
Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Hello again
I did a private survey on foot the week after the last bombs went off ,went to the major hotels in Lovina area and asked for the prices,it got down to as cheap as $2- per night including breakfast. Many were down to $3-,the highest i found was $7- per night. many owners i spoke to said all capacity was down cutting the fee's per night by halfprice. I walked through many of these hotels just out of curiosity,no one was in them. It really was like a ghost town.
(i did not stay in any hotels my stay was in a guesthouse deep in the village of kaliasem no streets,no numbers on homes)
Gina Tyler


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Southern Highlands NSW
Sorry Richard, Air Paradise International.

Interestingly enough, yes they have cut back flights (Garuda and AA) however many people are actually waitlisted on flights so there is certainly a demand and it is not fully being met at the present time which is unfortunate.
In answer to Gina and BaliJeff Bali about the situation here in Lovina.

Firstly regarding budget hotels being empty in Lovina, well they have been that way since the government introduced the new visa policy of 30 days and $25 US. This basically killed the pack backer trade off overnight and is very sad for all that type of accommodation throughout Indonesia. I guess the Indonesian government thought this type of market they didn’t need, not realizing that these out of way tourist places rely a lot on this trade and it is actually very helpful to the local economy, as the money spent by back packers goes directly into the local community not like the star rated hotels, where it is often paid for in the country of origin in a package form.

My hotel Rambutan opened in the 90s and we relied totally on back packers then and it was very good business which enabled us to build the place up and eventually changer into a more up market place. I still have budget rooms but their occupancy run at below 5%. Due to this visa policy

Regarding Jeoffs questions about the effect the last bomb attack has had on Lovina, well if I compare it to the first one a lot less and I gave some comparisons in my previous posting. One reason is Lovina’s tourism is mainly European and they are a little tougher in their attitude to the dangers perceived about Bali. Also on a personnel note I have noticed a lot more of my customers actually leaving out the south of the island totally and we are asked to pick them up at the airport and then drop them off there. Hotels like Bali Taman are still getting very good occupancy rates, due to their links with travel companies in Europe.

One important thing I have noticed throughout all these bad events starting with the Sept 11th attack, that there is an immediate knee jerk reaction, which seems to be almost forgotten in the New Year. With Sept 11th I only actually had one cancellation but had very few enquiries or bookings until the New Year and it was very dramatic after the New Year that things went back to normal very quickly. A similar thing happened with the first bomb in Bali in 2002 but then we had a 99% rate of cancellations but come the New Year things started to pick up quickly but then we had the Iraq war and worst of them all was SARS, which ironically didn’t infect anyone to my knowledge in Indonesia but the good old western press wanted to sell papers, so they exaggerated the whole thing, failing to mention that the SARS virus could live for only 30 seconds outside its host in a warm country like Indonesia. This bird flu scare mongering by the press seems to be going in the same direction, which will probably have a very bad effect on tourism.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Hello richard
Here is a link to the 'bird flue nonesense'.....yes its all a big hoax to drum up money for those greedy politicians.any one interested please go to;
(searchbox birdflue hoax)
also a great website with more info on this scam
(searchbox avian flue scare is a hoax)
It makes the big drug industries billions from the sale of vaccines. Since all my patients ask me about this i have done loads of research already,yes its a supposed panic all over this world but if you have knowledge you have power,fear rules the majority.
What it comes down to if it is true (it is not) lots of vitamin C will get rid of this supposed fantom flue. more on this in mercola's website.
Gina Tyler


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
hi guys
i'm just home from 10 fab days in Bali .
you are all asking about numbers being down ....Well I was there same week last year & numbers seamed up to me
but being me I asked all the locals they said "NO very quiet " so I asked one of the buisness guys
' The bush teligraph" he said numbers & dollers are up for the same week last year !!!! :D

go figger

I think people forget how quiet it gets in nov so it just seems bad .

Any how I had a great time spent wods of cash to help out the tourist trade , took my wee girl out from the salvoes , and finelised my tours stuff , which by the way is booked out for the first two for next year .
as they say in Bali "sing kenken"

mind you I wouldn't like to be an Italian just now while I was there one was found in a rice paddy field badly beated on the way to Taharna lot no one knows why ???


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
dear jill
the comment about an italian found in a rice paddy beaten up,brought a thought to me from speaking to the clinic owner in kaliasem.She mentioned a big problem with pedophillia in this area and as a matter of fact all over bali. They had been tracking down a italian tourist male for a long time suspected of pedophillia,i was told the police did not help and would not help due to the pay off's they were getting from this pedophille.I was also told some 38 children had been missing lately from just one village.......hmmmmm? wonder if this is all related? Western oldermale tourists come into bali looking for innocent children to prey on,specially in the more remote villages were the children do play all hours of the day all alone. I was amazed at the independence of these little children some 3-5 yrs old,walking for a long ways to help out their parents,running errands to the warung.
Gina Tyler


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Gina I did not hear of this , if it was him he got his Karma , if not some poor bugger has been beaten , seems a strange place to be in the middle of the night , so something is up ????


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
Scotland, Argyll and Bute
I've read a few things here in the brit' press concerning warnings for tourists to indonesia. While i do have concerns i'm still bringing my family over next week for an extended stay. In Scotland we have a saying "whits fer yie wilnae go past yie".


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Gina you are right on about the pedophile problem in Bali. In recent years this issue has been taken more seriously by the government and several arrests/deportations have resulted. Legally, within Bali, this activity falls under the jurisdiction of adat within the banjar, meaning that the village itself, acting as a body, can take their own actions against a known pedophile. I’m not advocating a vigilante style of justice, but such actions can be effective.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
That's great Gina. I know Gloria well, and in fact, it's about time I bought her another nice lunch in Ubud. Many thanks!


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Roy
Gloria would love that,she is in need of some 'personal attention' that woman gives so much from herself,she needs some giving in return. Gloria is like the Mother Teresa of kaliasem. She has just opened up a warung for the village locals to provide meals to the poor i saw it being planned just before i left her property.
The things she deals with on a daily basis is enough to make a saine person go crazy,i really hope the best for her long term she sure deserves it.
My goal while i was there was to get her more volunteers,but this seems to be at a stall,many westeners cannot handle the culture shock of living in remote kaliasem lovina. I just loved it.For all of you expats that know gloria please give her a visit,she would love the company.
Gina Tyler