Secret Online Business in Bali running from Aus and Bali


New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Hi There,

I am currently pulling apart a possible business idea.. I think I am onto something interesting which would be very profitable for my workers and myself.. I am not looking at making a money off someones misfortune..

Here are some of the very basics.

- Looking at hosting a .com website from the states
- Employing 2 - 3 workers (on 300% - 400% above min. wages) in Bali, which would uploaded "stuff" to the website.
- I would then be selling "stuff" online internationally. Via the website
- Some printing may occur from either Aus (most likely) or Bali and shipping to international address.

"Stuff" = Something legal and nothing odd or weird, I just would not like to reveal my idea.

Can't say anything else. But my problem lies with Visa's and if I am running a business out of Bali or Aus??? And if a visa is required what I would need to achieve?? Also Tax and any others bits people have experienced in running a business in Bali.

Thanks any help to my basic plan would be very helpful.



Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
If you want to keep your online business a secret, you will not get many clients I guess. :)

I am not really into tax evasion schemes, but I guess your money has to go somewhere. 8)

If you are employing people in Bali, you would need to have (or hire) some form of a company in Bali. This company, like any company elsewhere in the world, would be eligible for tax.

Paying 300% or 400% above min wages is a noble thing. So salary would be 2.4 million / 3.2 million per month?

If I promise to work twice as hard as a Balinese, throw in a free website and hosting, promotion on this and other websites, would you be willing to pay me 10 million a month?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Bert Vierstra said:
If I promise to work twice as hard as a Balinese

Sitting now across from a Balinese building site where the women (of course) are carrying hardcore on their heads in the midday sun, say about 32C - if you can work twice as hard as that, I will pay you 10 million! :twisted:


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
I agree with Bert, if you are employing people in Bali then you will be needing to register a business in Bali. Whether you live there will influence what sort of visa you need.

Apart from sorting out the Indonesian end, you also need to sort out the Australian end - the ATO will want their share. If you are operating the business from Australia then it may be interpreted as an Australian operation, it will depend on a number of (complicated) factors. It gets very murky when dealing with purely on-line businesses, and the run of the mill tax accountant will not be able to give you quality advice.

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can run a successful online business and keep under the radar. You would be one in a long line of people who found to their dismay that it is not as easy as you think to keep things 'secret'. Set things up properly from the start and you will not only operate with integrity, but if you are successful you will be glad you did (because you can't get 'big' without doing it properly)