What do you do for a living in Bali?


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Good response Roy!

Orang, Ulu IS tripping.

And Mats, I'm scratching my head too :)

Gray, think - Import/Export, Tourism & Hospitality, Construction & Real Estate, & Retail. That, most likely pays the bills for nearly all furreners here. And, I believe, most are selfemployed as salaries for anyone other than upper management are minimal.

I would say that most biz people who have relocated, saw some potential or potenial for themselves here. There are many ways to make a living here, but none of them are necessarily easy. You do need to spend time here and feel it out for yourself. Personally, I saw an area of opportunity in my existing biz.

One piece of advice I will impart, unless you have subject matter expertise, be very careful about starting a new business - locals have a wholenother yardstick by which to measure income, and they will copy any business model they grasp (this is an Asia-wide practice), and considering local salaries it's no wonder!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Master UluwatuWaves

I see from your "location" (DC, PHL, NY, LA, SEA - America), that you're all over the place, which may explain why you're so naiive (or just plain stupid). Do you seriously believe people are going to answer your questions regarding illegal substances on a public forum in Indonesia? Wake up to yourself, while there's still a chance (I hope).

As for:

...Do you find yourself taking your orchids/plants inside when the rainy season arrives so they dont get over watered?...

That depends on how heavy the rain is and how much we love our orhids/plants. On the other hand, most of us would leave you out in the rain (hopefully to drown).

I have a question for you. Are you really an adult, or a just kid playing on the internet? If you're grown up and are "for real", I recommend that you stick to surfing - and stick to your own "locations" because with your silliness, you wouldn't last long here.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I also found Ilu’s question a bit of a shock, but in retrospect, it also doesn’t surprise me that neither you DCC, or you Phil, handled the question from a Balinese Hindu point of view.

The use of drugs to induce trance, or otherwise get the Balinese in a “temple ceremony mood” just doesn’t happen here. But, in some cultures, the use of narcotics in such events is common.

As far fetched as Ilu’s question may seem...from our perspective, it isn’t really all that crazy and it deserved a serious answer.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Roy and Ulu

...The use of drugs to induce trance, or otherwise get the Balinese in a “temple ceremony mood” just doesn’t happen here. But, in some cultures, the use of narcotics in such events is common...

It may have done in the past. If so, it doesn't seem to happen any more. Hinduism originated in India. The Balinese version we have today came here via Java. If one reads about the Hindu practices in India, say 200 years ago, drugs, mutilation, sodomy, pederasty, temple prostitutes, etc, were commonplace. (Also in the Middle East, for that matter.) How Bali "escaped" from that, I'm not sure. I am not suggesting these practices continue here, by any means. Just wondering when and how they stopped.

...As far fetched as Ilu’s question may seem...from our perspective, it isn’t really all that crazy and it deserved a serious answer...

So what is the serious answer?

And "Ilu" is "Ulu..." (just to keep the spelling correct).

I am still amazed by his/her question in the first place.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Phil, you are bloody hopeless. You haven’t a clue about Hindu/Dharma in Bali, and it’s also painfully clear that you are clueless when it comes to discussing Balinese culture.

Of course there is nothing wrong with that, so long as you accept the truth and reality of this fact, and desist from trying to explain that of which you have NO knowledge.

I can’t see any reason to continue these hopeless discussions with you. Let’s just agree to disagree. Your Bali is somewhere in the South, and for you, it’s YOUR Bali. Fine. My Bali is not there. “My Bali” is the Bali that is so painfully evident that you have never experienced. That’s just the way it is Phil....no problems for me with that, and I hope there are no problems with that for you either.

Thanks for the spelling correction of Ulu.


Jun 30, 2006
Norfolk, VA at the moment
Re: RE: What do you do for a living in Bali?

Dasha said:

Are you fairdinkum?

No offence but waht drugs are you on?

The Good Drugs! :p :p :p

Sanurian, sorry brotha but not all of us mortals are perfect like you and you must be very paranoid. I know people that would think some of your questions are stupid but do you think i give a fuck. sanurian, I bet your overprescribed on some crazy prescription drugs yourself, so dont patronize me or anyone. got it!! 8) Its a bloody plant man!


