Thinking of moving back to Bali - Pls. help.

colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Hi Folks,

This is my first post and would like to ask for your opinions. Apologies as this might get a bit long.

I am currently based in NYC. I used to live (and work) in Bali from 2002-2004...I got an offer to work in NYC so I said "what the heck" (albeit hesitantly), then moved out since I'd like to experience life here. I must admit that it was a half-assed decision (half of myself wanted to do it, half wanted to stay in Bali).

I love Bali, the people, my job, the weather, the life (though sometimes it feels a tad too slow for me)...I just moved out since I am still looking for some dynamism, some cutting edge stuff in big cities. I was in my mid-to-late-20's when I lived in Bali.

Now that I'm in my early 30's, I am considering moving back to Bali. I feel that I already did my time here in the US, and my gut feel tells me to move back...Almost everyday I think about Bali and my relaxed life there. I miss the life. I still have some good friends and connections, and I can still get work and KITAS. I know the pay will be less, but I'm willing to take it. And besides the cost of living there is lower than what I'd spend here in New York.

Now, what holds me back is that I have a girlfriend here and I care about her. She is a sweetheart. We don't have long-term plans (ie. getting married), but we do have a good relationship... I don't care much about the rest of the stuff (the work, pay, being in NYC, the possibility of obtaining a greencard from work, etc...). Ok, maybe I'll miss the art and music scene...

As for my gf, there's not a possibility of her moving to Bali with me - it's just far from reality due to several reasons: she is still in her last year in college (she's 24), after that she would like to work and have a career of course...she still lives with her parents and not too independent...The idea of living in a tropical paradise would somehow excite her, but in reality it is too far removed from her experience.

Now before this gets too long, pls. give me some opinions on the matter. What should I do? should I stay or should I go? Or should I wait for sometime first before making the move? (I originally intended to move back a year ago).

I will tell more in next posts.


Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Welcome Colin,

Did your girlfriend ever go to Bali?

Ah, you can just get a job in Bali if you like? Some people would be jealous I guess....

Yes, the "dynamism"... A weekend Kuala Lumpur or Singapore may feed you a bit...

colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007

No, she's never been to Bali. I should probably talk to her and invite her for a trip to get a "feel" of what's going on there.

The job part - I guess I'm lucky, but I've developed some genuine friendships when I was still there, and I guess, modesty aside, I did my job to the best of my abilities...but I have to act sooner than later if I still want to avail of this job opportunity.

Hope more stories will follow.



Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Ok, my advice.. Get your gf pregnant.. She'll then be forced to drop out of college and her parents will toss her out.. Bali might then seem like a good option for her :) just kidding of course.. Very tough.. Why don't u propose to your gf that when she graduates, you go to bali on a 6mnth working holiday, if she agrees, then at least she'll have a chance to experience it.. After her stay, she might like it as much as you.. If that's not an option, then u need to ask yourself, do u pick bali or the gf? Mmm.. Not envious of that choice.. All the best and please keep us posted..



I have to ask - are you related to Colin McPhee, the composer of A House in Bali fame?

You start off in the forum with an interesting story. I wish I could give you some advice but can't except that to say that that noone can advise you. At least I can't.

Wow, from Bali straight to New York. Must have been mind boggling.

Hi Colin and welcome to the forum!

colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007

Ya, sounds like a good idea to spend some time in Bali with her. I will see if that's a possibility.

At this point, I just don't want to resort to choose between Bali and her, because that would be tough. I am hoping that somehow this will be resolved in a manner that won't hurt either or both of us (I know this sounds vague).

In fact, even talking to her about the idea of me thinking of moving back to Bali might already create a tension between us (i know this since sometimes she thinks that I'd like to go back to Bali, since every time we talk I would mention Bali, and she can tell from my rare collection of Gamelan music).

colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Re: RE: Thinking of moving back to Bali - Pls. help.

Allan said:
I have to ask - are you related to Colin McPhee, the composer of A House in Bali fame?

You start off in the forum with an interesting story. I wish I could give you some advice but can't except that to say that that noone can advise you. At least I can't.

Wow, from Bali straight to New York. Must have been mind boggling.

Hi Colin and welcome to the forum!

Life has been interesting. I know it's quite a difficult situation and very personal. But just wondering maybe by posting to this forum I can come across some ideas, or people with similar situations before.

No, i'm not related to the author, but I liked that book so much I had to use his name :) and besides, he documented Balinese music, and I'm so much into that that I have collected many of the old rare Balinese (and Indonesian) music on vynil.

Bali to New York is definitely a change, but since I grew up in one of Southeast Asia's crazy megapolis, I guess I can still take the hectic pace here.

Thanks for welcoming me everybody, and hope more people will give opinions on my predicament.


Sep 10, 2007
Go to Bali with her, for a holiday. See how she feels about it. After that, she can try, or leave.. It's not like once she is in there, she is stuck for the rest of her life.

But wait until she finishes her degree. Use the Bali holiday as an excuse to take a breather from all the studying.. ;) And then she'll probably fall in love, like we all did, with Bali..


Aug 19, 2004

Here's my two cents worth. You will have to choose between her and Bali so make up your mind now. You have to live with your decision.

I came to this conclusion because in your first post you are pretty sure she would not like to live in Bali. You either love her enough to wait and see where your relationship is going or cut the ties and go now.

I believe that is what it boils down to in simple terms.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Hi Colin - welcome to the forum

You are faced with a typical dilemma for expats - you live somewhere for a while, get into a relationship, and then have to deal with the fact that either you settle there permanently, or your loved one has to up sticks and become an expat too, or you maybe break a heart.

