Travel to Bali .........yes or no?



Hi to all,

I live in Australia and for the last 5 years my wif e and I have taken our holidays in Bali. For my wife the bombing earlier this year is one too many. The Australian government now has raised also raised the travel alert to "defer any non essential travel" which is one level off "do not travel". They are warning of not only further bombings but also kidnapping. I would be grateful for feedback from anyone who has holidayed in recent weeks or any ex pats who may have some feedback. From discussions with travel agents I believe there is very few travellers from Australia to Bali which would be devestating to it's people.

I look forward to your reply


Aug 19, 2004
Hi Paul

And welcome - the forum is an excellent place to get your information.

Travel to Bali .........yes or no

The answer for me is YES

I am going on the 10th February and taking my 17 year old son. Last time I took him away we went to Fiji because his father did not want him going to Bali (two years ago) but I have been three times since then.

I did not like Fiji - nothing like Bali and he has been helping me with the markets - the place where I sell the homewares I import from Bali. As a reward I said I would take him overseas on my frequent flyer points. He wanted to go to Bali. I asked him again just recently in view of the alerts and he still wants to go.

He is a mature 17 year old and we have talked about what will do to ensure our safety as much as we can and rely on the Balinese and their security also.

So like us it really has to be your decision, way up the pros and cons, get feedback and then make your decision.

Might see you their.


Hi and thanks for the feedback,

We were origonally booked for Feb. 9 but still am yet to convince my wife to rebook. I have a fatalist view to life which is not shared by my wife unfortunately. I had also contemplated Fiji but you have confirmed other feedback given (it's not BALI!) My only concern is will it be the same, with less people to feed the lives of the Balinese who rely on us that they may also change. Having said that I'm still keen so I will just have to work on convincing her a little more.

Thanks for your thoughts and good luck with business.

Safer travel


Aug 19, 2004
Well Paul

I am booked to go out on the 9th Feb also. Some people say there are less, some say the same amount of people are travelling. My travel agent said their bookings were not down that much.

This trip will be purely pleasure so hopefully I will be able to do some touristy stuff with my son.

I am betting on the odds. Firstly there was the first bombings in Bali and then the next two years it was Jakarta and last year Bali. By my prediction 2006 will not be in Bali.

I am from Brisbane and I know that the seats were getting booked up pretty fast.

If you like resort living and not going out to different restuarant then Fiji is ok. I could not believe that I could not walk out of my hotel and just pop into a restaurant. There wasn't one for miles and it is expensive compared to Bali and Thailand.

I believe there will be plenty of us (Aussie) their even though it is off season for us.



Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi Paul
go for it mate I was there 6 weeks ago not a problem & i'm back on 7/1/06 not a worrie ... well not for my safty lots of worrys for Bali ...
hope you go they need all the help they can get


New Member
I'd say YES, go for it!

We just returned from 10 days in Bali. Seems even slower than our previous visit, 3 weeks after the first bom.

There IS more security, at the airport, at malls, at hotels. We felt safe at all times, safer than crossing a busy street in NYC or Guangzhou.

That's my 2 cents....


yes, go for it. Just came back last weekend. It is indeed very quiet, domestic tourist are missing this make the local business suffered the most. Your visit will help them.


Anonymous said:
yes, go for it. Just came back last weekend. It is indeed very quiet, domestic tourist are missing this make the local business suffered the most. Your visit will help them.
Thanks to all for the feedback, I'm still up for it as mentioned but my wife is still "work in progress"..........

Happy New Year to all and safe journey. If I can convince her I would envisage April/May.
I look forward to your further feedback.

jogry blok

Sep 28, 2005
Hi Paul.
From an Aussie to an Aussie, defenitely come to Bali. The Aussie government gives the warning so that they do not have to pay any compensation IF SOMETHING HAPPENS!
The papers as always do not tell the truth. We live in Bali now for one and half year and are very happy. The local people are helpful and friendly.but terribly poor, they need the tourists to keep their jobs. Bombs nowadays are everywhere. I do not know where you live, but Bombs can also explode in Aussie. Not only in Bali.
Hope you wife will change her mind otherwise she will miss something really beautifull.
Good luck,


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Paul

Yes do go,i just came back aswell ,i was there when all the explosions went off,not a problem as i dont stay in high profile touristy places,its a great idea to find the more off beat area's of bali instead of the typical 'kuta" region,venture off to the middle/north of the island,so much to see in many other remote location of bali many miss due to not wanting to venture off. The more remote the more you get regards true bali. Do as the natives do and blend in,meaning eat in local warungs,use locals for drivers,make friends with people on the street instead of hanging out with other tourists in a hotel. The balinese love people,the interaction with all straingers has no limits thus my final suggestion is to stay in a 'homestay' with a family.
Dont worry so much...................tell your wife to get on line and ask us if she doesn't believe you.
Ok here is something not related but regards save travel;
I live right now in Los angeles calif. where there are hundreds of violent shootings daily,drive by sensless killings of innocent people by gangmembers. The freeway is an open field for getting shot,going down the wrong side street will get you shot,sitting on your front porch will get you shot. Just walking downtown or at the beachboardwalk will get you mugged/raped and or shot............The violence is horrid here in LA. But tourism is up always has been each year,what do you make of that? It's called media manipulation.
If politicians want or not want something to happen they have pull with the media,stories get headline news that are not even true. Regards LA that is true i live here so your speaking firsthand not reading an article. The balinese tell you firsthand,they live there.
Gina Tyler


May 11, 2005
Personally, if you'd ask me "do i feel safe in bali?". My answer would be "not everywhere" and "yes, but i keep an eye on people". I've been "too close" to feel completely safe and am lucky i wasn't passing by those particular areas when destruction was unleashed. The threat is still there no question about that, but the threat is not as big as our fears.