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
it also doesn’t surprise me that neither you DCC, or you Phil, handled the question from a Balinese Hindu point of view

OK - time to take the gloves off. Why in the F would we take that point of view when we are not Balinese Hindu. I love how you wrap youself in Bali, your insecurity pours off the page as you can't help but name drop in some manner when replying to topics. Your family, your friends, your neighbors all serving to make your Bali reality more real than ours. You come off as a pompous know it all (among other things, and I'm being polite). And FYI, as much as like going to UBUD, when it comes to the cultural heart of Bali, it is nothing more than well packaged tourist stop - deal with that, then go get a dose of reality in Klung Klung!

Sanur, I bet this guy got his -ss kick A LOT in high school, his insecurity probably explains the zero threat to his virginity prior to landing in SEA.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Well DCC, I’m glad you’ve taken the time to tell it as you see it. My point was simply that your comment, “Ulu IS tripping” and Phil’s comment, that Ulu is “just plain stupid” was out of line. For someone to ask the question they did, who is perhaps not aware of Balinese culture is not out of line when considering that some cultures do use narcotics to induce trance like states of mind, and within a religious framework. We could start with the Navajo in southwestern US and go on from there, but let’s not if you agree.

Phil should know, and you should too, that the Hindu traditions in Bali have nothing to do with the India of just 200 years ago, but more like a thousand years ago. Also, any basic student of Bali would understand that these Hindu traditions as introduced into Bali were not at all pure Hindu, as they were equally mixed with Buddhism from the Chinese who were trading here more than a thousand years ago. Maybe you haven’t visited the five major temples of Bali, but if you do, you find in each of them an area devoted to the Buddha.

Ubud, as the cultural heart of Bali is not a phrase or term that I made up. It is considered the cultural heart of Bali for many reasons, one of which is that it has attracted artists, writers, and musicians for many decades. The vast majority of museums on Bali are located here, in Ubud. Calling Ubud “nothing more than well packaged tourist stop” tells me everything I need to know about you.

Thanks for your apology. I knew that you couldn’t possibly mean all that you wrote. It seems Bali is having its positive effect on you...and there’s nothing bad about that, eh?

truth sayer

Dec 10, 2005
If one reads about the Hindu practics in India say 200 years ago, drugs, mutilation, sodomy, perderasty, temple prostitutes etc. were commonplace. How Bali escaped that I'm not sure. I am not suggesting these practices continue her, by any means. Just wondering hw and when they stopped.

Sanurian, just where did you "read" about such practices in India? I have spent over 30 years studying the Vedic culture of India as well as practicing it in my home, raising my sons with the science of Vedanta, I have spent considerable time traveling thru-out most of Northern India, to very obscure villages. I have done philanthropic volunteer work in these places, and have experienced an India that most tourists would never know. Yes, there are dark places there, but to generalize such a statement about a culture that is so vast and varied is ludicrious. The Vedic culture of India produced the highest spritual civilizations the world has ever known. Certainly the dark things that you have read, are only a tiny fragment of the remnants of a highly evolved civilization, and as the Vedas will tell you, 200 years ago, Kali-yuga, the age of degradation, quarrel and ignorance was in it's beginning stages, and yes, if those debauched practices are going on, then it is exactly how it has been predicted. As far as trying to say that this is the norm for Vedic culture then you are grossly misled by the myriad of bogus teachings that come out of India on a daily basis.

As far as living in Bali, I gave up the opportunity years ago, because both my Balinese husband and I didn't want anything to do with the exploitation of such a splendid "off-shoot" of the Vedic culture. We remained traditional, and although it required a great deal of sacrifice on both our parts, I don't regret any of it. Wayan Murna, my former husband, never gave in to any of the Western exploitation, including alchohol and ganja. Alchohol was never accepted in Vedic or Balinese culture (maybe the elders would partake in some tuak or arak, but only the elders, and most likely was medicinal for arthritis etc.) Ganja was traditional for Saivaites of India, but they are considered low-class in India, and are not very spritually advanced, contrary to the idea that most Westerners have of Indian sadhus. There are a myriad of sadhus in India, not all of them partake in ganja.

Making a living in Bali requires at least some exploitation of the very culture that everyone wants to be in Bali for. The more Westerners come with money from other countries, the more poor Balinese are pushed out, only to become the servants of the rich. What the Australians have done to Bali in only 30 years took the Americans in Hawaii about 100 years, one can only imagine what the continued influx of Westerners wanting to "make a living" off the less aggressive Balinese way of life, will do to Bali in say, 10 to 20 years. In my lifetime of only 53 years, I have seen Bali change into an almost unrecognizable place to what it was in 1971-74. Kali-yuga marches on.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
"Except" your apology? Surely you meant accept, and in that spirit, I'm happy to follow your lead, with the words you always close your posts with: “Don't sweat the petty stuff...”

