Nuris seem to have is how many Martinis they can put away before falling over. It sounds as if everyone sits around in a group talking about how great they are and how dumb the tourists are. :oops:

EXcpey you are wrong Roy and let other people have there opinion as they are all entitled to it. Goodness knows how many people you have managed to put off posting on this site for fear of you ranting on back at them if they do not praise everthing Balinese. Now stop sulking like a kid and get off that high horse of yours as you are not on the praries now. Go and say a few prayers to your Gods and make a few offerings and act like the Gods would like you to. Peace and good will to all as they say.
Good day all


Aug 9, 2004
:shock: :shock: Oh dont bite then Roy......i was only trying to get you to quote back on the forum and meant no harm, although i reckon everyone has their right to say what they want.

On the other hand a good debate is sometime good for the forum as it creates a long and winding thread with many twists turns and knots. :wink: :wink:

So lets all getta long and Roy all i can say is you must have gone to ground if my last wind up post could not provoke a string from you. you . :wink: :wink: :wink:

p.s. No real malice was meant just a bit of a 'Nuri windup'
So please come back Roy as it is to quiet without you. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Please :cry: :cry:


Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
So how about these personal attacks? It's ok as long as it is against Roy?
Daya says that there are people who won't post because of Roy. I appreciate that but there are a lot of people that don't post because their opinions are attacked by others than just Roy.
I, and others, have been attacked personally on this forum without a whimper from some these people that are now piling on Roy AND I have been attacked by Roy too.:) That is what happens when you have an opinion.
Roy is a big boy and doesn't need my support but I will give it to him. If you don't like what he says, send him a PM. If you want to publicly discipline him then expect him to publicly call you out. These "suggestions" for Roy to go away are unseemly considering how some of you have in the past have said this forum wouldn't be the same without him.

Om, Santi, Santi, Santi, Om


Mar 8, 2005
Roy, when u get older and perhaps abit wiser you will be able to see what a complete idiot you are right now.. and I do think the majority of the frequent users of this forum would agree on that.

And for me to even start debating about my own knowledge regarding Bali compared to yours would be just plain stupidity wouldn`t it.

Your obsession of being some kind of uplifted Expat of Bali who possess all thinkable existing information about Bali is SCARY :roll:

:idea: And why are you sharing all this information of yours, that you worked sooo hard to get? is it to help others??? I do not think so.. it is more likely some way of you to feed your own ego or fill a void.

It is clear you are having problems with yourself. and fine.. we all have periods in life when we are not at our best... BUT don`t take it out on others whom you never ever have met or know much or anything about.

No need to psychobabble this any more then necessary.. But if your GURU who I personally belive is eating way to much mushrooms of some kind can`t guide you to your right path.. you maybee should seek some professional help.. don`t they have some good nut doctors in USandA? maan, do yourself and us a GEDE favour, and go back to your homeland and heal yourself with some Anthony Robbins seminars.

And one last thing, next time I come to Ubud I will swing by Naughty Chuck Norris or Nurris or whatever you wanna call it and ask the barkeeper to replace the alcohol he is serving you with some Hemaviton.. that would do you some good.


Mar 8, 2005
And Jim, You know Anthony Robbins personally haa?? can`t you hook Roy up? I know he would apreciate it..

and you guys comming from the same big country and all.. wouldn`t it be cute.


Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
What is gained by that response? Do you think it was clever? I am embarrassed for you because it shows your lack of knowledge regarding american culture. Tony Robbins was popular 15 years ago. Chuck Norris hasn't been on TV for 6 years and was cancelled due to lack of interest. Do you still think Steve Martin is a wild and crazy guy? And by the way....the Beatles have broken up, I didn't know if you got that information yet.

Sheesh, If you are trying to be witty use some wit.


