Racism Discussion (Con't from Adam Air)


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
fun facts

Facts 1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi- Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican
nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely
illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County ).
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth
(and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York )
results from immigration.
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
This is from the L.A Times, Would you be embracing an invasion like this in your country? I know for a fact Bali is getting overun, but at least it is their own countrymen.... Imagine Bali being overun by illegals, and sucking all the resources!!!!

Jim Thorpe

Nov 7, 2002
RE: Racism Discussion (Con

Politely, I don't think anyone wants to review the U.S. policy on immigration. Illegal immigration is just what it says....illegal. I am not seeing anyone going at you regarding that. My comment was a response to your post regarding african americans. Now you go off on illegals. The perception is that you are bigoted or racist against blacks and mexicans which I am sure you are not. Many people want the immigration laws of the U.S. upheld but I don't think anyone on this forum has even brought immigration up. What is the connection between immigration and racism?


Would you be embracing an invasion like this in your country? I know for a fact Bali is getting overun, but at least it is their own countrymen.... Imagine Bali being overun by illegals, and sucking all the resources!!!!
Froggy this is not the place for a debate about discrimination, affirmative action, immigration or xenophobia in America.

Let's keep American domestic politics in America.


Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
Thank you Allan, I agree wholeheartedly with your asssesment of this discussion. I have been embarrassed to read some of the comments above. Froggy, thankfully, does not speak for all americans.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Jim, your very polite thanks, Facts are Fact thats all ,I cant help it if some dont agree or dislike it, this thread was on discrimination, or wound up that way thanks to Judy, but Dislike for immigration results in one being called a racist, thats how I am connecting the Two.......... in America, Bali or the S. Pole.......But I have have to agree with Bert on racism, its a point that you go out of your way to demean or hurt another based on their skin color, thats all! So many people throw the race card out so fast...its usually the ones that do that ,that are the racist to begin with..... Tony, I suppose I am the few left in America that has balls and will speak up, so set back relax in Maui..And dont be embarrased, American politics&policies are doing a fine enough job of doing that without me... Allen, I mentioned Bali at the end of the facts, no one cared to notice , they were to busy trying to????? Many subjects get spun off from the original topic- this being one, sorry you cant enjoy everything you read, next time I guess I need to consult your majesty before I post? I'm done, Good night All, Frog


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
RE: Racism Discussion (Con

Hey froggy

Are you knocking down lots of Tequilas and smoking red-dirt marijuana in Texas? Maybe you've just got a kink in your saddle and some saddle sores. (Nothing to worry about too much - there are remedies.) How's your horse doing?

Correct me if I've got you mixed up with another person, but did you used to live in Bali in the same village as Roy? Like, opposite each other? If so, I guess it's no wonder one of you left. It couldn't have been Roy because he's a chosen one.

At the risk of sounding rude, do you work for a living? Just wondering what your job is.



Aug 24, 2005
Maui, Hawaii
Your comments barely warrant a response... still, I'm well into the second bottle of a fine Kruchenstuck Reisling, so what the hell, eh?

You obligatory "mention of Bali" at the end of that dirty laundry list of facts doesn't quite cut it from where I sit. And you're wrong... you are by no means "one of the few" left. No matter where I turn these days I am confronted with a gazzillion screeching waterheads voicing, shouting, broadcasting and posting sentiments most similar to yours and worse. Balls are plentifull these days my friend. The shortage, it seems to me, lies in the thoughtfullness and solutions departments.

Your past few posts might be more suitable framed, perhaps, as a letter of the day to Bill O or Sean Hannity at Fux News You could even fashion your little screed into a blog and post it someplace like Redstate.Com where you will be in good company and make many new friends. That was the point, I believe, of Allan's post as well as mine. This is a forum pertaining to Bali. Those that frequent this little corner of cyberspace, I gather from my observations, come from all over the planet. Believe it or not, once you set foot outside of the 50 states, american domestic issues cease to weigh heavily upon the minds of those that live elsewhere. If you learned nothing else during your brief stay on the Island of the Gods, I would have thought that you might have at least noticed that.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
I agree that this discussion is not appropriate to this forum, but ever considered that if the US stopped exploiting wealth and resources from the poorer nations of the world, these 'aliens' might be content to stay on 'their' side of the border????