From what you said, you are not planning on a long term relationship with this girl. So I ask you - are you stringing her along? Does she know that she is only Miss Right Now?

If you don't see a future with her, then don't even ask her to up and move to Bali. A NY gal is going to find it pretty hard to take, unless she is the adventurous type and can live without a makeup bag and hairdryer (not to mention hot water, 24 hour electricity supplies, 100 TV channels and so on).

Life is short - if your heart is in Bali, move back there. Let her go so she can get over it and move on - hopefully to meet the man who does see a future with her.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
You have answered your own question as you say there is no long term future in the relationship. If you want a long term future in Bali the answer is self evident.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Dear Colin

I have only one basic suggestion for you and that's to "grow-up" a bit faster.

You sound like you want your cake and eat it too (= can be construed as being "selfish").
...she is still in her last year in college (she's 24), after that she would like to work and have a career of course...
Maybe you should let her, (although I don't think it's your role or in your power to have such control in her life).
Could she have a "career" in Bali? Maybe. I don't know what her specialty is.

Freogirl said:
...If you don't see a future with her, then don't even ask her to up and move to Bali. Any gal is going to find it pretty hard to take, unless she is the adventurous type and can live without a makeup bag and hairdryer (not to mention hot water, 24 hour electricity supplies, 100 TV channels and so on)...
...and a potential "career" out the door.

If you love this woman, let her know and work out the compromises that inevitably come with most relationships. I wish you both lots of luck.

Another "option":

Like the song goes...

"If you can't be, with the one you love,
Love the one you're with.."

It's both of your choices - we're only hearing your side.
Never throw away something precious...
That'd be downright stupid...right?


colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007
FreoGirl said:
Hi Colin - welcome to the forum

From what you said, you are not planning on a long term relationship with this girl. So I ask you - are you stringing her along? Does she know that she is only Miss Right Now?

Hi FreoGirl,

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I didn't make it clear - but I didn't mean that I'm not serious with her, or just taking her for a ride "at the moment".

The fact is, we both don't talk about the long-term yet, like where we see ourselves 5, 10, 20 years down the line (even longer). It's not only me, but both of us are not making plans yet...We enjoy each other, and I don't want to make any drastic moves, like say "marriage", since I :
1)don't want to freak her out
2) I don't want to put her in a position where she will be compelled to do something that she doesn't really want to do yet

But maybe we should talk about it soon? We've been dating for a year now. For some it might be a short period, for others too long, and for some maybe "just enough" time to get serious and really talk about the details regarding the inevitable near future...To me it is neither too short nor too long - it is enough time I guess.

Perhaps I'm being paranoid to think that she might "freak out" when I talk to her about long-term/marriage...So I guess I should really talk to her first before drawing conclusions.


colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Sanurian said:
Dear Colin

I have only one basic suggestion for you and that's to "grow-up" a bit faster.

You sound like you want your cake and eat it too (= can be construed as being "selfish").
...she is still in her last year in college (she's 24), after that she would like to work and have a career of course...
Maybe you should let her, (although I don't think it's your role or in your power to have such control in her life).
Could she have a "career" in Bali? Maybe. I don't know what her specialty is.

If you love this woman, let her know and work out the compromises that inevitably come with most relationships. I wish you both lots of luck.

Another "option":

Like the song goes...

"If you can't be, with the one you love,
Love the one you're with.."

It's both of your choices - we're only hearing your side.
Never throw away something precious...
That'd be downright stupid...right?


Hi Sanurian,

Thanks! Ya, maybe there's an angle of selfishness here, but I don't want to be I guess we really do need to work out the compromises.

Yes, I wouldn't want to let go of someone precious (meaning my gf)...Bali will always be there, but as time goes by there will be changes for sure. I might not have the opportunity to get a job that easily in the future. But maybe that's one of the challenges in life.

I hope all the safety nets will be gone, and I will be left without a choice, or not many options...then it would be easier for me to decide.



Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
AAHH... to be single in Bali, it just adds to the calling of my loins!! Ditch the chick and get a couple of girlfriends in Bali,,, better to regret something you have done than what you havnt... If its true love , she'll come back to you and viseversa... Do you really want to get more involved with this girl? marriage? kids? mortgage?debt? and stay in the hustle and bustle of the big city? Like Freo & others said- looks like you know where your heart is, And Bali is smelling sweeter everyday to you,,, she's calling your name, and you cannot resist,, Go for it!! Frog


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
it´s not egoism ... if you decide for Bali...
and if your girlfriend decide to follow you to Bali... she do something great for you ... and you must ask youeself: what can i do for her?
What ever you decide, is not easy. But your girlfriend must visit Bali first!

colin mcphee jr.

New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Re: RE: Thinking of moving back to Bali - Pls. help.

kauaibobby said:
Yes you have to go to Bali or you will regret not going.
Hopefully she will come also.
Tough decision when love in involved.
What does your stomach tell you ?

My stomach used to tell me to go back to Bali...but recently it's getting confused.

Somehow all this thinking of going away made me realize that I'm being unfair to my gf. Right now she feels I'm being indifferent. Maybe when a person has an unclear mindset it manifests, and she can see that I'm drifting away.

But, like I mentioned before - I care about her. I can feel the sadness just thinking that we will be separated.

I also mentioned about moving with me to Bali when she graduates...she said she can't live there. What is she going to do there (not talking about touristy stuff here), etc...

I understand her concerns, and if I am in her position I guess I would feel the same.
