starting business in Bali?


New Member
Nov 17, 2003
A Swede in London

I'm new to this site, and I'm very glad I've found it! :)

I been to Bali once - about five six years ago, and I guess thats when a little idea started to grow in my head. Wouldn't it be nice to move to and live in such a nice place sometime in the future and maybe have a cafe by the sea...(or maybe some other business)? It seems like that time is getting closer and I have started to check out if it is actually possible to do. I met some people who lived in Bali when I was there, some were running their own business and some- I think- were working for ambassies.

I'm a bit curious. What to most people who move to Bali do? Do you work? Employed or have your own business? Can anyone give me any feedback on how it is to start a business in Bali? How many "non-balinese" people actually live in Bali?

I know Bali is doing pretty bad at the moment, Is there any job at all for foreign people?

I'd be very greatful for your replies!


New Member
Nov 17, 2003
A Swede in London

Thanks a lot for your answer! :D

I've kind of figured out that it is hard to move to Bali, with all the regulations for westerners. Guess I can get around it by starting up a business and then "employ myself" - and in that way get a visa for staying-? Think I've red that somewhere.

In what way is it the easiest place to start a business? And a bit curious - what kind of business were you trying? I have had a small business before(ceramics), - in Sweden - where everything is so regulated and organized...So, I am preparing me for something totally diffent. 8)

Unfortunately I'm not a chef at a 5 star hotel... :cry: But maybe someone (I don't know yet...) wants to employ me? I'm working as an accountant in London...Anyone need a bookkeper? :roll:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
To live and work in the tropics, like Bali, is a dream for many. It takes a learning period, and stamina. You have to find your own way, with your talents. If you are motivated, things can work. The best is to come here and look around, listen, and don't make any big steps, financial and emotional wise.

back in the closet, i have diaree.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thanks Bert!

Hey Bert! Thanks for sharing that little tidbit…about “back in the closet!” Butt…(oops, didn’t really mean that extra t) your dilemma, often shared by me, has frequently made me wonder if someone, who produced a really good quality toilet paper couldn’t make some real money!

Seriously, I agree whole heartedly with DrIvEr. The fact is, expats come and go like the ebb and flow of the tide…and many, many businesses just simply can’t make it. Finding what you may INITIALLY think is a trustworthy Indonesian business partner is easy…but the long haul is a much different story. Some common elements that I am aware of among the most successful business orientated expats I know are:

1) All products are sold overseas…virtually NONE in Bali or anywhere else in Indonesia.
2) All money (business receipts) are taken into offshore accounts…and the Indo “partner” has NO access to these funds.
3) Any real estate needed to operate the business is leased and NEVER purchased.
4) The “preferred” Indo partner is a spouse.

I suppose that all sounds a bit cynical, but I’ve seen a lot of businesses go “belly up” over the years, and most often because common sense was overcome by the intoxication of simply just living here.


New Member
Nov 17, 2003
A Swede in London
:p I'm soo glad for all your answers! Especially when peple come out of the closet! :)

...seems like I just have to find a spouse then...

Guess I have to put my romantic idea about a cafe by the sea a bit into the future, and go for some of my other ideas for a start as they seem a bit easier to realize.

Am planning a visit to Bali in Feb/Mars. Can always bring some samples of our quality swedish forest toiletpaper if you like... :shock:

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Forget the toilet paper and bring the forest !, Now this will attract tourists.

Did you already see the swedish forest in Bali?

Is there a swedish forest in Bali?

Yes, it seems to snow there !, deers, the lot !

Ok, lets go there !

<commercial>Wanto to buy a house?, made from Balinese swedish forest wood?</commercial>

Spouses, hmmm if you have a marriage contract, yes. If you are married you are considered a legal unity, if you wife owns property, you have it too, but you are not allowed to. Thin Ice.