Should I stay or should I go?


Oct 14, 2004
I think its great you help in Bali when you are here ,

But unless you have lived in Bali you dont know whats its like to live here, you cannot experience it from a holiday or reading a forum, you can only from living here.

You put up some statements and its puts Bali down (compared to Australia), thats why you got some negative replies.

Bali is like anywhere else you have to make a life and work at having the lifestyle you want.


Jan 20, 2007
Perth Western Australia
I agree totally with you Inadelaide, the statements I put up that may have put bali down were from things I have read off this forum. I have not experienced them. So my thinking is why experience that side of it. I am happy here in Australia I have never once said I am not. I love the Bali I know and will keep loving it. Like I said due to my personality and the things I would miss in Australia I am best just visiting Bali. Like everyone on this forum its called choice as to where you live and what makes you happy. I think its good people are actually human on this site and can give an unbias view on the good and the bad reasons to live there. Would be a terrible shock moving there just hearing all the good points. Believe me theres many bad points to living in Australia to some people aswell I did actually state that. It was meant to be a happy post saying I am so glad I will get the best of both countries. I really love the Balinese people and my holidays there thats why thats the only place I take my holidays twice a year. For all those planning to move to bali I wish you the best of luck and hope its what you expected!.


Nov 4, 2004
InAdelaide, I don’t see where Tinkerbelle was putting Bali down. Everything she said was true, there is a rubbish problem and lack of privacy can be an issue. Of course there is also plenty of good stuff too.

Tinkerbelle has obviously weighed up the pro and cons based on how she likes to live her life and made a decision on that. Just because every man and his dog (and cat) wants to move to Bali doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with someone who chooses not too.

manc in oz

Nov 29, 2006
Gold Coast Australia
Re: RE: Should I stay or should I go?

Lee said:
InAdelaide, I don’t see where Tinkerbelle was putting Bali down. Everything she said was true, there is a rubbish problem and lack of privacy can be an issue. Of course there is also plenty of good stuff too.

Tinkerbelle has obviously weighed up the pro and cons based on how she likes to live her life and made a decision on that. Just because every man and his dog (and cat) wants to move to Bali doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with someone who chooses not too.

Spot on Lee. For the life of me I cant see what all the fuss is about. :roll:


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Bert said it in another post, He wished he could have the Magic feeling back again,,, I like Tinks view,,, wish I could jet over as easily...but then again, its not so bad here either.. suppose its like when I was a teenager, I got a job at a pizza place, Yea-free Pizza!!!!! that lasted about 2 weeks, then I was sick of pizza...


Jan 20, 2007
Perth Western Australia
I have never laughed so much at the last few comments ha ha. Lee you are so funny I love the (and cat) comment. Manc in oz you are one of the people who also just get what I have said. Tink feels froggys eyes now on her whilst she is bathing ha ha. Hmm froggy if you are perving should I leave the site (jokes).

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Re: RE: Should I stay or should I go?

Lee said:
Just because every man and his dog (and cat) wants to move to Bali doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with someone who chooses not too.

Yes. Its betrayal ;)


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Orrr Come on Tink - I told ya I'd been to the footy.

Can't ya let me off the hook?

Froggy's got the right idea. Lets get in a hot tub over at your place and sort it out. It's cool no one will know - you have no neighbors.

Aye Frog ..I thought you were gunna meet me in Dallas 2 weeks ago. What happened brother?

I'm going to Florida at the end of this month and then onto NY. Any chance of a party somewhere man? Have not caught up since that last blackout at Nuri's up in Ubud when Roy failed to show in January.

Get back to me on the PM son.


Nov 21, 2005
London, UK
Re: RE: Should I stay or should I go?

Dasha said:
Froggy's got the right idea. Lets get in a hot tub over at your place and sort it out. It's cool no one will know - you have no neighbors.

beta males... :lol: