Starting a Business in Bali


New Member
Sep 26, 2010
Hi There, I have been going to Bali for 12 yrs and am now looking at setting up a business in Bali with the idea for my wife and I to eventually move to Bali. I have been in contact with a couple of companies who deal with this but am getting different advise. Could anyone tell me a good reputable company to deal with in Bali I can get straight answers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I have been in contact with a couple of companies who deal with this but am getting different advise.

This issue seems to come up regularly on the forum. I don't think that there is one consulting company that is going to suit everyone. It depends on so many factors and what kind of business you want to start in Bali.

With regards to different from different companies, I think you might find that to be typical because one company might give you advice that is strictly by the book and another company is more willing to be "flexible" in its approach.

All of the companies that offer these types of services are listed in the Bali Advertiser, so it is probably a good idea to try and contact all of them until you find somone comfortable to work with.