singapore visa run


Nov 6, 2006
Kaba Kaba
Re: RE: singapore visa run

DCC said:
Niksing, I believe you just moved from Singapore, yes? I must admit to both an attraction and repulsion to the place. The positives are evident in the financial power and infrastructure of the place being on par with other great capitalist centers, and that makes for a strong contemporary cultural arts scene. But is the obsession on money over done? The lead stories in the Straits are always biz oriented - no world news on the cover! And that’s one surreal drive from the airport to downtown; beautiful, yet nothing to see.

Yes DCC. We moved 2 weeks ago. Have lived in Singapore for the past 9 years. before that UK. before that Oz. Before that NZ.

There were some fantastic aspects to living in Sing. In a lot of ways it is like a "beginners guide to Asia". The fantastic range of food, great placs to eat out, drink, etc. Although there are restrictions on what you can say/do etc, compared to other capital cities it is exceptionally safe, easy to work and live there. It is always pretty straight forward to get things done - official things like setting up bank accounts, telephone connections etc is really easy so as a newcomer it is much easier than other places in Asia.

The materialism can seem over the top but when living there you don't see it in the same way as when visiting. It would be pretty rare for me ever to go to Orchard Road and I avoided the whole "shop till you drop" philosophy.

Our experience in Singapore was generally very positive. We had got to the point though where it was just a little dull - sometimes it is nicer to have a little challenge each day - well, at least on some days! I think that living there gives a very different perspective to visiting - much the same for anywhere.

Nikki - who is still pinching herself each morning when I realise we are not just on holiday here and still trying not to cringe every time I watch a motorcyclist overtaking on blind bends without a helmet on!

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Hi niksing, you have lived in some interesting places. If you don't mind me asking, what made you move around so much? Was it work or the travelers curse of "the grass is always greener on the other side".


Nov 6, 2006
Kaba Kaba
Re: RE: singapore visa run

manc in oz said:
Hi niksing, you have lived in some interesting places. If you don't mind me asking, what made you move around so much? Was it work or the travelers curse of "the grass is always greener on the other side".

:roll: A bit of both I think! NZ to Australia was a move my parents mde when I was 12. Oz to the UK was early twenties - the big overseas adventure and following a guy I was madly in love with. Then travelled for a bit around Asia, back to Oz and NZ with husband (no, not the guy I went to the UK for!) and we both wanted to live somewhere different. Back to the UK to have kids, then my husband was offered a job in Singapore.

Our move to Bali has been a long time coming. Something we have wanted to do for 16 years. So after many many trips here have finally taken the plunge.

Not sure if this will be it or if we will want something different later. I have learnt not to worry too much about how long we will be in one place for - now we are just there while it feels right, and move on when it doesn't.



Nov 21, 2005
London, UK
Re: RE: singapore visa run

froggy said:
Oh yes I saw some after hours nightlife, after returning late from the night zoo, I ran out to get a bite to eat, I felt as though I was on the menu as I passed all the little bars with girls grabbing my butt, I think its still a little bruised, I was kinda taken back a little as I didnt think sing. had that kind of activity, being as how hard the laws are.... well I made it back to the room with the wife&kids... but I must admit I did ask if anybody wanted seconds! several times! Frog

This statement smells of lies and seems to emanate from a person in need of attention.

I doubt you would get this kind of attention in Singapore.

Uncontrolled hormonality and psychological problems will bring about the fall of the West.


Oct 5, 2003
I loved singapore...very expensive of course.. try the amazing curries in little India, or some duck.. So clean.... so safe...


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Alexander, i have no idea why you responded to my post the way that you did, trust me the girls were not just regular girls, they were working girls,, mabey they were checking out the size of my wallet? Plz bring more to the forum or a thread than calling someone a liar- but even if I did make the story up as you say- for attention -it looks as though you are blindly giving it to me,,, if I was making things up it would be alot more juicy than what I wrote!! Go troll on another forum,,, frog


Nov 21, 2005
London, UK
Frog, your statement about Singapore doesn't vehiculate the truth. There may be a few prostitutes in Sing and so what.

It is still a few when compared to other places.

Don't try to make the place look like it isn't.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
after rereading my post several times I think you are trying to defend Sing. a little too much, I even said how strict they were, and compared it to another large city I was even taken back by this---i really had no idea that a country where you can get in trouble for chewing gum had ass grabbing prostitutes,,mabey I was in the red light district and didnt know was below the Old Paragon Hotel-Thx travel agent :evil: ---but for sure I'm not blowing anything out of proportion, just stating facts- sorry you you didnt like to hear it--like Jack Nicholsin said-"TRUTH-YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"---now run along and whine about something else more worthy... Allen, I really enjoyed the sushi video....I dont eat sushi (raw fish)but I sure would try those :D