So Lombokers..


May 11, 2005
Anyone doing business in Lombok? Would be great to hear how you manage, pro's & con's and your personal views etc. S'gotta be a few lombokers doing business lurking here? Please tell! :p


May 11, 2005
Amazing how few Lombokers we have here.. or at least how few that are willing to share info. regarding business. I've looked through previous posts at LL instead as i've seen a few posters there at least willing to share info.

Anyone else intrested in prospects of investing in Lombok may get their answers through this link (if noone answers here.. :? ):


Jul 30, 2006
Hej Tommy,
I'm Swedish like you and have been living in Lombok part time for the last 11 yrs. It's not possible for me to give any business advice, as we'rnt running one, but if your interested you can email me in Swedish and I can give you heaps of other Lombok info. [email protected]


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
I am a Lombok member but unfortunately only get to spend much time on this forum when I return to UK.

I have a small business in Lombok but wont go into details now as your post dats back almost a year!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Tommy writes,

“Amazing how few Lombokers we have here..”

Amazing to you Tommy, but not at all amazing to me. In fact, there are very few Bali expats that contribute regularly to this forum, and indigenous Balinese, even less, so it should be no surprise that Lombak is seldom heard.

Aside from Gemma, and maybe one or two other posters who are “in the know” re Lombok, the best you will read here, or on other forums, is tourist related information.

The fact is, the long term “smart money” in these parts is concentrated on Lombok. I stress “long term” as the emergence of Lombok as a serious player in SE Asia tourism is still at least ten years out, but once it really hits, it could very conceivably put the lights out, or at least dim them, in Bali.

I personally have serious doubts that the new international airport in Lombok will ever see a plane land as I doubt the airport as touted will ever be built. If I am wrong, then everything changes, and changes radically and quickly.

Kuta Lombok is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Gemma was most astute to carve out her place in this area before all the major 5 star hotel chains grabbed up their 3 or so hectares.

It takes great courage and insight to think this far ahead of what is most likely to come. If I were young, without a wife and three kids, and coming to this area once again, I’d be giving a very serious look at Lombok...sister of Bali.


New Member
Jul 23, 2006
Canggu-Pererenan, Bali
Roy wrote:
If I were young, without a wife and three kids, and coming to this area once again, I’d be giving a very serious look at Lombok...sister of Bali.

Hmmmm? Do you mean you'd chose Lombok over Bali to live and settle down there (I don't think you would as your passion & love for Balinese culture & people is very obvious from many of your posts) or purely looking at Lombok from an investor's perspective (buying land)?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes, I can see myself choosing Lombok over Bali if I could “do it” all over again. My life now in Bali has everything to do with the choices I made many years ago, and I have absolutely not the slightest regret about those decisions I made long ago,

If today I were in my twenties or thirties, single, and looking for a place in Indonesia to call home, I would give Lombok a very serious and long look.

And, as an aside, there are lots of Balinese in Lombok too.


Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
Hi Roy,
Have never had the chance to visit Lombok but maybe in 2007 we may have the chance from Surabaya or Jakarta.....does Lombok represent Bali to you as "it was many years ago" or does it hold greater opportunities for future investment?
Merry Christmas to you and your family (still Xmas day here) and wish you all your very "Best New Year".
Best regards,


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Many people say Lombok is like Bali was many years ago. But that is in terms of development. The island is quite different from Bali in terms of culture.

9 years ago people were telling me "In 10 years Kuta Lombok will be lik Kuta Bali" I am happy to say that hasnt happened yet & I dont think it will in my lifetime :)


Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
I hope Kuta Lombok never goes the way of Kuta Bali but as Roy stated,
as soon as the five star hotels go up it probably will.
In what way are the cultures different can you tell me?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Gemma is right on about the predictions regarding Lombok years past. She should know, as Lombok has been “her turf” for quite a while.

I also agree with her comments concerning the different culture in Lombok as compared or contrasted with Bali. Lombok is predominantly Islamic culture of the indigenous Sasak people. However, there is a significant Balinese population on Lombok as there is in eastern Java as well. This Balinese presence has its roots from the 14th century with the expansion of the Majapahit Dynasty. My wife’s older brother’s wife Nyoman is from Lombok.