As for those "wrong side of the bed" days, we all have them from time to time. Personally, I blame that on those damn cheap and worthless Balinese made mattresses. :p :p :p :p


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Truth Sayer (welcome, I think, are you new?)

But blaming change on the west, I find that a bit narrow minded. There is a movement in swing whereby those from northern climes with funds are relocating to warmer climes and those underemployed (in their view) in the warmer climes are moving out or encouraging development, of all types, at home. That's said without direct reference to Bali, and it's simply one aspect of globalization. Change is a constant, and I, for one, accept it and for my part I conduct myself, I believe, with integrity in effort to be a positive influence on this planet. You can turn back the clock 53 years anywhere, and life as it was? - it aint no more.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Look thats the second time that my job as Jimbo the Mediator has been taken away.

However to see two adults behave in such an adult manner is very gratifying.

The old Roy may well have bit but recently its really pleasant to see he did not. Well done both of you.


Jun 30, 2006
Norfolk, VA at the moment
DCC, Because you want to know so much about me. In high school i was an athlete and scholar. So DCC, what were you in high school? A wanker maybe? Just kidding... I prefer being honest rather than slandering others. I just think that Sanur's post was rediculous. You can talk about drugs and their relevance to balinese culture without having to get all heated and paranoid that the police are going to come to Sanur's home in bali and arrest him because he talked about a drug such as pot which has been used for thousands of years for recreation, medicine, and what not. Many people grow marijuana because they cant live with out it. Believe it or not marijuana is one of the most active herbs in the world. With all the active ingredients in it many sick people use it to help with symptoms or just for recreational or religious purposes. Since the chinese were the first recorded users and prodeucers of Hemp in history i thought they may have had a significanr impact in Bali since most balinese have chinese in them if they trace their roots back far enough. Anyone, Correct me if i am wrong about Bali being settled by the chinese. Also it is relevant because when ever I am in bali i got offered pot wherever I go. I swear everyone wants to give me it and it's just a simple, "no thankyo." But in other places in the world I would be delighted to burn one down with friends. i guess it is because I am living like Jimmy. Jimmy buffet that is. Sitting around wasting away in margarataville :lol: :lol: :lol:


May 27, 2006
Br Abangan, Tegallelang
Wow - How does one respond to Ulu's comments (opinions requested).

Here's mine –

Ulu I never professed an interest in you, so don't know where you got that. Was that a reference to the hello I gave you awhile back?? Anyhow my negative personal comments were directed at Roy and they were a low blow, I admitted to that and apologized. But, at least, I never stooped to name calling, no I’m far too creative for that and besides with this old back my stooping days are over … ha ha!!!

But let’s examine what caused all the commotion:

You Said…

1 Does weed/ganga grow wild on bali and do many people have there own ganga gardens for personal use or for illicit means?

2 Also it is relevant because when ever I am in bali i got offered pot wherever I go.

And my favorite

3 Correct me if i am wrong about Bali being settled by the chinese

1 Paranoid or not, try keeping up with current events – those are inappropriate questions. And FYI, the police, when they so desire, will gladly kick in the door – that’s what they get paid to do, Einstein! Ooops, I stooped.
2 I have never been offered that from strangers unless a price tag was attached. This ain’t Jamaica.
3 Wow, this is the real kicker. Where in the world did you read that. You say you’re a scholar but the evidence, so far, suggests not.

And finally, you bought that Jimmy B jive hook, line, and sinker. You think he got where he is by wasting away?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thanks DCC, but please don’t get red in the face when I bring up Balinese made mattresses. I have a damn good reputation here to uphold! It’s an honorable image, and it is 100% heterosexual.

This will likely drive you nuts, but the truth is I am often consulted by both men and women in my village as to how to have boys...and in particular, big, and strong boys. Since I've sired three in less than six years, it seems I have a reputation....which I totally agree is undeserved, but there it is, none the less.

Geez, I have volunteered on more than one occasion to demonstrate, only to listen to the growls of my wife, and the look on her face, but hey...I was just trying to help out!!!

