Open a business in Bali


Jun 26, 2008
Yes there is a free health care or free education.the facility not too good thou i am sorry to say this but its true :( . but it too slow and can we just give this service to all people need it the most . whilst people who can afford to go to Docter and Dentist surely we can afford to pay for better service


May 4, 2008
Dentist is not bad at all. hmmm just need to find a good one right??
Bert, I'm not sure where Jembrana Wich is??? and they have free schools and health care??
It's hard to find free schools or health right now. What do you think?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sumatra, I seem to recall reading another of your posts that you are Indonesian. Is this true, or did you become an American citizen while living in the US? I only ask this as your citizen status will greatly impact just how you go about setting up a business here in Bali.

For example, assuming you have retained your Indonesian citizenship, you can apply here for dual citizenship for your son...thus no need for an annual kitas visa for him. Also, it will be very easy for you to set up a CV level company.

As for medical insurance, your husband can apply for that and cover both you (Indonesian or foreign) and your son as dependents. I highly suggest Bali Medical Insurance...Sue Speak, for that. You can search the archives on this forum for all the information about Bali Medical Insurance and Sue Speak. Cheers, and best of luck with your future endeavors.


Jun 26, 2008
Sumatra hello apa kabar hope u know this :) thats what people always greeting at you at everywhere . most people are lovely here in Indonesia and Bali very friendly even i am the mixed kids and live and study here we are very bounded one another and protect our biggest family . So sumatra as we all know the text book all parent should to pay and live day today in Indonesia and most in Bali very expensive . I just still dont understand why the Indonesian government treat the foreign people they pay so much rather than the Indonesian as i know this cause my chinese dad pay so much monies when we were little girls for our education and our living. All the Best for you Sumatra :)


May 4, 2008
Yes, I'm a US citizen for a while now. what a great memory you have. The only way I can apply for dual citizenship for my son is if I'm Indonesian citizen, is that right?
How does he (my husband) apply for the medical insurance?? is it through the employement??
Forgive me for my ignorance.
Thanks for info. Roy!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
The only way I can apply for dual citizenship for my son is if I'm Indonesian citizen, is that right?

That is correct. The dual citizenship scheme is for children of mixed marriages. Of course, your son could always work his way up the visa ladder...kitas, kitab and then Indonesian citizenship, but it would have been a very simple matter if you were still an Indonesian citizen.

Then again, you might consider reverting back to your Indonesian citizenship, but I have no idea what is involved with that move. As you know, while the US allows for dual citizenship, Indonesia does not...except for the temporary dual citizenship of minor children born to mixed marriages. This is all very complicated stuff, and you will need to really get in to it very deeply.

Since you are all American, this will complicate matters in so far as you setting up a CV company here in Bali. For either a CV or PT company you will need an Indonesian partner. There are 100% foreign owned companies in Bali, but they are very expensive to set up, and sooner or later a minimum 5% Indonesian partner/ownership will be required...which I believe has to happen within the first 5 years of the company start up.

I would suggest you begin discussing your business plans with some professionals here in Bali, for example, PT Bali Ide, or search the archives here for lawyers in Bali, as many of them specialize in foreign business start ups. Cheers!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
As for the medical insurance, since you and your family are all American, it doesn't matter who applies, you, or your husband as the coverage will be provided through a company based in England, and either the husband or the wife can be insured as a dependent of the other.


May 4, 2008
Thanks a lot for the information Roy, I know we have to think this over again and have to do more research. But for now I've to go back to my hectic life here in the state and coudn't wait to move to bali to live the simple life.

Thanks again Roy!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
By the way, Sumatra, there is an excellent Indonesian women’s association which is a “must know” about organization. It is called KPC, or Kumpulan Perkawinan Campur...mix married group. This is the Indonesian women’s advocacy group which was successful in lobbying the Indonesian legislature to enact the law allowing for dual citizenship of children of mixed marriages, and it continues as a powerful organization advocating the rights of Indonesian women who are married to foreigners.

There is a one time dues payment of IDR 250,000 to join, but if you ask my Balinese wife, it is more than well worth it to become a member of this group.

In thinking this through a little more, I hope that Bert will add the link to this organization given the understanding that many members of this forum are involved with, or may soon become involved with mixed marriages. Cheers.

PS...Hmmmm, I think I should start a new string just on this topic...given its importance.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Sumatra said:
Dentist is not bad at all. hmmm just need to find a good one right??
Bert, I'm not sure where Jembrana Wich is??? and they have free schools and health care??
It's hard to find free schools or health right now. What do you think?

Jembrana is a district in Bali, like Badung, Buleleng and Gianyar. Its in de west of Bali.

The Jaminan Kesehatan Jembrana (JKJ or Jembrana Health Insurance) scheme begun in Jembrana District, Bali Province in March 2003 provides free primary healthcare to all members; free secondary and tertiary care is also provided for poor members. The scheme has improved the access of both poor and non-poor citizens to healthcare. Before JKJ, only 17 percent of district citizens were covered by any kind of health insurance; now, 63 percent are covered. The percentage of ill people who sought treatment in Jembrana more than doubled from 40 percent in 2003 to 90 percent in 2004 ... ?kpid=8638

Don't know current status ....


May 4, 2008
I think, I already like Bali more now, knowing that people are very nice and try to help others.
Roy and Bert, I can’t thank you guys enough. This is very valuable information that we need to know and I’ll definitely join the KPC while I’m there.
Roy, do you mind if I have your wife's e-mail address so I can talk to her easily since I work every day from 8AM-5PM in front of a computer.
BTW, we just received an offer for our home this morning (felt like taking it right away) but they're way too low on their offer, I don’t know if we’re going to take it.

Thanks a bunch guys!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I’ll send you a PM with Eri’s e-mail address. She only checks her in box a few times a month, so don’t be surprised if you don’t receive prompt replies to any of your e-mail.

I’m very partial to Boston in that I lived there from 1975 to 1980. I had a gallery on Newbury Street and lived on Commonwealth Avenue. Boston was great fun and I loved it. Do they still do the July 4 fireworks and concert by the Boston Pops on the Charles?

Good luck with your house sale.


May 4, 2008
Hey Roy,

My wife thanks you for wife's email address. I'm Sumatra's husband. Boston is a whole different game now Roy, traffic is terrible something like Jakarta, only with really expensive auto insurance and everything has a different name than it did in 1980. They did a third harbor tunnel and dubbed it the "big dig" "The Big Black Hole" where taxpayer's money disappeared would've been more descriptively appropriate but much less politically correct. They still do the fireworks on the Charles, if you can get near enough to enjoy it. Fanuiel Hall is still the same and Harvard Sq. is still choked with college kids most of the year. I've even heard that the water at Revere Beach is clean enough to swim in, although personally I believe this to be a dubious contention, especially since the whole of the north shore waters were poisoned by red tide only two weeks ago shutting down all shell fishing operations in the area.
Perhaps, on our next trip in to the big city I could snap some digital pix of the highlights and send them along to you.

Sumatra's Suami