Roy twisted my arm!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
HI Everyone!
Just a post to say I'm still here. Still here and loving it! The school is keeping me enormously busy, (exams coming up) so in the weekends I barely have time to catch my breath, jump on my bike and race off to somewhere lovely for the weekend. I usually come to Ubud about everyone second or third weekend, it's becoming my favourite place in bali. A really great atmosphere.
This weekend I was going to go to Tulamban and do my advanced dive course, but the flu that's been going around the school finally took me down, so I thought I just cool it in Ubud. Oh, I went to the famous Tuna night and saw Roy and met Dawn and a few other people I know. (Roy's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me drinking a....COCA COLA!) I loooove Nuri's. Always lots of fun there! I went to the Jazz cafe both nights and it was fabulous! The bands they have there are amazing! Unfortunately, my friends who I convinced to come up here with me were not that impressed with the nightlife in Ubud, so they left the next morning for Kuta :shock: But I loved it. We were going on ojeks from bar to bar, and there was a bit of confusion becasue I wanted to go to Sai Sai bar, and it's just changed it's name. So we were riding around for awhile, and the guy was laughing so hard at me, casue I was singing away really loudly on the back as we zoomed along. Poor guy, subjected to Cass's singing! Had a great night though, and spentthe next day reading and lounging by the pool.
So two more months and I'm finshed! Before I leave though I'm going to climb Bromo, travel around Suliwesi, dive the shipwreck, and try and make it to the Orangatang rehabilitation centre. Whew! But before that i have to be thinking all about exams....oh hell!
Glad to see this forums still hopping with people. I'll try and come on when I can.
Keep smiling, Cassienne


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Cass, thank the Gods it was only your arm! :oops: Also, thank the Gods Eri was sitting next to me! :shock:

Seriously, great to have seen you at Nuris, and even more great to have you back here. You go girl! The world is your oyster.


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Great tro hear from you Cass & as usual you are exuding with energy!!!

I hope in 20 wks time my energy returns!!!

I am halfway & preg going perfectly!!!

Glad your still loving it!!! can't wait to hear more!

I used to hang at Sai Sai bar too!


Aug 28, 2004
New Zealand - Bali soon!
HI Tracey.
So glad to hear it's going well. You have all my best wishes.
Wow, you were at SAi Sai (sorry EXILES now)? that's crazy, pity your'e not here now and we could meet there.
Great to hear you're doing well. By the way, if you met me you might not think I'm that energertic. Roy wouldn't believe me, but he's only seen me when I'm in a good mood ready to have a good time. You should see me during the week when I'm exhausted from work! I don't actually move that much :) It takes me til about 6 on a Friday evening to get the energy up to start having fun and being all enthusiastic and the way you think I am all the time. You guys have only seen my best side :) :(
Anyway, nice to know people think of me well.


Sep 2, 2004
Re: RE: Roy twisted my arm!

Roy said:
Cass, thank the Gods it was only your arm! :oops: Also, thank the Gods Eri was sitting next to me! :shock:

What do you mean Roy, you don't trust yourself when your wife is not around you? ;)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I plead the Fifth Amendment under the US Constitution on the grounds that my answer may incriminate me. :p :p :p