Vets Fees


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Having spent over 2 million on vets fees in the last two weeks I thought I would post some of the rates for other animal lovers out there.

Cat Vaccination / Booster Rp125,000
Dog Vaccination / Booster Rp150,000

Staying in Rp25,000 per day + various medications.
Call Out Service fee Rp100,000
Transport (hes an hour away from us) Rp180,000

Euthanasia Rp250,000 (but we are hoping it wont come to that!)

Having a pet here is not cheap.



New Member
Sep 1, 2005
Hi Gemma,
First i want to say nice to meet you as i'm new in here.Living in Ciangmai -Thailand at the moment but we are planning to move to Lovina as soon as the money enough to but one of the Villa there.
But i was wondering if you know where can i buy dogs and cats in Bali as i have 2 Rottweilers and 2 Siammese cats but its not allowed to bring over there according Indonesian Law..
And do you think its easy to find the good Vet there?
Thankyou very much for helping.
Have a nice day.


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali

You can buy pets just about anywhere in Bali. We bought our German shephard on the bypass in Sanur. He had all of his papers and they were very helpful. I can't recall the name of the shop right now, but it is close to the McDonalds and on the same side of the road.


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
Thank you drbruce,
I apreciate it.Do they have pure breed and and is it hard for me if i want to send them for training or boarding incase we have to go for couple days somewhere?
Well we are planning to move to Lovina or my pets so much feel sad already knowing that we must leave them here.
Will find out about that shop anyway.
See ya


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Hi Yulie

I am sorry that I cant help as I am based in Lombok rather than Bali but it looks like you will be getting your answers from other members.

Incidently & unfortunately, euthansia was the final step for my cat. The vet was unable to save him. Poor little thing.


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
1st thanks for your reply...and i'm sorry about what happend to your cat.
I just lost one 0f my Siammese cat 3 weeks ago.The vet didn't know what was wrong with him.He was ok ..suddenly quite and collapse on the stairs after 2 days.
But my friend told me his 2 Siammese cats died without reason.Too pure they said.
Have a nice day anyway


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Mimpi, we often don’t see eye to eye, and for certain, with your last post, we aren’t even close.

Did I read this string right? To “put down” your cat cost you Rp 250,000 rupiah!? That’s pretty close to what you pay your pembantu a month, isn’t it? Then you say that you spent two million in the last two weeks over an animal…and in Lombok? And then you note, “having a pet here is not cheap.”

Did it ever occur to you Gemma that with the two million you spent on a cat, you could have sponsored the education and welfare of 2 kids in North Bali for a whole year? God only knows what you could have done in Lombok with two million rupiah.

I’m sorry, and I apologize profusely, but spending that kind of money, especially when you have made it clear that funds are not always easily available…on a cat…when so much can be done for the people of Lombok, and Bali…just doesn’t make sense to me.


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
Dear Roy,

For me, I can really understand people that will spend a lot of money on their pets. Like them I also regard our cats as parts of my household and
I also will pay what I can to keep them healthy or if necessary to let them "sleep in". I know it isn't fair maybe to people elsewhere in the world, but my cats will cost me the same in Holland a month as the monthly income as a well paid civil servant in Indonesia. But knowing this it is still no reason for me to spend less on the cats.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Strange that in the UK we have a ROYAL society for the prevention of cruelty to animals but only a National society for the prevention of cruelty to children.

There is more money spent on pets here than building new schools and hospitals. The sum is more than the national income of many developing nations. and runs into Billions.

Why people put animals before people has always been beyond me. I am sure I will be contentious here but pets are domesticated wild animals and in the main they should be free not treated as surrogate children or substitute friends.

Awaiting nuclear fall out on this one.


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
I'm agree with some opinion from people in the forum about pets.Before i never had any animals except duck and chicken..but we have farm too risky cos of bird flue.
After having dogs and cats i just realize how much money we spent for them.And what the dogs do only guard the house which is not necessary as in Chiangmai really safe, plus the things they destroyed as they were puppy before...
I can love them as other people who love animal but i won't let the animals control my life ..and to spend 40 million for each to bring over to Indonesia..will think twice about that.
I guess just need to find new owner instead of spending 160 million.


New Member
Sep 19, 2005
Re: RE: Vets Fees

Jimbo said:
Why people put animals before people has always been beyond me. I am sure I will be contentious here but pets are domesticated wild animals and in the main they should be free not treated as surrogate children or substitute friends.

Awaiting nuclear fall out on this one.

Well Jimbo, Here's some nuclear fall!

