So what's it like in Denpasar?


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
I'm coming to Bali in one week! I'm extremely excited about it, which is just as well, since i have a *lot* to do before I go, and the excitement keeps me moving at an unnatural speed :)
I just wanted to ask, for people who have lived there - what's Denpasar like??
I've heard it's not very nice, but that was from people passing through, and it's totally different when you're actually living in a place. I'm going to be there for at least a year, and I'm hoping for some info before I get there! I'm gonna be living on Jl. Cokroaminoto, if anyone happens to know where that is! Is it far from the centre of Denpasar? Is it very busy?

The coolest thing about actually living in Bali is that I can discover all the beautiful untouched places, that only Balinese and long living ex-pats know about, and bypass all the abominably touristy places! :D Course I might go to one or two busy places, for some partying and insanely pretty beaches, but I'm hoping to see much of the 'real' Bali. That is, if the Balinese will relinquish their secrets!

Love Cassienne

j wicaksono

New Member
Aug 16, 2004
hi cassienne,
Bali is beautiful, and the Balinese have unique way of life, very colourful, and probably you'll found something new everyday.

honestly I'am not too interest with Denpasar, ( it's my personal opinion )
for me, Denpasar is like another major city at all around java, that I ever visited before.

Jl. Cokroaminoto is not too far from the center of Denpasar, that place is near of Ubung bus station, and not too busy.

If you want to see something that feel "original from bali" probably you can try Singaraja, Ubud, Gianyar and Karang Asem... I am going that place before and found some realy nice place...........

Welcome to Bali................................... :)


RE: So what

you will see a major Balinese city, with many influences from other parts of indonesia. In Bali i live in "a calm village in the denpasar-area". The core of denpasar consist mostly of busy streets, parks, malls, shops, resturants etc... far from "beautiful untouched places" but still quite exotic in it's own ways. There are some great temples that could be worth a visit in denpasar(jagat nata, pura gaja). also museums and why not stsi (sekolah tinggi seni indonesia). ;)


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Cas (if I may)
I think you will enjoy it no matter what, as it will be something new, challenging & each day will be new & exciting!!
You sound like you'd enjoy the challenges etc that I am sure you will be faced with..
As you say for a tourist probably not the ideal place to be, but I am sure with some of your won creature comforts you can make it home!!!
GOOD LUCK on your new endeavour!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Thanks Trace (if I may) :)
You're right, I'm bound to enjoy it no matter what I do. I love new situations, and I *love* a challenge. And I'm fully interested in Balinese culture, so I doubt I'll ever be bored while I'm in it. My friends think I'm far too optimistic, but I think You have a better time if you look on the bright side. Argh, now I'm sounding like Pollyanna! Better shut up.
My tickets and visa came today, so I'm all set!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Just watch out for those "Kuta Cowboys" as they don't hang out just in Kuta...and you look like just the kinda of girl they go crazy over! :oops:

Seriously though...and I hate to give fatherly advice, but I am anyway...keep your wits about you, be careful with your valuables, and be very sure of whom you decide to trust. I'm not out to "burst your bubble" rather I will play the role of the devil's advocate, just so you keep things in perspective.

I don't recall reading where you are from, but regardless, upon arrival, be sure to register with your local Consulate office. Make sure they file a copy of your passport, and that they know how to contact you.

All that aside, welcome to Bali!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Listen to Roy, everyone :)

Hey Roy

Kuta cowboys? What the hell are they?? Like, sifty guys? That's what we'd call them here. Or do you mean real cowboys that hang out in Kuta?

Seriously though...and I hate to give fatherly advice, but I am anyway...
Yeah, right! You just looove telling people what to do..... :wink:

I'm from New Zealand, said you were coming over here some day, and I said make sure it's in the summer, cause it's bloody freezing right now......but it's also beautiful and green....
....ring any bells??

I'm not sure what the Consulate office is....but the school will be looking after me, at least at the beginning, I'm living with one of the other foreign teachers. don't worry bout me!



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Kuta'll know them when you meet them. “Opportunistic stud muffins” comes to mind…is that the same as “sifty?”

How old was that post you refer to where I mentioned our desire to come to NZ? Ah, the benefits of youth...particularly the ability to retain trivia! Yea, it kinda "rings a bell" but it's a very very small one! :D

Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but you should be aware that there has been a great increase in burglaries among expats, especially women. The Bali Post has a story or two most every day…and those are only the reported ones. But, no worries, I won’t be worrying about you. I have plenty enough on my plate to worry about. :)

You "go girl" and enjoy yourself.


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Kuta cowboys - I think I know what you mean now.

Not quite the same as sifty. Sifty's a funny word, just came in about two years ago, and everyone under 25 knew exactly what it meant, and used to all the time, and none of the adults could quite get it.
It kinda means sleazy, but wihtout the dirty old man connotations, like you could say it about one of your friends, and it wouldn't be insulting. Well, depends on the friend I guess! But it also can be used for dirty old men who hit on you in bars etc, and you can also say "I'm just sifting around town" which means you're just kinda wandering, maybe bubing into people you know - that kinda thing. But only guys use it like that. In fact, the most usual use is to say "He was so sifting on her" or "they were totally sifting onto each other" meaning hitting on someone.
I used "sifting on each other" all the time, and my flatmate used to say that it always made he think of two people, with sieves, "sifting" on each other's heads!
I love it when words just get invented, or get a whole new meaning like that, just from people using them. :)


Jun 26, 2004
Still dont quite understand the meaning of it :(
I hardly can understand the old ones, let alone these new invented words.
Ooh I need more English lesson, help!!!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Yeah, perhaps you should come to Bali and take lessons from me.
Sifty......just think of those guys that sit in bars purely to check out the women, and they stare at their....bodies, and if a chick is unlucky enough to pass by them, they try and touch her ass, or something......
.....that's a sifty guy. You get me?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali

Yup…saya mengerti, but those boys weren’t the ones I was “warning you about.” Frankly, I really like your “spunk.”

In the last six years, I have seen many expats come to Bali, only to ebb and flow like the tide. I’d hate to see you be one of them. That is all I wanted to convey in my posts. Hati, hati!


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Cass, These guy's won't be slyly looking at you or trying to touch... It will be obvious as the nose on your face!

They can be fairly harmless if you let them know your not keen... :wink:

enjoy have fun, but as Roy says "keep your eye's open & wits about you!"

We are all eager to hear how you get along!!!!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
Scodie guy

You like my "spunk", Roy? :lol: That's a worry! Don't stress, i'm not going to ebb and flow like the tide - beautiful analogy though. I'd like to learn, and I think i'll love their way of life, but I won't lose sight of myself. The Balinese do seem to understand what's important in life though. Westerners often get so caught up in their image, and making money etc.
Small example, but the school I'll be at has a yoga and meditation room, which I'm very impressed by. When I was training, in NZ, and I was all stressed out, I frequently used to slip into empty classrooms and do some yoga to unwind. My peers thought it was weird, but I didn't care. It was a great way to rejuvanate myself and clear my mind.

Tracey....ew, they sound like some of the scodie guys you get in Dunedin pubs. But I should be okay, I know how to repel guys :)