Voting UK General Election


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Just a heads up to all the Brits living or staying here that since January you're all allowed to vote in the coming (July 4th) general election and that the sign-up is relatively easy and also include, along with the usual postal vote, the option to have someone there proxy vite for you. You only have a few days left to apply so let's all help give the Tories the absolute scrubbing they so richely deserve!!!
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Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
Just a heads up to all the Brits living or staying here that since January you're all allowed to vote in the coming (July 4th) general election and that the sign-up is relatively easy and also include, along with the usual postal vote, the option to have someone there proxy vite for you. You only have a few days left to apply so let's all help give the Tories the absolute scrubbing they so richely deserve!!!
I'll qualify this by saying I don't have a dog in the hunt, but I'm curious why you feel the Tories deserve a scrubbing. Would you care to articulate?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I'll qualify this by saying I don't have a dog in the hunt, but I'm curious why you feel the Tories deserve a scrubbing. Would you care to articulate?
Weeeelllll before I try to give reasons for them to be thrown out I first tried to think of anything they've done right and I came up with only: 1) calling a general vote on Brexit.

Even that they only did because they were sure it wouldn't pass so then they spend 3 PMs trying not to make it happen really.

They have been very bad for the country and very good for their elite pals. The list of reasons why is almost endless.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Weeeelllll before I try to give reasons for them to be thrown out I first tried to think of anything they've done right and I came up with only: 1) calling a general vote on Brexit.

Even that they only did because they were sure it wouldn't pass so then they spend 3 PMs trying not to make it happen really.

They have been very bad for the country and very good for their elite pals. The list of reasons why is almost endless.
Brexit was organized by and for the elite, the big industry and sure not for the people.

They all were dreaming about a Singapore on Thames..... we know how that worked out !

Some well rechearched documentaries on the subject.

But anyway, I am sure De Gaulle is smiling in his grave !

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
So, let me see if I can try to understand this..... The EU, well at least the "contributors", are starting to veer right and the UK is looking like it is going to veer left? Thoughts on an eventual dissolution of the EU? Let's face it, the end game is a globalist society where there are the "elites" and those that serve them. Hopefully the people and countries that are starting to veer right, that although they may not be fully cognizant of the end state, have been getting a taste of what the left has in store over the last few years and don't really like the taste of the shit sandwich. Perhaps me not being from the EU or UK I don't quite get what I think I'm seeing?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
So, let me see if I can try to understand this..... The EU, well at least the "contributors", are starting to veer right and the UK is looking like it is going to veer left? Thoughts on an eventual dissolution of the EU? Let's face it, the end game is a globalist society where there are the "elites" and those that serve them. Hopefully the people and countries that are starting to veer right, that although they may not be fully cognizant of the end state, have been getting a taste of what the left has in store over the last few years and don't really like the taste of the shit sandwich. Perhaps me not being from the EU or UK I don't quite get what I think I'm seeing?
I was there at the beginning for Britain and the European Common Market, as it was known then, was a wonderful thing for all of the 12 countries involved. Anyone could travel and work where they wanted to and artificial hurdles to importing and exporting meant to protect the various special interest groups, such as farmers or fishers, fell away (well a little).

But as seems to be always the case "power creep" took over soon enough and every year more and more power and responsibilities were taken by vampiric EU bureaucracies until we have now common money, common army, common everything that the individuals simply don't want but solidifies power into the hands of an unelected and totally undemocratic cabal of mandarins who are responsible to no one.
Find us a wall to put them against:
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Brexit was organized by and for the elite, the big industry and sure not for the people.

They all were dreaming about a Singapore on Thames..... we know how that worked out !

Some well rechearched documentaries on the subject.

But anyway, I am sure De Gaulle is smiling in his grave !
Funny you should say that but neo-Singapore is(n't) located a few miles south in leafy Surrey.

.. then just to smear salt on the wounds the same muppets then refused a Malaysian developer permission to build some more high-rise buildings in town only to be overruled and told that ship has sailed :)

oh just to finish the link, the Council was run by the Tories

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
I was there at the beginning for Britain and the European Common Market, as it was known then, was a wonderful thing for all of the 12 countries involved. Anyone could travel and work where they wanted to and artificial hurdles to importing and exporting meant to protect the various special interest groups, such as farmers or fishers, fell away (well a little).