In the end, pre-natal vitamins have worked very well. Not that they have anything to do with more boy babies, but the all the wee-ones born here, the girls and boys, in my village, are very healthy and big! Although the mom is cursing my name during birth, she’ll show up some months later and ask, “lagi?”

Taking hold of Bali/Dharma, I have made my request for reincarnation very clear...a sterile Balinese male stud muffin! It never occurs to a Balinese male that they may be sterile. That would be heaven for sure! :p :p :p :p


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
truth sayer

...just where did you "read" about such practices in India?...

My personal experiences in India, (late '70s early '80s), can in no way compare with yours. Please understand that I was in no way trying to denigrate Vedic culture, either now or two centuries ago. I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I was just trying to point out that according to some of my readings, the practices I alluded to were "common" enough to have been noted in many "historical sources". Here is a brief list of them:

BLOCH, I. Anthropological Studies in the Strange Sexual Practices of all Races in all Ages, Ancient and Modern. New York: Anthropological Press, 1933.
BOSE, S.C. A Description of the Manners, Customs and Inner Life of Hindoo Society in Bengal. Calcutta, 1881.
BURTON, Sir Richard F. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 3 vols., London: Longman, 1856.
CARSTAIRS, R. Human Nature in Rural India. London: Blackwood, 1898.
CHICK, N.A. Annals of the Indian Rebellion. Calcutta, 1859.
COLBORNE, J. With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan. London: Smith, 1884.
COLOMB, Capt. R.N. Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. London: 1873.
DALTON, Col. E.T. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. Calcutta, 1872.
DIROM, Major A. War with Tippoo Sultan. London: Faden, 1793.
DUBOIS, Abbe J.A. Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies. 2 vols., Oxford, 1897.
EDWARDES, Allen. The Jewel in the Lotus: A Historical Survey of the Sexual Culture of the East. London: Tandem, 1965.
GOODLAND, R. A Bibliography of Sex Rites and Customs. London: Routledge, 1931.
HUNTER, Sir William W. History of British India. 2 vols., London, 1899-1900.
KAYE, J.W. Lives of Indian Officers. 3 vols., London: Strahan, 1869.
LACROIX, P. History of Prostitution. 2 vols., Chicago: Covici, 1926.
MAJOR, R.H. India in the XVth Century. London: Hakluyt Society, 1857.
MALCOLM, Sir John. History of Persia. 2 vols., London, 1815.
MALCOLM, Sir John. History of Central India. 2 vols., London, 1823.
MEYER, J.J. Sexual Life in Ancient India. 2 vols., New York: Dutton, 1930.
MUIR, Sir William, and COLDSTREAM, W. Records of the Intelligence Department of the Government of India. 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1902.
SHERRING, M.A. Hindu Tribes and Castes. 3 vols., Calcutta, 1872-81.
THOMAS, P. Kama Kalpa. Bombay: Taraporevala, 1950.
WALLACE, L. The Prince of India. 2 vols., New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893.
WARD, W. A View of the History, Literature and Religion of the Hindoos. 4 vols., London, 1817-20.

...Yes, there are dark places there, but to generalize such a statement about a culture that is so vast and varied is ludicrous...Certainly the dark things that you have read, are only a tiny fragment of the remnants of a highly evolved civilization, and as the Vedas will tell you, 200 years ago, Kali-yuga, the age of degradation, quarrel and ignorance was in it's beginning stages, and yes, if those debauched practices are going on, then it is exactly how it has been predicted. As far as trying to say that this is the norm for Vedic culture then you are grossly misled by the myriad of bogus teachings that come out of India on a daily basis.

I agree with you completely. I don't believe that those practices are "the norm for Vedic culture". Most religions I am aware of have had their share of dark periods. I feel that attempts to ignore they ever happened add little to the historical record.

...The Vedic culture of India produced the highest spiritual civilizations the world has ever known...

You're probably right there, as well. If not the "highest", certainly one of the oldest.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004

Sorry to get your hackles up:

...Sanurian, sorry brotha but not all of us mortals are perfect like you and you must be very paranoid. I know people that would think some of your questions are stupid but do you think i give a BEEP. sanurian, I bet your overprescribed on some crazy prescription drugs yourself, so dont patronize me or anyone. got it!!...

I guess I did shoot from the hip. I apologise for that. Maybe I can blame my prescription drugs or most likely, I am just plain stupid. Thanks for reminding me. I'll decrease the dose as soon as possible - just have to remember not to mix them with arak or over-priced whiskey.