Trip to Flores


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I must say Dede is a freak!!! Ok well yep he has to be... He married me without a gun or knife to his back!
He wants to decorate our entire house in Christmas lights, with a Santa & reindeer on the roof etc!!!
He is the one getting the Tree up & doing all the decorations etc...
I will end up buying gifts etc...
Unfortunately it is gonna be one tradition I cannot stop partaking in, I love it... We all get together over the month of Dec each w/end there is something happening, drinks & plenty of food & the best company anyone could ask for.... FAMILY & FRIENDS!!!!
Dede loves it too, sitting around with my Uncles trying to big note themselves, getting drunk & telling silly stories, then they start jamming & singing & it just goes down hill from there...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! hee hee hee! :lol:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Sometimes I feel funny too.

Like the time that I got (and they were looking very serious when they did) a framed (very colored) picture of Jesus at my birthday.

This was before I became a Hindu....

(they hung the picture in the room for my brother who visited us a few weeks ago)


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Like the time that I got (and they were looking very serious when they did) a framed (very colored) picture of Jesus at my birthday.
How did you respond when you received this wonderful gift? :shock: :eek: :?:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I felt funny, said thanks, then it was put on the wall for, felt even more funny. After a week or what I found something else to put there.

Wonders come from other Gods around here, thank God.

(Allthough Mel Gibson had me allmost convinced with The Passion.)


Sep 2, 2004
Cassienne, it's really nice to read your reminds me about the time when I was in Bali (ok, I'm aware that you were actually on Flores...but that's ok!) Can't wait to come to Bali! I'll be reading your stories with much pleasure until that time.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
(Allthough Mel Gibson had me allmost convinced with The Passion.)
I don't think Mel's quite so convincing lately, since he's just purchased an island somewhere off Fiji for the princely sum of $15 million.

From another forum:
"He wants to keep it as an exclusive getaway for his friends and family," [People] magazine quoted a local source as saying. "Gibson plans to turn the Pacific paradise, that is home to 40 residents, mostly coconut farmers and their families, into his own personal retreat....."

What will become of the coconut farmers? :?:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Speaking of private islands, my Guru in Bali built and installed all the Balinese structures on Sir Richard Branson's (sp?) private island in the Carribean. Of course, that was some years ago, but I guess if he's good enough for Sir Richard, he's got to be good enough for Mel Gibson. :D

What will become of the coconut farmers?

If Gibson is smart, he'll hire them all. It could be the best thing that's ever happened to these coconut farmers.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Looking at a glass of water that is right at the mid point, is it half empty or half filled? Or, are you truly “diagonally parked in a parallel universe?”

Optimism is a powerful force. The Balinese have taught me this. In the face of the greatest adversity, when the odds are overwhelmingly against them, they somehow dig deep into their guts and souls, and put up a smile.

I suspect that you, like me, don’t know Mel Gibson at all. But, isn’t it possible that his plans for his new island consists of new opportunities for the coconut farmers? Or, are we to automatically conclude that for them, it’s a “bad thing?”

Ma'af Mats, but consider that there are a whole lot of better sources of information in the world than People Magazine. :shock:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Well,'s like this.

If Mel Gibson wants a 'personal retreat' in the South Pacific - why not? Why shouldn't he? Celebrities everywhere need places to escape to and have a rest sometimes.

Fiji has about 3000 islands - if Mel bought one, good luck to him. Whether or not it's got coconut farmers is not all that important. I knew Mel just before he became famous - in those days, he was as responsible and a caring person you could ever wish for. The coconutters on Island X will not suffer for his presence - unless he gets hounded by the paparrazi.

I wrote, recorded, and played the soundtrack for his first movie. It was a dreadful movie that even he doesn't want to reminded of. He was a final year acting student in Australia at the time and unfortunately, got involved with a talentless producer. From memory, I was one of the few people who actually got paid any money. Mel still owes me a baked dinner, but I forgive him for that.

The movie, for the curious, was called Summer City (in Australia). I forget what it was called in the USA. Mind you, I think his Jesus movie was bloody terrible, too.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
You're right, I don't know Mel Gibson personally and I also don't know if the purchase of this particular island will be a "good or bad thing" for the coconut farmers.

However, I am also aware that there are very few places left on earth that are still "untouched" and "unspoiled" by Western influence and it saddens me to learn that yet another island paradise will fall victim to the excesses of the rich. Whether that information was gleaned from People magazine or the New York Times is really irrelevant.

As to whether the glass is half full or half empty, now that depends entirely upon the subject but basically, I'm an optimist.

I, like you, enjoy nothing more than good debate, so my comment was intended to stimulate discussion only, which it has. :D

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ah Gibson, will spend some time converting the coconut farmers, God just gave hime a nice house to come with it.

Hope its lease, not freehold...


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Although I hate that rich people can just buy an island, take it over, and not let people travel there.....I hate to say that I realy wouldn't mind my own gorgeous tropical island where I can live in paradise, without people always trying to sell me things...... :oops:
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, I've been so busy with I'm almost finished my marking then it's holidays!!! Last week this week, and I can't wait to get away. I'm going to Lombok and the Gilis for Christmas and New years, and then - who knows? I'll see who I meet and what I feel like doing. I love not having plans, just going where the breeze take you. One thing I do know, I'll be doing a lot of relaxing! I went to Padagbai this weekend with some other teachers and relaxed for the first time in over a week. Mmmm. I kind of wish I was going home for christmas, I haven't missed a single Christmas with my family yet, but I sent them a big box of presents (mostly typical Balinese things) and they said they'd ring me on christmas day and I can talk to everyone. So that'll be nice. Merry christmas to everyone here as well!
Love Cassienne


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Casienne, you're certainly making the most of your overseas posting and it's great to hear your stories. Please keep them coming. Oh, to be young and carefree again....sigh.

Best wishes for the holiday season.