But as seems to be always the case "power creep" took over soon enough and every year more and more power and responsibilities were taken by vampiric EU bureaucracies until we have now common money, common army, common everything that the individuals simply don't want but solidifies power into the hands of an unelected and totally undemocratic cabal of mandarins who are responsible to no one.
Find us a wall to put them against:
Great article and very informative. For sure the right's resolve to carry out the will of the people will be tested.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
I'll qualify this by saying I don't have a dog in the hunt, but I'm curious why you feel the Tories deserve a scrubbing. Would you care to articulate?
The ABC yesterday carried a story that pretty well illustrates the nature of British conservative governments which seems to be bugger the poor. Let's not waste money on trying to help them. Leave them to their own devices to get off their bottoms, work harder and improve themselves.'

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
The ABC yesterday carried a story that pretty well illustrates the nature of British conservative governments which seems to be bugger the poor. Let's not waste money on trying to help them. Leave them to their own devices to get off their bottoms, work harder and improve themselves.'
Another informative article. Sometimes digging a little further to try and ascertain the root causes for problems is a part of critical thinking, especially when the media won’t do it. I offer this link and everyone can draw their own conclusions.

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
Another informative article. Sometimes digging a little further to try and ascertain the root causes for problems is a part of critical thinking, especially when the media won’t do it. I offer this link and everyone can draw their own conclusions.
In this vein, and as that I am from the somewhat parallel universe of the US, I got lazy and asked Chat GPT the same question for Labour's stance on immigration in the UK over the last 40 years and the same for the Conservatives: The results:


Q - "What has been the labour party's stance on immigration in the UK over the last 40 years?"

A - "The Labour Party's stance on immigration in the UK has evolved over the last 40 years, reflecting changes in government, societal values, and economic factors.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, when Labour was in power, the party pursued a relatively liberal immigration policy. This period saw an increase in immigration to the UK, driven in part by policies promoting diversity and multiculturalism. The Labour government at the time introduced measures such as the Points-Based System to attract skilled migrants and address labour shortages in certain sectors.

However, it's essential to note that Labour's stance on immigration has not been consistently one of open borders. In more recent years, there has been a shift within the party towards addressing concerns about the impacts of immigration on wages, public services, and social cohesion. Labour has also emphasized the importance of fair treatment for migrants and refugees while acknowledging the need for managed immigration to meet the country's needs.

Overall, the Labour Party's approach to immigration in the UK over the last four decades has been a mix of support for diversity and inclusion, coupled with efforts to manage migration flows and address issues related to integration and social cohesion."


Q - "What has been the tory's stance on immigration in the UK over the last 40 year?"

A - "The Conservative Party's stance on immigration in the UK has also evolved over the last 40 years, reflecting changes in government, public opinion, and economic considerations.

Historically, the Conservative Party has taken a more cautious approach to immigration compared to the Labour Party. Conservative governments have often emphasized the need for tighter border controls, reducing net migration numbers, and prioritizing skilled migration.

During the 2010s, when the Conservative Party was in power, there was a focus on reducing overall net migration numbers through policies such as the "Hostile Environment" strategy and the introduction of the Points-Based System to attract high-skilled migrants. There were also efforts to limit access to benefits and services for immigrants in the UK without legal status.

However, it's important to note that the Conservative Party's approach to immigration has not been uniformly restrictive. The party has also recognized the contributions of migrants to the UK economy and society, particularly in sectors facing labor shortages. Recent Conservative governments have also implemented policies to attract talent and investment through programs like the Global Talent Visa and the Innovator Visa.

Overall, the Conservative Party's stance on immigration in the UK over the last four decades has been characterized by a balancing act between addressing public concerns about immigration while also recognizing the benefits that migrants bring to the country."

In principle, I am pro immigration as long as the purpose is to enhance society through bringing "the brightest and the best" and those that are self sustaining and not sucking on the ever increasing in size government tit. The liberals that promote immigration for the purpose of diversity and multiculturalism are disingenuous at best and have far more sinister motives in my opinion.

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
For instance?
After several attempts at phrasing and rephrasing internet searches to support my opinion and receiving what I consider very biased search results, I once again resorted to queries to Chat GPT. First I used direct verbiage that was probably interpreted as being anti-globalist and received what I will call "balanced" results with very little meaningful information with words like "nuanced, empathetic, all of the DEI buzzwords.

After reworking the phrasing to a more innocuous query, I received this:

Q: "Explain the role of immigration and multiculturalism in implementing globalism."

A: "Immigration and multiculturalism play significant roles in implementing globalism by promoting diversity, interconnectedness, and cooperation among nations. Here's how:

1. Immigration: Globalists advocate for more open immigration policies to facilitate the movement of people across borders. By welcoming immigrants, countries can benefit from a diverse labor force, cultural exchange, and innovation. Immigration also helps address demographic challenges in aging populations and contributes to economic growth.