If I am not mistaken, most if not all the beach front area in Kuta Lombok has already been bought up by hotel developers. One is already built there, the Novotel which is quite an extraordinary property.

One thing which will have a great impact on both Lombok and Bali is the new international airport designed to be able to handle the new generation of large passenger aircraft. Work on the infrastructure around the airport location in central Lombok has already begun, but who knows when (and if) this will be completed. If this new airport is completed allowing for direct non stops flights into Lombok without transiting in Denpasar, this will obviously greatly impact the growth of Lombok and its development as a tourist area.

I highly recommend Lombok to anyone who is planning at least a two week trip to Bali. Eri and I love the Gili Islands, and in fact, we honeymooned there eight years ago. I can surely see someone comparing the Gili Islands of today to the Kuta Bali of twenty or more years ago. Each of the three main beach areas of Lombok, Kuta, Senggigi, and the Gili Islands has their own individual flavor and appeal.

Tim, many thanks for your Christmas wishes. It was great...very quiet, just our family...and excellent. We hope your Christmas was excellent as well.


Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
Interesting information from you both. The new airport would really "open the door" to the tourist industry but as you say, "when and if".
This would surely affect the culture of Gemma mentions, maybe the future will "move slowly" to the inevitable.
Thanks again for the information, love to learn about the tradition and culture, will probably be bugging you again.
Best regards,


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Hi Tim
Many of the major hotel chains are already represented on Lombok, and have been for some time. The ones that don't have hotels own land on beachfront property, also bought up a few years ago now.

However, the various hotels are spread all over the island. The main concentration is in the Senggigi area (including Mangsit) such as Sheraton & Holiday Inn, but also in toward Mataram. It's like they couldn't decide which way to jump with where the tourist concentration should be. Accor opted for Kuta, and there are other smaller hotels in that area. Jayakarta is between Senggigi and Mataram - closer to the airport, but on the beach. The Oberoi (while stunning) is a long way from anywhere.

Most of these hotels are struggling to stay open in the current tourist climate.

I echo Mimpi in that I hope Kuta Lombok never goes the way of Kuta Bali. In fact, I hope Lombok doesn't go the way of Bali as far as overdeveloped tourism goes full stop. I don't hold much hope though if the international airport does ever get finished



Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
We also echo your feelings......even though we have never been to Lombok. "Overdeveloped tourism" is one of the fears that I'm sure you all have. Wouldn't it be great if the developers somehow "find the way" to build but respect culture and tradition at the same time....I know you all think I'm dreaming.
Best regards,


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
I went to the main "Gili" islands a few years ago. At that time, I thought Gili Trawangan was already starting to creak at the seams. (It's a very tiny island you can circumnavigate on foot in less than 90 minutes).

That hasn't stopped "developers" there. The assault is well and truly on! Thank god it's not big enough for an airport, (it might have been if they'd cut the "hill" down - not much room for anything any more). Gili Meno and Gili Air seem to be going the same way.

The "international airport" on Lombok has been operating for some time now. I mean by that that it's been possible to fly there from Singapore. Sure - the runway can't take an Airbus A380, yet, but neither can Bali's sad airport with its one runway. Hasn't stopped Bali's "growth", as far as I can see.

I think that when Lombok's international airport is fully up and running, the same thing will happen there as what happened in Bali. More tourists, more hotels, more golf courses, more supermarkets, more "disruption" for the locals. (As well, of course, more job opportunities.)

The main difference between West Lombok now and what's been happening on Bali for decades, is that Lombok has a chance not to make the same mistakes. However, given that the rape of Lombok is already an advanced work in progress, I fear that it'll go the same way as other "successful" enterprises.

Some of us by-standers would do well to re-echo sentiments such as:
...I echo Mimpi in that I hope Kuta Lombok never goes the way of Kuta Bali. In fact, I hope Lombok doesn't go the way of Bali as far as overdeveloped tourism goes full stop. I don't hold much hope though if the international airport does ever get finished...
Investing in Lombok? Maybe, but you better hurry up.

