Visa for Indonesian to visit Australia


Aug 19, 2004
Hi All

I have read all the archives and I am still confused. I want to bring my partner out at Xmas from Bali. He is not Balinese , however he is Indonesian but he lives there.

The problem is I do not know what to do about the visa. Initially I want him to come to see if he likes Australia.

My problem is on the visa application do I explain that or do I simply apply for a tourist visa as a valued friend who I have meet in Bali.

Someone please help it is so frustrating. I spoke to the consulate in Bali and all they say is ' make application".




Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi, Tina
My problem is on the visa application do I explain that or do I simply apply for a tourist visa...
I would keep it as simple as possible. Just apply for a "tourist visa", and stick to what the forms ask.

One other thing. The Australian Consulate has a new, separate location called a "Visa Application Centre" on Jalan Raya Puputan, in Renon.
This may not be relevant in your situation, but visa applications there cost Rp 150,000 more than at the main Consulate.

Good luck.



Aug 19, 2004
Hi Sanurian

It says on the sight that the Visa Applicatio Centre is the only place where Indonesian can apply.

I got the impression that it was not optional where you put your application in.

I am so confused just think how confused he is.

Never mind Thansk for the help.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi Tina

It says on the site that the Visa Application Centre is the only place where Indonesians can apply.
Whatever "the site" says is one thing, the reality might be slightly different, at least at the moment.

I'm Australian and my wife is Indonesian. I took her to the main Consulate office and we lodged her application for a tourist visa there. When we had to pay, I was surprised that the price was Rp 600,000 and not Rp 750,000. It was then that the official told us we were supposed to apply at their Visa Application Centre. My response was something like "but we didn't know that and if that's the case, why don't you have a sign out the front so we know?" It wasn't an argument and my wife got her visa without any problems (and Rp 150,000 less).

Of course, if an Indonesian went there alone, they could well be told to go to the other office. Life's like that.

I'll repeat myself here. Stick to a straight tourist visa application and don't try to embellish it in any way. Only provide the minimum information they require. Don't mention "love", a potential marriage, or anything like that and you'll both save yourselves headaches. The headaches can wait until later, if things work out between you.

I wish you both the very best, whatever happens.


dave gede

New Member
Feb 10, 2007
Hi Tina well my situation worked out a little better this trip with Komang being granted a 3 month single entry visa the straight forward things are spelled out in the forms but the things like your partners personal wealth to keep him while in Aust even though you are the sponser are difficult so good luck with it the interview will make a big difference to your chances as well and as from sanurian wish you both all the best together x


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
It's quite simple, manc

Thousands of people try to get into Australia on tourist visas and many choose to stay there illegally, hoping for an amnesty down the line. Not a few of them come from Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. Remember the "boat people" sagas years ago?

The Australian government has become brutally tough in the last ten years, to the point where some of its actions go against UN Human Rights' principles. For example, sticking "refugees" off-shore to deter others. Like many others, I believe that's both wrong and inhumane.



Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Re: RE: Visa for Indonesian to visit Australia

Sanurian said:
The Australian government has become brutally tough in the last ten years, to the point where some of its actions go against UN Human Rights' principles. For example, sticking "refugees" off-shore to deter others. Like many others, I believe that's both wrong and inhumane.
I'm in total agreement, Sanurian.
:x :evil:


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Mats and Sanurian you both know me personally so no prizes for guessing my spin on the whole immigration thing. My answer is this. For those who have made it over here against all odds and have been detained in what can only be described as extreme inhumane conditions .. how about this for an idea Howard or future governments – let em out to find a job (don’t’ worry they will find one easily) while they wait to processed.

Their contribution will shit on most of the crew that would'nt work in an iron lung making a mockery of our current Aus IR issues.

Tina. I thought it was you that gave me the clues on how to get my friend James from Jakarta out here last month. What I thought was going to be a total 3rd degree by our government on letting him in, turned out to be a walk in the park. I's dotted T's crossed in a few clicks.


Aug 19, 2004
Hi Dasha

No, it wasn't me who gave you the info. I am still going through that.