May 11, 2007
seattle wa campuhan bali
Ok Guys and Gals:

First, perhaps I misused the word racist, Bert you are CORRECT.
Prejudice is not racism. I'm not that articulate in my speech. We all as humans have some form of prejudice unfortunately. I am certain that Dewi is a wonderful person; and after you explained yourself I did not feel you were a racist; I thought I apologized. Again, sorry I did not make myself clear.

Secondly, Pat: yes I have been in France and Italy. Have family in both countries. Actually I agree with you; we all are humans. I was simply saying that many of my daughters friends (who are mostly jewish) say that to me; as do so many people who have meet me throughout my life.
Oh yeah, and just about anyone at a synogue that I became friends with!!!!! When they found out I was not raised Jewish they were very surprised and they made the comment to me on many an occasion, "You look Jewish".
Obviously, I look Jewish, French, Italian, Peruvian, Brazilian even Balinese. Mexican.....Guess I look international; therefore, simply human. Been told I look all of the above. Sooo, you are correct, the statement "you look so and sooo, is a little rediculous.

Lastly, Dasha loved your song. Everyone and I mean everyone is a little crazzzy including me. I should not have gone off on Bert. Did not know I would have started such a ruproar.

Jimbo: you speak very eloguently!! Well said. I agree with you totally about all the cruelty in the world.


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
RE: Racism Discussion (Con

Can I just get back in here an inch above the arm waving and jostling and try to pull out the big red extinguisher? It’s getting hot.

I pulled this topic back up a week and half ago after reading an article in the Balidiscovery about pilots departing from Garuda to go with local carriers and thought that it would be interesting to note for Dr Bruce (who finished last with the thread 2 months earlier) and myself who travel the east end quite occasionally in a bid to give some positive spin as to maybe having 1 or 2 more experienced pilots on local routes in Indo.

Now through that Tina and Manc and Jimbo and Iain and I got discussing the reasons why we thought service on aircraft was different given the so called reputation of Western Airlines.

Going through my mind was that although many western carriers have had a great record for getting passengers from A to B without killing them, they seem to silently kill us with shit service they provide cos deep down they dunno how to serve anyway. In Indonesia we get GREAT SERVICE.

Somehow we got from comparing airlines to comparing races and I just wish we could get onto exploring that great Dire Straits Line… If We Can’t Find A Way To Be One World In Harmony?

That’d be good.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Well regardless of "how we got here" its too late..Now the thread is even titled Racism Discussion.... As Jim T. pointed out, I doubt you feel this way, and Allen has said" you dont call people this", They are spot on- I am not the author of that racism "declaration" I know Bert likes original post and thoughts :oops: :oops: but it does have merit and insight as "why" a person may seem racist. Even little children notice differences of color and react to it, Hell even my good old Dog would flat out try to eat a black person just because they loooked different...Like Jimbo keepps saying, we all have a speck of indefferance in us. And Tony being from Hawaii, you have no balls you have macadamia "nuts" or do you dare say you have pineapples :lol: , I enjoyed your response, and feel where your coming from... Sanurian, I came back to this shithole of a country to use her, Im in for awhile, I just sold 200 slot machines to a indian casino, I will get an 80/20 rev share off of that, I am working on an online casino with a great bloke from Bali, I currently have a small "gameroom"="casino" and I am about to open a large VFW post that has "sweepstake " style games, (long expanation, but makes me legal)........ Also for fun I have bought a crap load of Iraq Dinar, it may rv soon and that would be nice..... as Judy mentioned I was screwed by the Army Corps. and thanks to "minority contracting" over my work at Hurricane Katrina,New Orleans, so I figured to get into a business that will always be around-GAMBLING! it was that or Drugs,alcohol and prostitution, just kidding.....Oh well at least I spiced up the threads for awhile.... food for thought