Apr 20, 2005
ROY ...I think what i said to you was "fair ball" , you told us that you are leaving to heal your Karma or what ever . Then go do that . But taking pot shots at people just becouse you dont agree with the opinion they offer is immature on your part . And your opinion is based on someone whos lived in Bali only 8 years , others who,ve lived in Bali for 30 disagree with much you say , one might say the way you live in Bali ,( staff , selling the art of Bali for export ) goes again everything that brought them to Bali decades ago . Even you the mighty Bali "know it all" are laughted at as much as you laugh at others here on this forum . I think your time "away " be spent think bout how to improve yourself yourself as a human , that life isnt "my way or the highway" . As far as the crack about me getting out of NJ more . Well one of the luxuries I have after reading your big mouth comments for the last couple of years is I know lots bout you and the only thing bout me your know is I have a sister who lives in Bali , and I have kids . Based on the things youve said about yourself I can sum up this much . Im here in NJ with the same wife for the past twenty years , riding out the ups and downs of marriage ,scaping together money for my families needs and traveling here and there but not to the extent of most of you . I didnt run away to Bali leaving my kids behind in the USA never to look back . Face it Roy your not much of a man in my eyes and something tells me not many people here in the US even miss you , including your kids . Go back into the hole you've dug for yourself there in Bali and try to figure out why knowone like s you . For the record I do like you , your a typical "know it all nyer" who one in a while must be whacked in the nose like a bad puppy . Living with your type here my whole life , I have the "huspa" to call a spade a spade . Be part of the answer , not part of the problem .

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
Is there something to get with "ghaaeeuu" ?

In that case:



you knows sonja Henni? yoooo skate in same country yah?

Ha! that was the funniest joke ever! Did you get it?

Didn't think so. I rest my case regarding your wit and relevence.


Mar 8, 2005
I have no problem with you. just ROY and the fact that he shows no respect to other people on this forum.

I have been attacked by Roy too. That is what happens when you have an opinion.
:?: :?: Is that how you think it should work on a forum.. one old cranky guy who attacks others calling them thit and that because they have different opinons... You can´t seriosly belive that is something that others would just accept. If you do we can end this right now.. cause that would put´s you right next to Roy, and that sux.

Regarding Tony R and Chuck Norris.. I´m well aware that they are not on the "A" list any longer, and that was small part of the point.. wich you didn`t get. they are somewhat cult.. likewise to "The Hoff" former Baywatch star. And why did you drag Steve Martin in to this?? He is a good actor, something you can`t say about Chuck.

I don´t feel comftorable sinking to the kind of behavior and personal attacks like the one Roy has shown in the recent past, but to make an idiot understand what you mean, you must sometimes speak his language" Did you get that one? goblok :wink:


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
From a tourists perspective, Nuris is a top spot to spend time with wonderful people... I for one did not experience any snobbery and I would encourage anyone when they visit Bali to get up there and soak up the atmosphere meet very kind / interesting expats and try Brian's specialty - spare ribs

Roy did in fact put me onto the place, funnily enough, but for various reasons could not make it at the time.

I'm not sure what old RT is up to but I can tell you one thing.

He got the arse from Peter Reiger's site ( it's ok Roy I won't tell em the full truth) for basically being a bully with clever words and sentances to others on the site.

He should learn to behave himself and and and listen to what his Guru is telling about inner peace before Bert gives him the arse!


New Member
Jan 21, 2007
Taichung, Taiwan
Dasha I am glad that you came to rescue of Nuris "honor". From a tourist point of view, that being what I would categorized at on this forum, I was going to stay away from that place (having never been) when in Ubud, which seems like a silly thing as my decision was based on what was said in a couple of posts under this topic.

Being sneered at as an "outsider" is not conducive to any participation, whether a discussion on a forum, or grabbing a couple of frothies and bite at a local eatery, and just goes to show how some simple words can have a rather widespread impact.

I found the original topic interesting and was very much looking forward to seeing how people would respond, and gleaning some deeper insights of at least the expat outlook on it, knowing that there would be strong disagreements. I did not expect that there would be condemnation of the fact that such a question/poll can be raised to begin with. That limits the whole spectrum of this forum, and I personally find that restrictive.

At my writing, this topic has gone on a non-related tangent, and if a moderator can redirect it towards the original poll question, that would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

What is Peter Reigers site? I am presuming your remarks meant that Roy was asked to leave. Is that right.

Sorry mate I just do not understand your slang some of the time. Maybe its because I am a POM. :)


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali

Dasha is referring to "Bali Travel Forum". Just google, you'll find it.

By the way, I'm a fellow Aussie and sometimes I don't understand Dasha's slang, so don't feel too bad. :p


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi there, riderintaiwan

I just wanted to add to Dasha's comments about Nuri's. It's a great little place and there are no more "dick-heads" (idiots) there per capita than anywhere else. The proprietors, Brian and the inimitable Nuri, are a very engaging couple. Unless you go there too early or too late, you're unlikely to be disappointed.

...I found the original topic interesting and was very much looking forward to seeing how people would respond, and gleaning some deeper insights of at least the expat outlook on it, knowing that there would be strong disagreements...

I agree with you entirely on the above. I hope that some of us here will try to address the matter in a more diplomatic manner, soon. Please be patient.

And Jimbo...I think that these days, not too many sheilas, (note the spelling), like to be called sheilas any more Down Under.

Do you have "barbies" where you are? What do you throw on them? Pieces of camel, perhaps?

And what do you call an Arabic "hottie" (apart from maybe Fata Morgana?)



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
I am sure Mats will enlighten me :)

We do have barbies here but no need for hot coals just wait until the summer and use the sand it is literally hot enough to cook on.

Having a piece of camel staek tonight but it will be grilled in the oven :)


Nov 21, 2005
London, UK
- a very strong Balinese culture that doesn't integrate foreigners despite what some believe. There is no integration. People can be mislead as Balinese will let almost everybody feel welcome but when it comes to integration it's another matter.

Maybe you can tell some of your own experiences ?

Integration is a two-way process requiring efforts from both parties.

I believe very few expats actually make the effort to integrate by, for instance, participating in the life of the village and the ceremonies taking place. If this first step in the direction of the Balinese culture is not taken then integration will not happen for those individuals not willing to initiate the process.

Many expats believe that distributing dollars will buy them integration. It doesn't work like that. It's not because you employ 5 or 6 Balinese and that you pay your "village" taxes without wincing that you are part of the whole. At this stage, the whole is just tolerating you.

This lack of willingness to integrate culturally may result, at some stage, in a rejection of these expats.

Bali should impose a test of Balinese Culture/integration to those who want to settle on the island. Obviously this is a bit far fetched as culture seems to be the last oncern for those in power.

This is what concerns me most. Short-termism from foreign investors and lack of vision from those in charge may result in lack of integration. Lack of integration may, over time, result in rejection. Hence the poll to assess forum participant's opinions.

- the risk of a worldwide recession that will result in dire consequences for emerging markets, especially for real estate speculation.

How do you think this would work in Bali?[/quote]

The world is currently awash with liquidities. Central banks in the developed world (as they like to call it) are making sure that we do not start experiencing deflation.

Some of this excess liquidity is looking for homes. A very popular one has been recently the powerful combination of real estate and emerging markets.

So far so good but what if this excess liquidity is removed from the system? The first markets to suffer are what we people the peripheral ones, the ones that have benfited from this hot money.

For over a year now Central banks have been raising interest rates. This is one way to take away excess liquidity and refrain speculation. If tomorrow we start experiencing a recession in the developed world, the consequences for the emerging markets will be bad.

Do you remember what happened during the Asian crisis back in 1997? How was Bali affected at the time? Was there as much speculation as there is today?

More and more people and Bali rely on these foreign investors. What if tomorrow investments were to stop brutally. What if people could not rely on tourism anymore but had to go back to their land? What if their land was no there anymore as it had been sold to these disappearing foreign investors?

Here again this is a bit far fetched but we are talking about potential triggers and this could be one of them. Even with a probability of less than 0.1% this is still a possible outcome that people should factor in when making choices.