' I's dotted T's crossed in a few clicks.' - Yes I agree so I am doing that. How long did you apply for.


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Hi Tina

It must be the 2 people also from Brizzy (sorry I forget who you are) that put me onto this great Aussie government / invite your friends from Indonesia site to Australia about 2 months ago.

We thought it would be a nightmare of papers to sign and forms to fill to get him out here but it was literally the opposite. Within about 8 to 10 days we had him on a plane and in our office doing stuff. That easy.

I’m at our office now. Been here since Sunday (we live here sometimes) but when we get back to the apartment tomorrow night I will shoot you he link to the express lane.

Freogirl might help me to remember the people that got me onto it. They are the ones we were talking about last week having Japanese tucker at one of our fave feed spots down below the towers. Who was it Kaz?

Sorry I don’t have the ready details for you Tina – that is all on my hardrive at home.


Aug 19, 2004
Hi Dasha

Thank you very much that link will be appreciated. Not applying to next week because he is still in Makassar and not returning to Bali until 17th



Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Re: RE: Visa for Indonesian to visit Australia

Dasha said:
Freogirl might help me to remember the people that got me onto it. They are the ones we were talking about last week having Japanese tucker at one of our fave feed spots down below the towers. Who was it Kaz?

I'm not sure - you said was someone in Brisbane and thought Rakini, but she lives here in Perth. Then you thiought someone who has two people in the photo so I thought maybe Charlie, but she lives in Sydney. Sorry. I remember the very nice Japanese, and even nicer Shiraz though :lol:


Aug 19, 2004
Re: RE: Visa for Indonesian to visit Australia

Dasha said:
Hi Tina

It must be the 2 people also from Brizzy (sorry I forget who you are) that put me onto this great Aussie government / invite your friends from Indonesia site to Australia about 2 months ago.

We thought it would be a nightmare of papers to sign and forms to fill to get him out here but it was literally the opposite. Within about 8 to 10 days we had him on a plane and in our office doing stuff. That easy.

I’m at our office now. Been here since Sunday (we live here sometimes) but when we get back to the apartment tomorrow night I will shoot you he link to the express lane.

Freogirl might help me to remember the people that got me onto it. They are the ones we were talking about last week having Japanese tucker at one of our fave feed spots down below the towers. Who was it Kaz?

Sorry I don’t have the ready details for you Tina – that is all on my hardrive at home.


Have you gone into hiding I have sent a pm to remind you about sending me the information on the website you mentioned.



Aug 19, 2004
Hi everyone

Thought I would update you all. We decided to apply for 3 months visa first time. It was approved in 5 days (even though it had to go to Jakarta to be approved ) and he will be here in 5 days.

The main thing was that I gave them everything they wanted. I rang Immigration in Australia twice to make sure I got the same response in what was required. They gave me a lot more information than on the Indonesian website.

For instance the letter of invitation was on a Stat Dec. All documentation was email and signed by JP. I even put the intinerary on the Stat Dec.

Anyone wanting more info please send me an email.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Congratulations, Tina

See? It wasn't that hard, after all. I have to admit that I was surprised at how quickly things were done getting a tourist visa for my wife. The waiting was the hardest part.
...the letter of invitation was on a Stat Dec...
Ours wasn't. Just a plain letter. I really wish bureaucrats, whether Indonesian, Australian, etc, gave out consistent information.

For example...(this has nothing to do with tourist visas). I recently needed my signature witnessed/certified on an Australian form. I rang the Australian Consulate in Denpasar and they quoted me Rp 250,000 for a "certification" and Rp 152,000 for "witnessing". I thought that was pretty steep. When I went there, an Australian official did it but had trouble using his stamping devices properly. It was painful to watch. He could read and write, which made me feel a bit better. And I was charged the lesser of the two amounts.

I hope you both have a wonderful time in Brisbane!



New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Hi to all of u!
Your information regarding visa application will bw very helpful fro ma bacause i am also planning a tour with my, in this forum all of u gave a very important & precious information that will help me a lot to get a visa.