Vets Fees


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
HAH :!: Lots of laughs :D

For sure, if I dropped dua juta on a fur ball, I wouldn't hear the end of it from my Balinese wife until it was time for my cremation :!:

And by the way, just for some serious discussion, one should check out the effects that imported cats, initially as pets, has had on the environment and certain species of marsupials in Australia that are now all but extinct. Cats are not indigenous to Australia, so when some of these lovable fur balls became not so lovable, and were let loose, they became ferule, and off they went with their instinctive hunting skills preying on animals that had not ever evolved to meet this newly introduced threat.

Since the Wallace line is right between Bali and Lombok…meaning cats were never indigenous east of the Wallace line, one would think that one would think before bringing them there.


New Member
Feb 14, 2005
Norfolk, UK
I have bred dogs (Bullmastiffs and Dogue de Bordeaux) for 12 years, and I hate to think about the money we have spent at the vets in that time. But when you have a pet you have the responsibility of taking care of it, no matter what the cost. What would Roy do with a sick dog, put a gun to it's head? And I am not ashamed to say that I prefere dogs to people. All they ask for is love, food and shelter, and in return they give you a lifetime of devotion. At least dogs don't lie and cheat, what you see is what you get. And compared to costs in England, those in Bali are cheap.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I am not ashamed to say that I prefere dogs to people.

Can't say much after that one! :shock:

Actually, I'm at a total loss of words...not even a bow wow :!:

Well, not totally without a little bark! For sure, if you ever come to Indonesia do not wear a tee shirt with the words, "saya lebih cinta anjing dari pada orang."

Likely, you'll be immediately deported...with me waving at your plane...."da da!" :D :D :D


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Hi Mariathe

If you check back through old posts on this forum you will find not only would Roy put a bullet in the head of a sick dog he would do it to a healthy one too.

And I would point out Made had no problem with the Rp250,000 spent on putting our cat to sleep. Infact it was he that first said that it was time to do so rather than have the cat suffer more.

And as Roy seems so concerned about what I spend my money on, maybe he should consider the Rupiahs he spends at Nuris could be put to better use too!

And for somone so quick to jump on other peoples spelling Roy, you might like to use a spellcheck yourself sometimes!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yup, our house boy, Jonny, just got finished putting up our Galungan panjar, and as usual, we topped it off with a fresh doggy tail! :D

We decided to forgo the mounted doggy heads on bamboo poles this year. :shock:

We have to keep up our house’s reputation where in our village it is called Rumah di Anjing Mati. :p :p

Anyway, they aren’t really doggies you know, at least not the short haired mutts common in the southern part of Bali, rather they are dingoes, or some mutation thereof.

Selamat hari raya Galungan! Got to go and make some sate now. Care to guess the main ingredient?
:shock: :shock: :shock:

PS...I know a certain wonderful lady in Adelaide who is going to get a really big kick out of reading this.

PPS...Funniest thing I've ever seen in Bali was a lady dressed in her Talbot's finest trying to go though customs with a 10 kilo bag of Kibbels and Bits. I recall what the customs office said to the lady, "Madam, we do have some very fine restaurants here you know." :D


Nov 4, 2004
While you’re at it Roy why don’t you make yourself on of them there Davy Crockett style hats from the pelts, that is if you haven’t already. One in each colour for any occasion. :p


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Got one already Lee, but since there aren't any raccoons over here, I had to use monkey skin. A nice gray color, very neutral and good for any occasion!
:p :p :p


Aug 10, 2005
That was the funniest reading I've done in a while. Not to say that I'm making fun of any of you, and I agree with everyone, actually.

I love animals, and I've always had pets (dogs/cats) until I started traveling. I still move around too much to have a pet, but I wish I could have a dog.

I had 7 dogs and 3 cats when I was in college, and yeah, vet fee was incredible in the USA. I was working 30 hours a week while being a full time student - most of it going to the vet. When there's a will.... :roll:

I do agree, you take on a full responsibility for a dog and it will devote itself to you completely. They'll never ever cheat on you, betray you, hurt your feelings. Every person in this world is capable of doing all that (not saying that everyone is like that though), which would make dogs better than people in that sense, no?

I definitely am biased since I love animals - and RSPCA does play a very vital role in different countries. Even Malaysia, a muslim country, has SPCA.

Hey, each to his/her own, right?


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
Sorry I might be late for this thread ...

I have 5 dogs in Bali - 1 local dog, one imported dog and 3 Indo(mixed) dogs.

I visit 2 vets frequently. One is Dr. Listriani in Renon and the other is Dr. Suharsono (between Macro and Renon). Dr. Listriani speaks English very well and she seems to have many foreign customers (patients?). Dr. Suharsono was offered to me by the Bali Pet Shop which has several stores (Denpasar, Sanur, Kuta, Kerobokan, ...). He teaches in universities.

Where to buy dogs:

- get dogs for free from friends
- buy in petshop 3-5 million (3 years ago) with certificate
- buy on the street (e.g. Topatih, just after entering the street to Batubulan if you come from the bypass)
- buy in pasar burun (I was told that some dogs there are stolen)

Problems I had with my dogs:

1. Ticks
My neighbours dog had loads of ticks. The ticks climbed over the wall and came into our garden. I used Frontline intensively to get rid of the ticks - but the ticks still kept coming from the neighbours house - so I secretely treated my neighbours dog (was walking on the street) and finally all dogs became tick-free.

2. Expensive dog food
One of my dogs had problems with digestion. I tried many types of dog food, but nothing has changed. And then one day, I fed my dogs with some leftovers of Bakso. Voila, the dog was absolutely ok again. But my other dogs still eat dogfood and the cost of dogfood is rising and rising. The total cost for my 5 dogs a month is about 1.5 million Rp. including vet fees.

3. Watch out for thieves
In the street where I have been living (small street, not so busy) many dogs have simply disappeared - even local dogs. A japanese residents Labrador has disapeared from within its garden. I hope they didn't become Sate ;-)

jogry blok

Sep 28, 2005
We had 2 dogs in aussie and when the time came to leave for Bali we found them a very friendly caring new owner. We are still in contact, I receive photos and emails written in the name of he dogs they tell me they have been to the Beauty Parler. Now we have 2 dogs, of which one is a balinese dog bought on the road in singaraja. We look after them and pay also our Vet fees.They give us security and love. Did you know that peoples bloodpressure lowers to having pets. This is now very important in old peoples homes, where there is always a dog and cat.Why do you think, we have special dogs trained for hospital visits?
I do understand that we can help other balinese children, but we help our local community and our pembantus.
I do understand Roy, your reaction, I have the same when I say what kind of food my dogs eat. But this is life.!