somebody interested in blogging?


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Not wanting to get bored if I make it to Bali next year, I’ve been thinking about setting up a blog when I’m living there. There are already countless blogs about Bali, often run by expats who are living there, so it’s far from a novel idea, so it should be a blog that brings something new, that tackles the subject in some other ways. I have some ideas on that.

I have a small technical edge because I’ve been a webdeveloper and designer (front end and back end) for quite some years now. I also know a thing or two about marketing a blog as I’ve been the webmaster of the corporate blog in my company for 2 years. Why not put these skills to use once I’m on Bali? It might actually get somewhere and help one or two people.

People will only read blogs if the articles present are either useful, helpful, problem solving, entertaining or interesting or a combination of those. I’m not particularly good at writing articles, that’s why I want to ask if somebody here on Bali would be interested in becoming a co-writer for that blog.

I will market the blog and will try to make it generate some income, but the main reason will be to pass time and to have something to do and to help others. The main motivation will not be to make money, because I know from experience that it is very hard to make a blog that generates (lots of) money. So if you want to write articles with the intention to make money, you’d better not do it because you might get disappointed.

Having said that, there are heaps of (and ever increasing) ways nowadays to make money with blogs, so if the articles are good, and an expanding reader base can be established it could bring in cash. I’m planning to share proceeds on a 50/50 basis with the guy who writes articles with me. I will take care of all the technical things and costs etc. So it will not cost you a penny.

If anyone is interested, just let me know then we can start some brainstorming.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Harry, IMHO consider more than just free commercial blogs. Also consider good web site creations and use your talents in that manner.

There are plenty of Balinese business here that are “on the verge” of needing a good web site. If you are honest, and fair, you could earn a modest, but respectable commission from them over time. Those modest commissions will add up, and while you won’t be rich, you will be comfortable and able to sleep at night. Moreover, you will have the good feeling of promoting local Balinese business in a marketplace that many have never heard of before.

It’s a “win/win” reality Harry, but it does take a lot of time and effort. Good luck with your ideas. Cheers!


Mar 13, 2007
Perth, West Oz
G'day Harry,

I'm happy to contribute some surf articles, based on Bali experiences, locations, and the people that I've met. I can even supply some good photo's, ( I'm a keen snap-shooter. )

If you think this would suit your plans, let me know.


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Roy said:
Harry, IMHO consider more than just free commercial blogs. Also consider good web site creations and use your talents in that manner.

There are plenty of Balinese business here that are “on the verge” of needing a good web site. If you are honest, and fair, you could earn a modest, but respectable commission from them over time. Those modest commissions will add up, and while you won’t be rich, you will be comfortable and able to sleep at night. Moreover, you will have the good feeling of promoting local Balinese business in a marketplace that many have never heard of before.

It’s a “win/win” reality Harry, but it does take a lot of time and effort. Good luck with your ideas. Cheers!

roy, i heard from a very well informed source ( a Balinese person) that there are nowadays literally thousands of people offering webdesingn services active on the island of Bali. This makes it nearly if not completely impossible for somebody to try to market his webdesign services. I'm thinking about offering them for free and nothing just to have something to do. Anyway thanks for the suggestion


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
harry_ej said:
I'm thinking about offering them for free and nothing just to have something to do. Anyway thanks for the suggestion

I don't think this is such a great idea. There are a lot of people (Balinese and expats) depending on their income from building websites. For them it would be really a disaster if their clients could get their service elsewhere for free.

If you are really afraid for boredom then maybe it would be a better idea to train the local people with up-to-date skills.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Harry, I don’t know if there are thousands of web designers on Bali, but there sure seems to be a lot of them.

I like Rien’s suggestion a lot, viz training, but I don’t think it would hurt that much to offer your design services for free to a Balinese owned business from time to time either.

The Balinese are amazingly artistic. I’ve often thought that their blood is actually Winsor & Newton crimson red oil paint.

One thing I can guarantee is this. No matter what you decide will change after you are here. When Shakespeare wrote the line “the best laid plans of mice and men are often led astray” he was here in Bali! :D

Cheers and good luck with you move.


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
Harry, I'm a webdesigner too but I got tired of designing websites for money. I hated working for clients, so I resorted to blogs a while back. I personally think your blog idea is a great idea. There can't be too many blogs. People are always hungry for good information so another blog around the corner might just be what they need. I don't know about helping you blog (I got tired of that too and I have people blogging for me now lol), but I'll be glad to make your acquaintance to talk about blogging ideas and to figure out new CSS tricks.


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
rien.gluvers said:
I don't think this is such a great idea. There are a lot of people (Balinese and expats) depending on their income from building websites. For them it would be really a disaster if their clients could get their service elsewhere for free..

I guess you are right about that, and people who are making a live from it could also get upset.