I'd say go and enjoy what Bali has to offer.


Tommy said:
Personally, if you'd ask me "do i feel safe in bali?". My answer would be "not everywhere" and "yes, but i keep an eye on people". I've been "too close" to feel completely safe and am lucky i wasn't passing by those particular areas when destruction was unleashed. The threat is still there no question about that, but the threat is not as big as our fears.

I'd say go and enjoy what Bali has to offer.
I would like to thank all respondents to my question. Above all it is obvious that we all share the unique passion that is Bali.

To those who have been fortunate and brave enough to set up a life in Bali........I'm green with envy!!

Your thoughts have been greatly appreciated.
Paul M


Aug 9, 2004
My answer to the question is that you do as you want, as it is your choice and yours only.

Obviousley there has to be less tourists than normal due to the bombing,
but heh surely that will not govern whether you have a better or worse time than normal.

If you get out and about and see the real Bali behind the mask of Kuta i really dont think you will ever feel threatened or scared. I know there has been severe warnings not to travel to Bali and you should always take these into account but if you go for the real Bali experience i think the odds of your holiday being disturbed or affected in any way are very slim.

Lets face it if your are out in downtown Kuta in some sleazy bar or busy nightclub every night then i suppose the odds increase. I know i would be more paranoid in those kind of places that a terrorst is more likely to attack to get greater impact, but if you are in some nice Warung or bar off the beaten track enjoying a nice meal or having a drink overlooking the ocean i very much doubt anything happening to you.

I know i wouldnt let terrorists influence my decision to go somewhere or do something, but at the same time i wouldnt give them the chance to snub my life out either, so a bit of common sense and precaution should stand you in good stead.

I mean look at the sad event that took place in Thailand whereby a poor girl was actually on the phone to her mother when she was attacked raped and bludgeoned to death. :shock: :shock: I know she may have thought she was safe taking a stroll along the beach to have a chat with her family on the phone, but past events in Thailand involving pretty young girls suggest she really should have taken some precaution. Fair enough if i had received the call i would have done the same as her, but i am a man and not an object of desire. (or i would like to think i am but hopefully desirable to the 5ft 0inch girls of Thailand who are less of a threat.) A big difference as we all know regardless of where i was, i would always as a full grown man, be far less likely to be targeted than a pretty young girl on her own.

Its a sad fact but events like this will always go on happening anywhere and anytime i am afraid as long as the human race is on the planet. :( :(
Sad but true so no matter how many times people will warn others to take preacuation there are those that will make up their own minds so therefore there are those that will suffer due to this. :( :(

Therefore as to Travel to Bali is if you were going to then carry on and go but be safe and ENJOY !



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now

Good point,to travel alone as a female is a whole other story.
It has it's good and bad points;
You meet more straingers,you open yourself thus more abel to interact with people you dont know.
Other side of the coin is you as a female are a 'sitting duck' for things lurking in the dark/light.
I have always traveled all over this planet on my own (business,homeopathy,volunteerwork etc) Plus my husband has a big dislike for travel/flying in general so i venture on my own..................yes with precautition!
Within my journals are many stories of horror but i'm still here,you learn from all this. Many say i'm crazy (the places i choose to travel to are not exactly touristy places)
Fear keeps us humans from doing anything,knowledge gives us freedom..................freedom makes us grow/learn/expand.
Gina Tyler


Ultimately the decision needs to be one that you and your wife are comfortable with...but I say GO FOR IT.
Myself, my husband, 15 yo daughter, friends & their 16 & 18 yo daughters just got back last Tuesday after 10 wonderful days in Bali. It was a first time for us & second for our friends.
The security is excellent. We felt very safe in MOST situations. We were (adults) a little aprehensive about going out 'clubbing' for new Year. We asked the staff of our resort (Bali Ayu in Semikyak) where they would reccomend. We decided ot stay out of Kuta, so wanted somewhere local. We had a great night at 'Venue on the moon' which is co-owned by an Aussie. The security was first rate & we were VERY well looked after.
There are not many Aussies in bali right now & the street sellers are suffering as a result. At times we were the only tourists in Seminyak Rd, or Poppies 2!! this can make for some aggressive sales pitches by the locals, but as anyone who has been will tell you, the Bali people are such a wonderful good hearted race. Even though times are tough for them, there is always a smile & a joke to make the experience enjoyable.
We limited our time in Kuta & did a lot of shopping in Semiyak & Legian. It was quite easy to avoid crowds as there just isnt that many tourists there. We quite often hired a driver from the hotel for the day so we always had access to a car & someone who knew where we were. The drivers and resort staff are a wonderful source of local knowledge and are so very willing to assist with anything.
In a nut shell.......Bali is a wonderful holiday destination & I believe always will be. Just be aware of where you are. If you dont feel good...MOVE ON. I think the fact that there arent many Aussies there was actually a bonus for us. Less crowds to deal with, some great bartering opportunities, plenty of time to talk to the store owners & get to know a bit about them & their country, and being treated with a greater respect than I have ever experienced in Australia. !!
Be on your first day can be dangerous!! No comprehension of the 'going prices' and little resilience to what cn be overpowering sales pressure. Our day one 'bargains' turned out to be a standing joke for the rest of the trip...both for us and the locals!!
I hope your wife can be convinced to go. She wont know the experience she is missing out on.
We saw a saying in Ubud, I think, which said "live life like a rose".
As explained by our driver: A rose is very difficult to grow in Bali, but if you meet the challenge, persivere, & nurture, the end result is the beauty of the rose- worth all the effort in the end.
Good motto for life I think!
Good Luck & happy travels.
Chris A


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hey time you make a post, try some paragraphing, OK? It might happen that more folks read your post, and they might even respond.