As an aside - I was on Nusa Lembongan, (next to Nusa Penida - a 30 minute fast boat ride from Sanur), a few days ago. A similar growing scenario there. It's a tiny island, too, and the southern coastline is full of hotels, villas, bars, restaurants, internet cafes, etc. I went to a "mini-market" there but all they had were two aisles of Indonesian biscuits.

I tell a lie. There were three or four Lembongan beauties sprawled out on the tiles watching Indonesian TV soap operas.

No one should worry about an international airport there. Then again, the way Indonesian and Balinese planners are going with the new you-beaut airport on Bali, (wherever they finally decide to stick it), Nusa Penida is not that much more stupid a location than Negara.

I can see it now: A bridge from N. Penida to Bali...maybe an undersea tunnel? Ssshhh! Don't tell any one. Maybe they haven't considered it yet.

And the sea-weed farmers of Penida could welcome new arrivals with rings of sea-weed. Something like that.



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
The "international airport" on Lombok has been operating for some time now. I mean by that that it's been possible to fly there from Singapore. Sure - the runway can't take an Airbus A380, yet, but neither can Bali's sad airport with its one runway.

Hi Phil

The international flights from Singapore & KL fly into the old Selaparang Airport, near Mataram, not the new International airport - which is far from operational. :lol: Here is a photo I toook of the work in progress last month.



Jul 24, 2006
Bothell, Wa. USA
Hi Mimpimanis,
Who is funding construction of the new airport? From your latest picture, it does't look like it has made much progress since this posting began almost two years ago.
As a true Lomboker, what do you foresee in general for Lombok?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Whoops and sorry, mimpi
...The international flights from Singapore & KL fly into the old Selaparang Airport, near Mataram, not the new International airport - which is far from operational.
I don't know the physical location of the new airport. My "point" referred to the fact that some non-Indonesian airlines have been flying to Lombok for quite some time.

I guess when the new one is finally "operational", many things will change quite rapidly in Western Lombok. I disagree with Roy's thought that it ain't going to happen, (ie, that the new airstrip will ever be completed).

And BTW. I couldn't get your photo up here...the link took me to Webshots' home page.



Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Sorry you couldnt open the photo Sanurian - this is only the second photo I have posted on a forum directly so I am not very good at it. My guess is if you arent a webshots member you cant view the bigger pic by clicking on it and I dont know how to post a bigger pic here... hmmm just had an idea that I willk try after.

Yes there have been international flights in & out of Lombok for years.Only the two destinations though, Singapore & KL. The KL flight is mostly for migrant workers. I have flown it a few times and was the only foreigner and one of only a handful of women. The new airport is actually down south, 15km from Kuta. So its the south that it wil have the biggest impact on. A few years ago there were demos about it being there not Mataram, believed by some to be sponsored by businesses in the area of the existing airport.

Tim, there is a bit more going on there now. For a long time there were just a few JCBs at work, they do now have some cranes in there and more heavy machinery. Its a bit far away so hard to see in the photo. Also I saw a helicopter landing there one day as I passed. The word is still "open in 2010" but I really cant see it happening that soon.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
mimpimanis said:
The word is still "open in 2010" but I really cant see it happening that soon.

Not even if they adopted the Chinese method of building airports - the world's largest airport, recently opened in Beijing, took only 4 years to construct. It took 50,000 workers and cost nearly 4 billion USD. I read that the Chinese built this airport in the same time it took England to get through the public debate process for Heathrow's terminal 5. China doesn't believe in public debate - the government just 'does it'. They flattened 15 villages and 'relocated' more than 10,000 people and whacked the thing up.

Personally, having seen the speed at which most building projects go in Lombok, I think the airport will be lucky to be finished by 2025. Maybe by that time, world travel will have greatly reduced due to the fuel crises and rising cost of international travel - and it will either never be finished or sit there as a white elephant. :roll: But probably not - it will eventually be finished, and tourism will expand further into Lombok - it will make life as an expat easier (as it has done in Bali), but at what cost to the beauty of the island?