Novels as a hobby


New Member
I wonder how many expats who have settled here in Indonesia have found that after all the false starts back 'home,' they finally got the oomph needed to see it through - the first novel, I mean.

I got going early on, been here over a decade now, and since then have turned out - critics might say churned out - seven books, all fiction, one of them a collection of Indonesian and Canadian ghost stories, the others 200-page novels.

There's something about the tropics that may sap the physical energy but certainly releases the psyche from constraints of ennui which arise from gloomy winters.

My favoured themes are Jakarta's seedy side and the rising threat to laid-back Indonesia from the fanatics. Then throw in a few wild leaps of the imagination and the pot is boiling already.

Who else has experienced this phenomenon?
Have you had anything published here? I don't know if could ever be dedicated enough to write a novel.