Pope Benedict and Muslim Reactions



i will be in bangkok in 1 1/2 weeks so if anyone will be there the same time I will we can debate politics of the us and security until I am red in the face. Why not talk about the situation in Thailand since it is close to home to many of the expats that live in Bali or travel there frequently.

Tony, you really have made no point at all except that you must be smokin too much of the maui wowi and that you have no idea about international security. i cant tell you what I do and who i work for and you will never know but let me just reiterate that I am one drunk schizzle and will be looking forward to meeting you all in beautiful bali or thailand. Then we can debate until we are red in the face. But on this forum, no way!

Mark Wales

Aug 16, 2006
Wales, United Kingdom
Is a culture that values slavery better or worse than a culture that is against it? It shouldn't be that hard of question to answer

Dear Refael,

I suppose u have been to college. therefore
you will know what "culture" means. So when u keep harping on the merits and demerits of Cultures that value/don't value slavery, I am confused.

What is the difference between your perceived utopian world where slavery has been abolished (which in actual fact is flourishing under the garb of under-paid illegal immigrants entering your country from Mexico and wherever)(isn't this a burning issue in your form of Parliament today?)


any other culture that does not practice but is trying desperately to curtail
it. Sadly my own country is fighting the horrible practice of child labour.
There are NGOs working in parts of India and the media highlights this quite often.

I don't mean to be nasty in anyway. I am trying to understand what you mean by "culture". From your posts it appears you have confused culture with religion and regional demarcations.

Incidently where am staying in Bali, there is a Mexican Artist whom I had the honour of meeting. Hearing him speak about poor Mexicans crossing into the land of milk and honey and being exploited by employers is heart-rending. So Dear Rafeal, before launching into soap box oratory think about what';s happening in your own back yard. "cultures" as u so losely put it are more complex than the school boy views that you have.



Re: RE: Pope Benedict and Muslim Reactions

Mark Wales said:
Is a culture that values slavery better or worse than a culture that is against it? It shouldn't be that hard of question to answer

Dear Refael,

I suppose u have been to college. therefore
you will know what "culture" means. So when u keep harping on the merits and demerits of Cultures that value/don't value slavery, I am confused.

What is the difference between your perceived utopian world where slavery has been abolished (which in actual fact is flourishing under the garb of under-paid illegal immigrants entering your country from Mexico and wherever)(isn't this a burning issue in your form of Parliament today?)


any other culture that does not practice but is trying desperately to curtail
it. Sadly my own country is fighting the horrible practice of child labour.
There are NGOs working in parts of India and the media highlights this quite often.

I don't mean to be nasty in anyway. I am trying to understand what you mean by "culture". From your posts it appears you have confused culture with religion and regional demarcations.

Incidently where am staying in Bali, there is a Mexican Artist whom I had the honour of meeting. Hearing him speak about poor Mexicans crossing into the land of milk and honey and being exploited by employers is heart-rending. So Dear Rafeal, before launching into soap box oratory think about what';s happening in your own back yard. "cultures" as u so losely put it are more complex than the school boy views that you have.


School boy views huh.... let me just state thaat i dont know a damn thing about you and could really care less. Once again, you didn't answer the question and just diverted the truth. You would be a good attorney if you got your act together and made sense. Illegal immigrants crossing the border to work in new mexico or california picking fruit and getting payed $6.50 an hour to do so is not slavery. These illegal immigrants 70% from mexico and the rest from other countries come to america because there countries hold no opportunities for them. This is not indentured servitude or slavery to say the least. Mark you seem to have a way of twisting words around to make sense of something that is not factual in anyway whatsoever especially with you above posts. So you have an education right? In what? Where did you study; Ohio State, harvard, yale, or Brown? Simple questions involve simple responses and not some convoluted answers that hold no bearing. Maybe its time for you to go back to school and learn a thing or two, huh, sound like a good idea. Take her easy!

Mark Wales

Aug 16, 2006
Wales, United Kingdom
Bert wrote :

That's It !!

I suppose we needed the moderator to keep us on track as I suddenly
recall the topic was "Pope Benedict and Muslim reactions"! Sorry
Bert, we seem to have digressed from sanity. And sorry Refael that you
seem so upset and personal. I understand that some of us get upset when
our perceptions are challenged by people of lesser cultures. But that's
how the cookie crumbles.



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I am rapidly coming to the stage where I do not like you. You twist words around and put them in others mouths to try and prove what?

You have no monopoly on truth just your own view point which to me seems distorted to say the least shaped by what is obviously (to me) an inverted racial predudice.

"I understand that some of us get upset when
our perceptions are challenged by people of lesser cultures. But that's
how the cookie crumbles. "

What do you mean here? Accusing the writer of being upset by a person of lesser culture is saying he is predudiced. Where did he say this or even intimate it?

I think you need to move on with your life and stop attributing discussion to implied racial stereotypes. Or have I got it all wrong?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Back on topic, it seems the pope has apologized multiple times...three at last count, but this has not satisfied some the more conservative elements of the Islamic community.

Yesterday while watching the news, my wife commented, “what do they want him to do....commit suicide?”

One has to applaud the pope’s patience and desire to embrace the Islamic leaders in a dialogue at the Vatican. I hope those leaders of the Islamic faith embrace this opportunity for frank and open dialogue in the same spirit as the pope offered.

Who knows? This could be ground breaking diplomacy and dialogue at its best, and surely at a time when it is most needed.

Mark Wales

Aug 16, 2006
Wales, United Kingdom
Dear Jimbo,


I am rapidly coming to the stage where I do not like you. You twist words around and put them in others mouths to try and prove what?

[quote:c2dxtse1]You have no monopoly on truth just your own view point which to me seems distorted to say the least shaped by what is obviously (to me) an inverted racial predudice.

"I understand that some of us get upset when
our perceptions are challenged by people of lesser cultures. But that's
how the cookie crumbles. "

What do you mean here? Accusing the writer of being upset by a person of lesser culture is saying he is predudiced. Where did he say this or even intimate it?

I think you need to move on with your life and stop attributing discussion to implied racial stereotypes. Or have I got it all wrong

Thanks for your post. sorry that you have begun to dislike me.
But what irked me is when Refael said that some cultures are better
than others. There exists no invert racism in me. Therefore when
replying I assumed brevity would be the source of understanding and
not misundertsanding.

And as you have begun to dislike me for bitter or worse I shall stop posting anymore replies on this forum so as not to inadvertently offend anyone.

peace man and namaste.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

I have no desire for you or anyone else to leave this forum but the choice is yours. It is very rare that I attack anyones posts as I much prefer to let things slide but in your case I saw something that seemed to me wrong.

Read your own posts and you may see where I am coming from. Remember only this, there are many who dislike me but I do not go away and stay and try and change their minds.