Seems like Suharto (or his ghost) is back


Well-Known Member
This forum has been a bit quiet - no news? - or just bored?

Anyhow the current parliament is rushing through a few new laws, and one that seems a bit silly is the one controlling the film industry. It limits the showing of films in places other than cinemas, and restricts what films can be imported. These restrictions are not likely to stop imports or film screenings, but some of the layers of red-tape may harm the local film industry. Film producers could be discouraged and give up.

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i did studies on the Indonesian Media when i did my degree ... they have always had a lot of censorship laws and restrictions on film making and distribution so this doesn't surprise me at all and alot of the changes don't really seem like changes but just rewording ...
i work in indonesia media...after 1998 get freedom to write anything...but now...we feel that many limited policy ..birth again and ready to hurt a journalist... :(