What do you forsee for Bali?


Sep 16, 2006
Sanurian said:
Just an aside here for Rafeal:

...Next time you try and quote morrison's words try not to pass them off as your own...

Oh...I didn't know JM owned those words. And I wasn't trying to pass them off as my own. Have you ever heard of cliches? Rock music is full of them. I wonder where Jim heard that particular one first? I'm more surprised that he could remember it in the first place. The sun ain't yellow, it's chicken (I didn't write that, either).

I'm unclear about your point. Was there one? Don't bother to respond - it might get in the way of your next bong, or whatever.

In the entire history of Rock only two people really rattled my cage and Morrison was one of them. Most of the time I can set aside personal life and professsion artistry, but not with him! Not that his music was any good anyway!

But what's this got to do with Bali?


Sep 16, 2006
Hi Jamie,

No we don't have a problem. Jerry Garcia may not be the role model I would choose for my grandchildren but he was certainly one helluva guitar player. And did you know he had most of one finger missing?

As far as my second cage-rattler is concerned, well I'm going to leave you guessing a while. One small clue is that she is still alive - somehow!

BTW can someone tell me how to reply with a quote? I somehow ended up on my last post with a quote from Sanurian which was not intended. I meant to quote from Rafeal about "the graet Jim Morrison".


Jim Morrison "Rattled" many peoples cages as you so put it Norm. Musicians are not supposed to be role models for your grandchildren and that inlcudes Kenny G. :lol: Jerry was an amazing individual and people who knew him compared him to a giant teddy bear. All the drugs he used aside in judginghim, Jerry did visit Bali many years ago on vacation. He liked to travel and had homes in hawaii and marin county. Jerry was one of the greatest musicians who ever lived and his musicial abilities have not been fully appreciated especially with all the new crap you hear on the radio these days. The rock music from the '60s and '70s was monumental and lifted millions of minds and souls into making a difference. i am a vietnam veteran and have lived through the '60's and '70's and have literally been through "hell" on earth not to mention countless Dead shows before they were ven a household name. I almost saw the doors show at the Hollywood bowl but ended up doing something else that night. The concert was crazy from what I heard from friends after it. Norm, If you think jerry's or the doors music is not worthy then what do you think of the trash on the radios nowadays? BTW, I think Jerry may be living in Bali somewhere in spirit at least. he made countless people smile and brought peace when there was so much fighting and pain in the world. So he is a good role model in some ways.

"Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile." -GD


Sep 16, 2006
Hi Rafeal,

You misunderstood my intended comment on Garcia. Whilst his period with the Grateful Dead was a little after my prime music time I still rate him as one of the best of all Rock musicians.

As far as Morrison was concerned have you ever read or seen any biographies?

As far as current music is concerned some stuff like Franz Ferdinand, or a bit older like Massive Attack are up there with the best of them. The only genre of popular music that I never took to was Reggae, for no reason other than my son-in-law plays it constantly and it drives me mad!!! or madder than usual.

Rock on Rafeal


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
The problems in the world - are they on the increase or do we only here more of them, anybody want the clocks rolled back. Change is the only constant (no authorship claimed, Raf).

Yes, Jos, they are installing a big fence around the Island as I type...

A woman rocker, still alive, that rattled your cage - Grace Slick, Norm?

This is the end .... my only friend ....


Sep 16, 2006

No, not Grace! for those who do not know her she was a one time girl-friend of jim morrison.

Another clue born 1964 and once described as "the most controversial woman of Rock" by Rolling Staone Magazine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA

...Jerry Garcia.... And did you know he had most of one finger missing?

And did you know that probably the greatest jazz guitar player ever, Django Reinhardt, had only TWO fingers on his left hand? This forced him to abandon playing the violin, but music was in his blood.


Kenny G. Jerry ..... Jerry was one of the greatest musicians who ever lived

That's a unsustainable statement. In Rock music, he has his place, MAYBE. In the world of music, he does not even appears as a blip on the horizon. :cry:


Sep 16, 2006


Top of the class. How did you know that? Did you do a Google? I suppose being an Aussie does endow you with certain superior levels of intellect!!! (Is that how you spell intellect?)

and - sorry DCC but what's a "DC boy" (hope that's not rude)

and - if anyone asks why the aforementioned "rattles my cage" then you obviously do not know her!

and - tintin sorry but I do not know Django Rheinhardt but he must have been bloody good.


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
Q: What did the deadhead say when the acid wore off?
A: Sheesh...this music really sucks!

Q: How many deadheads does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. They just watch it burn out and then follow it around for 25

Since this thread has already taken a decidedly wrong turn, from the problems facing the world, to Jim Morrisson to...eh..."one of the greatest rock guitarists ever?????, Jerry Garcia, I had to weigh in.