Imagine England without RSPCA -I'm thinking stray dogs and cats everywhere -spreading diseases, howling at night and breeding. The work of RSPCA is invaluable to your country! I dont live in the UK and in my country we dont have an organisation of such kind, allthough we DO take care of our pets better than many other countries.
The RSPCA receives no lottery or state aid in England, its runnig costs (£82 million/yerar) are completly funded by donations and voluntary work. This shows how much your people care for the animals.

Personally, I will pay what ever it takes to make sure that my pets are in good health and if putting my BEST FRIEND (this must annoy you) to sleep is the only way out 250.000rp is a small ammount to pay, to make sure that it is done propelly and with as little pain as possible for my pet.

As you might have noticed, this is a subject very close to my heart. This is also the first time I've posted anything on this forum, even though I've been visiting this site for quite some time now! so here it is folks! Enjoy!

And hey, great forum by the way!


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok

As usual you are jumping the gun & being completey judgemental.

You do not know me. You do not know what I have done & what I do for the people of Lombok because I choose not to come on to the forum and BRAG about it.

Do you think that you are the only person who is accepted in their village & well integrated!

When I take on an animal, I take on responsibility for its welfare. That is up to me & none of your bloody business.

This branch is about "TheCosts of Living in Bali"

I was trying to provide information for other animal owners on vets fees. Why do you feel the need to turn it into anything else.

I had already gotten to the point whereby I had emailed Bert saying that I no longer wanted to be a moderator here as I was avoiding posting so often to advoid getting tangled up in all the many arguments.

This used to be a really fun freindly forum but these days it has changed for me & it is mostly down to one person, YOU.

Remember Roy, when you are pointing the finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back at you!!!!


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

The RSPCA is as you say voluntry organisation funded by its members and a charity. Its work on strays etc can and should be taken over by the authorities. The donations it receives could go to much more worthwile charities that save human life. The fact that people prefer to give to save animals rather than children is beyond me.

I make no judgements just observations. At least it gets you writing in the forum and that is good :)


Aug 31, 2004
We recently bought a puppy (original kintamani breed) and paid 150000rp for it from Batubulan. First vaccination from Sanur cost 125000rp and 100000rp on vitamins,anti wormer and shampoo. The additional boosters cost 100000rp each from a Singarajan vet. In the first three months we must of spent also close to two million rupiah but I don't regret it because our dog is brilliant and is also vital as a guard dog if you live in a rural village.
I agree with you Gemma about everything in your thread. It's not surprising Roy is always getting barred from chatrooms.
We are now back in England and miss our dog very much. I believe he is well worth the two million we have spent.


Jun 4, 2005
I find your post on this topic quite offensive Roy. Doing the best to help a family pet is often hugely important to many people and the loss of that pet can be devastating. You are right out of order to challenge that. IT IS THEIR CHOICE.
Who is to say that as well as providing treatment for the pet, one cannot also contribute to say 'The East Bali Poverty Project'. It is not always a case of one or the other.
I seem to recall on a previous post, Sanurian challenging you to line up at Immigration and make your own visa arrangements, rather than pay Bali IDE to do it for you. He made the comment not everyone can afford this.
If you want to balance the arguement, why not que up next time at Immigration yourself, and instead redirect the Bali IDE fees to some worthy charity. as you suggest animal lovers instead do with their savings.
I was reluctant to reply to this post, but I just had to challenge you on this one.
Let's keep the forum informative and friendly.



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

Roy is voicing an opion albeit somewhat strongly as are you. The fact that many do not agree does not mean that one should not put the opion forward. Those that want to refute the opinion can do so and as long as the replies and messages are not personally insulting its OK. Thats what forums like this are all about.

Roy just had a difference of opinion I did not see where he was personall offensive. He actually apologised in advance.


Jun 4, 2005
Point taken Jimbo. I guess I am just a passionate animal lover. Roy did, however, make it pretty clear that to spend that sort money on an animal was a bit of a waste of money.



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Its a difficult point to make. For me I regard buying meat as not a waste of money but to spend large amounts on a pet? I think the money would be better spent on humans.

I also am an animal lover but believe animals should be mostly in the wilds where they belong. I have no objection to working animals but object to those kept in the main as a substitute for children or friends. The money spent on pets could also be better used to save those animals in danger of extinction.

As I said each to their own.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thanks summed up my thoughts precisely. Fact is, I’ve forgotten how to “talk” to western women. :D


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Me too but in my house I mostly do the listening and my wife does the talking. When I first met her 23 years ago I thought what a nice compliant eastern women. What a wonderful error I made :)

Would not change her for anthing but sometimes I get "sakit telingga" :)