Roy said:
The Balinese are amazingly artistic. I’ve often thought that their blood is actually Winsor & Newton crimson red oil paint.

Which is very important in especially the graphics design part of webdesign. I think this is true all over Indonesia, Anywhere i went i noticed that many Indonesians were very artistic, which often translates into them being either good artists, drawers, painters musicians, sculpters or decoraters etc etc etc.

lestat said:
Harry, I'm a webdesigner too but I got tired of designing websites for money. I hated working for clients, so I resorted to blogs a while back. I personally think your blog idea is a great idea. There can't be too many blogs. People are always hungry for good information so another blog around the corner might just be what they need. I don't know about helping you blog (I got tired of that too and I have people blogging for me now lol), but I'll be glad to make your acquaintance to talk about blogging ideas and to figure out new CSS tricks.

I know what you mean, i used to blog for some years on the corporate blog. I'm not a really good blogger anyway and it takes a lot of time and energy to maintain several or even one blog. But this is a new subject so i might like it. I've got a lot of ideas and would love to exchange ideas with you.

I also love trying out new CSS ideas, i always design my sites according to the standards (tables only allowed in my house).

What is your nationality btw (not Transalvanian i hope) :) just kidding


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
harry_ej said:
I know what you mean, i used to blog for some years on the corporate blog. I'm not a really good blogger anyway and it takes a lot of time and energy to maintain several or even one blog. But this is a new subject so i might like it. I've got a lot of ideas and would love to exchange ideas with you.

I also love trying out new CSS ideas, i always design my sites according to the standards (tables only allowed in my house).

What is your nationality btw (not Transalvanian i hope) :) just kidding

lol my ancestors were possibly from transilvania! :evil:

so anyway are you in bali already? i just moved here two and a half weeks ago and it would kick ass to have someone to break tables with.


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
hey i was wondering if you wanted to monetize these blog ideas or not, cuz that's a whole other story. do you want retire in bali while your blogs make money for you, or do you just want to do it for the kicks and peace of mind?


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
I'm not in Bali yet, planning to go there next year around May. I been living in INdonesia (mostly Bali) for a couple of years way back and luckily still speak Bahasa Indonesia.

lestat said:
hey i was wondering if you wanted to monetize these blog ideas or not, cuz that's a whole other story. do you want retire in bali while your blogs make money for you, or do you just want to do it for the kicks and peace of mind?

My main reason is indeed to kill time and to have something to do. Money making is not the reason. However i will implement (some of ) the money making tools and deploy the tactics of commercial blogs. It is quite easy to turn your blog into a potential money maker, but (as you know) it is quite hard to actually make money from it, cos that requires quite a substantial reader base first, which again depends on quality/value/amount of articles etc. so i don't expect that beforehand.

If i retire next year i should not have to make additional money to be able to live but if i can supplement it with some extra income i will not hesitate to do so. I'm very much into sports and healthy living/eating and i'm planning to continue that lifestyle in Indonesia.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi, harry_ej
...My main reason is indeed to kill time and to have something to do. Money making is not the reason...
I sent you a PM recently regarding a request I've received to up-date or renew a website for a charitable organisation in Bali. No word from you, so far, so can only assume that you're busy. I might add here that there are several other ones I know of that could do with a bit of "tweaking", here and there, which we both know can be done regardless of our geographical location.

Like Roy's "suggested", there is no shortage of "commercial" Balinese businesses who could certainly benefit from some savvy web-help. Maybe some of them could even pay something.

I'm speaking on behalf of the ones who are not out there to make money, apart from raising donations to fund their philanthropic activities. Please consider.



New Member
Mar 10, 2008
Sanurian said:
I sent you a PM recently regarding a request I've received to up-date or renew a website for a charitable organisation in Bali. No word from you, so far, so can only assume that you're busy. I might add here that there are several other ones I know of that could do with a bit of "tweaking", here and there, which we both know can be done regardless of our geographical location.


I have a few busy weeks behind me, but send you a private message regarding the request today. Unfortunately i'm not (semi) retired yet and still very much in the Netherlands struggling with my 40 hour a week job and many freelance assignments aswell as my own websites to be used when (God willing) i will be in blissfull (semi) retirement on Bali next year.

I can still try to make them a new site (gratis of course) this year if they so wish so i will wait for them to contact me.




Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
No problem, harry

Things are falling into place and thank you for your PM.

I appreciate your willingness to do something with respect to this project. As I've told you privately, I am more than willing to help as best I can, (even though my web-designing skills are a little rusty.)



New Member
Sep 27, 2010
R: Somebody interested in blogging


I have just moved here to Bali and I find myself in a similar situation tothis. I'm aware you posted this a long time back but if you are still interested in, or are currently involved in this project please PM me as I would love to get involved in this sort of thing.