There are few sounds in this world that can make me gnash my teeth...fingernails on a chalkboard and the endless, repetitive fretboard noodling of Garcia. As guitarist and former guitar tech for several well-known touring guitarists back in the 70's, I'd have to rank Garcia's contibutions highly on the social/cultural phenomenon scale and way, way down the list of skilled & innovative guitar slingers. On that list, Django certainly warrants a mention. There are many, many unknown guitarists out there doing amazing stuff and flying way under the radar due to commercial nonviability. One of them was an old friend of mine from my DC days.


Guitar aficianados will definitely want to check out this link. There's lots of audio & video files. A word of caution...the video files are quite large and take a bit of time to download. Another word of caution...if you are a serious guitar player, exposure to these video clips may cause you to burn your axe in shame.


Come on guys... The Dead were the greatest rock and roll band to come out from the US. No other rock band in the world is or were as good as the Dead in a live performance, bottom line. That is way so many people were turned on to there music because every time it was something different from them. England has produced more rock and roll giants than any other country so when you talk about the dead you have to remember how long they produced and played music for. How many rock bands had the following they did and lasted as long as they did. This was a band that brought people together from all walks of life, and Jerry was the star in the middle. No other rock band in the history of the world did what they did, ever, bottom line, no arguments. The Dead were without a doubt the most powerful rock and roll band ever because they stood for something in a time of uncertainty and continued making people from all walks of life smile and dance.

There are many great guitarists out there and danny Gatton was phenomonal to say the least. Jerry Garcia, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, and on and on and on....

Django Reinhardt is decent but there are many better guitarists like Trey Anastasio who is a guitar prodigy and classically trained as well as in jazz and blues.. Trey is sooo good at the guitar that people tell him that he is the best guitarist in thw world and he honestly believes it... the guy is amazing.

if you showed individual pictures of Jerry garcia, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, robert plant, and Django Rheinhardt to the average person who has the slightest idea about music then i can tell you that they would have no idea on earth who Django is.

Its funny going to the bars in bali and listening to the cover bands and indonesians sing and cover popular music. there is nothing like sitting down with a few good friends and some bintang and watching these Indonesian's play "sweet child of mine" or some other 80's hair metal music. it is hysterical

:lol: :lol:


Apr 20, 2005
Ive seen them all , and the only thing that matters to me is how a band plays live , and the Dead are the best in concert period . Unlike a band like the stones who tour year after year playing the same stuff over and over again , boring . While seeing the dead for 30 years , I was intoduced to county,bluegrass , whaling tunes , robert johnson ect . the dead "unplugged" 15 years before MTV even heard the words . My whole life Ive defended the dead against people who never saw them , and the ones I dragged to a show (i was dragged to my first show ) then understood what I already knew , simply the best rock show in the world . On another note the dead crowd are the nicest people of any rock following .."we can share we got of yours , cause we done shared all of mine " that says volumes for me , maybe the world should think in those terms , now more then ever ..


Couldnt agree with you more. GD's music stood for something where nowadays the new stuff you hear on the radio doesn't stand for shite. I once played our balinese tour driver some grateful dead and absolutely loved the stuff, he said it was so happy and cheerful music and unlike a lot of the dark and vulgar music his sons listen to. I told him that if I could have taken him to a dead show I would have, this was in 2003. people somehow think that all people who like the dead are drug addicts or screw ups. When I was in law school in Ohio State in the late 70's i went to over 100 shows in a period of 4 years while at law school. I didn't graduate in the recomended three years, but hey this was the 1970's man and everyone was having a blast including myself. My Law school years were some of the most fun, and reckless years of my life. Gooosh, thise were the days.

I saw the stones last year during their Bigger bang tour and I was taken to the concert by a friend (which is usually the case because i am always invited to concerts and sporting events by friends). I saw every home redskins game last season from club level, $200 seats, and I never payed for a ticket once. Anyways I was sadly disappointed by the stones concert and i thought Mick was just out of it and their playing simply blew. Didn't matter though cause like I said i didnt pay for the over priced stones tickets. Everyone should boycott the stones so they dont make any more money and have to sell there 20 million dollar homes.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Re: RE: What do you forsee for Bali?

Norm said:


Top of the class. How did you know that? Did you do a Google?
Hi Norm,
Yes, you caught me out. I'm the queen of Google (and lots of other search engines).

It drives me nuts when a question is posed that I don't know the answer.
:oops: :oops:


Sep 16, 2006

You still earned the major prize for persistence and ingenuity.

Prize is dinner on me at Nuri's should we ever meet there.

Now what about teaching me how to "Reply with quote" on this forum; it must be so easy but I am incapable of working it out! :oops: :oops:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Re: RE: What do you forsee for Bali?

Norm said:

You still earned the major prize for persistence and ingenuity.

Prize is dinner on me at Nuri's should we ever meet there.

Now what about teaching me how to "Reply with quote" on this forum; it must be so easy but I am incapable of working it out! :oops: :oops:

It is !

How about pressing the quote button you see on the right ?

(Next where it says Indonesia, in my case..)