nyepi internet closure ??

Absolutely wonderful idea. Imagine, people actually look up from they phones, idiot-slabs and other devices with screens.
Omfg no Facebook! Reeeeee.... I can hear snowflakes screaming in horror and then realising it's not that bad at all... :)
Im in java for nyepi so no worries , I wonder how the tourists will feel ? what next no electricity ?
Yes, it is too far IMO. For me internet is a utility, same as electricity, water.

Anyone know if Telkom will stop their internet service? I think we are going to check with their office.
Don't worry. It won't happen.
This stream of mindless brain-farts seems never ending but sooner or later, the perpetrators might get the point.
The North Bali International Airport is another one and it's looking like it's dead in the water (no pun).
I'll drink to that (maybe not on Nyepi day - hmm...what will I drink? Is the power on?..any ice cubes left?)\
With so many environmental problems unfolding on our beloved island, don't these religious wankers have anything better to do?
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This is probably going to twist some panties painfully hard but I think you guys are missing the point - we are just guests here. If you don't like the host, leave. It's so simple.

I am not a religious person but I love balinese ceremonies, music, parades and all the stuff that comes with it. This is why I am here. It's different. It's old school.

If I wanted just warm weather, I'd park my arse in Miami, Florida or some other overdeveloped s* hole.
This is probably going to twist some panties painfully hard but I think you guys are missing the point - we are just guests here. If you don't like the host, leave. It's so simple.

I am not a religious person but I love balinese ceremonies, music, parades and all the stuff that comes with it. This is why I am here. It's different. It's old school.

If I wanted just warm weather, I'd park my arse in Miami, Florida or some other overdeveloped s* hole.
Yes, we are guests here, but can also expect that our hosts, we support a lot, show some respect. Don't you think?
The last news I heard today all the big operators will be off , but cable operators will be running as usual so is this some kind of penalization against the poor ? stuck in their miserable kost ,no tv internet ,while the rich on the island with monster villas will have tv and internet as usual , Tribune news bali , sorry the links no good .
I suspect that closing everything down also has a psychological value for the Balinese in making a strong statement, "this is our Island."
I confess to know little about IT so question if it's even possible to shut down all internet and isolate Bali?
I confess to know little about IT so question if it's even possible to shut down all internet and isolate Bali?

Yes, I am sure possible. It may depend though if they planned for this in the design. I worked in IT in Japan and every year most buildings would close off power for 24 hours during the weekend. There were always problems with at least some equipment when everything was powered up again.

About the wireless service though, I wonder if it is possible to turn off the data but still allow voice calls. Again many people use WA and FB to communicate. I understand the religious perspective and it should be possible to just ask people not use the internet for entertainment, but keep it available for emergency type situations.
Re: post #14
I'm not on about the 3G or 4G cell network...I guess that's easy to shut down but I thought that internet used servers to communicate to each other and where those servers might be located...maybe not on Bali at all. Those servers may serve other areas in addition to Bali.

I asked my Bali maid, who is religious, what she thought of the internet closure and she said all her people think it's stupid and it's only an idea from the religious extremists to enable their power of influence....now where have I heard that before!!!
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This is probably going to twist some panties painfully hard but I think you guys are missing the point - we are just guests here. If you don't like the host, leave. It's so simple.

I am not a religious person but I love balinese ceremonies, music, parades and all the stuff that comes with it. This is why I am here. It's different. It's old school.

If I wanted just warm weather, I'd park my arse in Miami, Florida or some other overdeveloped s* hole.
Yawn..........this too shall pass!
Omfg! A day without Internet! Sky is falling! Its all over now. :)

Wtf did you guys do before PC and modem was invented? Had a chat with your neighbours?
I know you did not die. How did Bali survive in 90's and thousand years before that?

99.999% you read or post to social media has 0 value. FOMO is not lethal. :)

Get over it! Read a book! Meditate. BTW, under a normal circumstances, shutting up for a day is not letha either.
Many people rely on the internet for business, international banking, talking to their family overseas etc...it has become a major part of life. Some even rely on internet for emergencies.
I moved to our apartment in Jakarta today and will return next week....Selamat Nyepi!
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Many people rely on the internet for business, international banking, talking to their family overseas etc...it has become a major part of life. Some even rely on internet for emergencies.
I moved to our apartment in Jakarta today and will return next week....Selamat Nyepi!

I agree ,

if the balinese really want to celebrate nyepi , they should close all the hotels and turn the electricity off , but they wont do that will they !

I will be in java also selamat nyepi Davita .
I agree ,

if the balinese really want to celebrate nyepi , they should close all the hotels and turn the electricity off , but they wont do that will they !

I will be in java also selamat nyepi Davita .

Agreed ! Same , in East Java for 10 days...