2. Multiculturalism: Globalism is closely linked to multiculturalism, which refers to the coexistence of diverse cultures within a society. Embracing multiculturalism promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for different traditions, languages, and beliefs. It fosters a sense of global citizenship and enhances solidarity among people from various backgrounds.

3. Cross-Cultural Exchange: Immigration and multiculturalism facilitate cross-cultural exchange, allowing individuals to learn from each other, share ideas, and collaborate on global challenges. This exchange of knowledge and experiences contributes to the interconnectedness of the world and promotes international cooperation.

4. Global Citizenship: Immigration and multiculturalism encourage the concept of global citizenship, where individuals see themselves as part of a larger global community rather than just citizens of a specific nation. This mindset promotes a sense of shared responsibility for addressing global issues such as climate change, poverty, and conflict.

Overall, immigration and multiculturalism play crucial roles in implementing globalism by promoting diversity, cross-cultural understanding, and cooperation on a global scale."

It's about all I can offer. I will say that when doing the internet searches, I did receive a lot of results for think tank "pay to look" abstracts that I chose to not waste my time on.

I will say that the results I received on my research queries appeared to be biased. Again, my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
After several attempts at phrasing and rephrasing internet searches to support my opinion and receiving what I consider very biased search results, I once again resorted to queries to Chat GPT. First I used direct verbiage that was probably interpreted as being anti-globalist and received what I will call "balanced" results with very little meaningful information with words like "nuanced, empathetic, all of the DEI buzzwords.

After reworking the phrasing to a more innocuous query, I received this:

Q: "Explain the role of immigration and multiculturalism in implementing globalism."

A: "Immigration and multiculturalism play significant roles in implementing globalism by promoting diversity, interconnectedness, and cooperation among nations. Here's how:

1. Immigration: Globalists advocate for more open immigration policies to facilitate the movement of people across borders. By welcoming immigrants, countries can benefit from a diverse labor force, cultural exchange, and innovation. Immigration also helps address demographic challenges in aging populations and contributes to economic growth.

2. Multiculturalism: Globalism is closely linked to multiculturalism, which refers to the coexistence of diverse cultures within a society. Embracing multiculturalism promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for different traditions, languages, and beliefs. It fosters a sense of global citizenship and enhances solidarity among people from various backgrounds.

3. Cross-Cultural Exchange: Immigration and multiculturalism facilitate cross-cultural exchange, allowing individuals to learn from each other, share ideas, and collaborate on global challenges. This exchange of knowledge and experiences contributes to the interconnectedness of the world and promotes international cooperation.

4. Global Citizenship: Immigration and multiculturalism encourage the concept of global citizenship, where individuals see themselves as part of a larger global community rather than just citizens of a specific nation. This mindset promotes a sense of shared responsibility for addressing global issues such as climate change, poverty, and conflict.

Overall, immigration and multiculturalism play crucial roles in implementing globalism by promoting diversity, cross-cultural understanding, and cooperation on a global scale."

It's about all I can offer. I will say that when doing the internet searches, I did receive a lot of results for think tank "pay to look" abstracts that I chose to not waste my time on.

I will say that the results I received on my research queries appeared to be biased. Again, my opinion.
Not a word about the level of tolerance concerning the acceptable ratio of immigrants ?
Not a word about immigrants rejecting the rules of the host country and wanting to impose their livestyle, customs and religion ?
Not a word about immigrant asking to hosts to adapt instead of them adapting to the host.

Conclusion : ChatGTP is rubbish....

Bring back the borders !
Well, on the other hand the great Brexit moto "taking our borders back" didn't really worked out (yet)....


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
My request for further information "have far more sinister motives in my opinion" was either willfully misunderstood or, what I am beginning to suspect, ChrisA is itself a chatbot?!

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
No brother, I’m not a chat bot and I’m not ignoring the request. I’m on the road to the North at the moment and will try to articulate my opinion re: the sinister nature of how liberals are using immigration and more importantly illegal immigration as one of many tools to progress the globalist agenda and take our personal freedoms away.
My request for further information "have far more sinister motives in my opinion" was either willfully misunderstood or, what I am beginning to suspect, ChrisA is itself a chatbot?!

Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
My request for further information "have far more sinister motives in my opinion" was either willfully misunderstood or, what I am beginning to suspect, ChrisA is itself a chatbot?!
Okay, where to start.... I believe that a lot of the crazy shit going on in this world that is being driven by the liberal left, be it in Europe or the US, is designed to cause chaos with the hope that the citizens that are suffering through all of the chaos and social upheaval will at some point start begging governments to take action. That in turn increases the reliance on government and government grows bigger and bigger w/ the common citizens losing more and more personal freedom and allows the governments to start / continue doing whatever the F they want. Besides immigration and illegal immigration, what other crazy shit is being driven by the left? How about DEI? It is designed to divide people with the eventual end result being censorship and in the US's case, impeding the 1st Amendment right to free speech. How about the current anti-semitism? The list goes on and on. All pretty much driven by the left.

The end game is globalism. Globalism is in my opinion communism in sheep's clothing. It will be implemented like boiling a frog without a shot being fired or a revolution. If you think that the left is driving all of this crazy shit for altruistic purposes, you are very naive in my opinion. Why else would the left be driving or be architects of all of this crazy shit? Perhaps accumulation of power?

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you wish. I am certainly willing to listening to opposing viewpoints and other explanations. In the vein of being called a conspiracy theorist, some interesting reading is a book called The Great Reset by Glenn Beck and one of his compadres.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
You use the term "crazy shit" 4 times - is this some technical term or a metaphor for something?

I suspect you need a few years Bali time to regulate your "crazy shit" meter.

The couple of things you mentioned are just echos of other similar "causes" that seem to be reverberating around the internet continuously in ever changing colors.

In my view the problem with modern society (western) is that so many sad and useless people are on continuous look out for the next big cause to follow be it Gaza, Global Warming, Gender, Ozone, AI, etc. etc. ad infinitum. The real problem is most of them know absolutely jack shit about their chosen cause and are happy in their ignorance.

Have you ever noticed that once a "cause" is found in NEVER GOES AWAY! Racial equality/black equal rights - sorted, but still a "cause", Greenpeace Save the Wales - sorted but GP still collects money, Gay rights - they've been legal pretty much everywhere now forever, for fecks sake they can now marry!

If that's the "crazy shit" you mean I suggest you just relax, grab a cold one and keep watching cause the next "cause" is coming up on us now.
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Chris A

Jun 16, 2021
You use the term "crazy shit" 4 times - is this some technical term or a metaphor for something?

I suspect you need a few years Bali time to regulate your "crazy shit" meter.

The couple of things you mentioned are just echos of other similar "causes" that seem to be reverberating around the internet continuously in ever changing colors.

In my view the problem with modern society (western) is that so many sad and useless people are on continuous look out for the next big cause to follow be it Gaza, Global Warming, Gender, Ozone, AI, etc. etc. ad infinitum. The real problem is most of them know absolutely jack shit about their chosen cause and are happy in their ignorance.

Have you ever noticed that once a "cause" is found in NEVER GOES AWAY! Racial equality/black equal rights - sorted, but still a "cause", Greenpeace Save the Wales - sorted but GP still collects money, Gay rights - they've been legal pretty much everywhere now forever, for fecks sake they can now marry!

If that's the "crazy shit" you mean I suggest you just relax, grab a cold one and keep watching cause the next "cause" is coming up on us now.
Okay, I suppose there are different degrees of what I term as crazy shit, but I choose to lump everything together under the crazy shit moniker because for most of what the liberal left advocates or endorses I just can't fathom a logical reason why they would other than to destroy a country or society to progress some other agenda. For example, what could possibly be the purpose of having a drag queen story hour for 5 and 6 year olds at a public school as one of the more egregious examples. The list of examples is long and shameful.

You mention spending a few years in Bali to regulate my crazy shit meter. Are you referring to getting calibrated against all of the crazy shit that occurs here to provide a new frame of reference or marking a few years here to ratchet down the anxiety level? If the former, after working in places like Angola in the early 90's during the civil war, Kazakhstan not too long after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Nigeria in the Niger Delta to name a few, I've seen my share of crazy shit and compared to those experiences, the direction society is heading really concerns almost verging on terrifying me. If the latter, I think the only way to ratchet down the anxiety level would be to disconnect from the internet and go into a more or less outside world information blackout.

You mention causes never go away. Look no further than the internet and amplification or manipulation by social media. The masses are being trained to be lead and obedient.

I'd say we've flogged this subject enough wouldn't you say?

Let's talk about food. My family and I are at our villa that is for sale in the North and I brought a whole cube rol for grilling. I think I'm going to cut it into two and cut individual steaks with one half and will roast the other half w/ low heat and some smoke. I'll post pics of the beef and the sides that I haven't dreamed up yet on Balifrog's running food thread. I've missed my Kamado grill.