No KITAS needed anymore for children?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi there, drbruce

Regarding Singaraja arak: You're right about most home-made arak in Bali...the Karangasem region is still the number one source; most Balinese I know swear by it. Unfortunately, I've had some from there that borders on being lethal. Perhaps it's being adulterated by a few irresponsible makers. After a few bad experiences, I've tended to go for commercially-made stuff these days (much more expensive, of course, but maybe more quality-controlled).

Until fairly recently, I was buying a brand from Sidoarjo (East Java), believe it or not. It was quite good and cost Rp 19,000/bottle. I can't find it anymore - maybe the factory sank under the hot mud.

My current substitute is called Gwan Gwan Hoo. The label asserts it's from Singaraja and that it's Arak Beras (by which I understand it's made from rice). It's supposed to be 40% alcohol and tastes OK. A 650ml bottle costs Rp 36,400 in Hardy's supermarkets. Whether it's really made in Singaraja, I have no way of telling. Maybe Bert knows about it but I got the impression he's more into Tuak.

I hope you get some rain soon in Sumbawa. I wouldn't mind some here in Sanur too.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Not to change the subject, but cut and pasted below is the application and information forwarded to me by the good folks at Bali Advertiser:

Perihal: Permohonan Pendaftaran Anak
untuk Memperoleh
Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia

Yth. Menteri Hukum
dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Republik Indonesia
Kepala Kantor Wilayah
Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia/
Kepala Perwakilan Republik Indonesia
di- Denpasar, Bali

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

1. Nama Lengkap :
2. Alamat Tempat Tinggal :
3. Adalah ayah/ibu/wali dari anak :
Nama Lengkap :
Jenis Kelamin :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Status perkawinan anak : Belum kawin
Kewarganegaraan :

Yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan yang sah dari:
- Ayah
Nama lengkap :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Kewarganegaraan :
Alamat tempat tinggal :
- Ibu
Nama lengkap :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Kewarganegaraan :
Alamat tempat tinggal :

Yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan yang sah/diakui/diangkat oleh:
- Ayah
Nama lengkap :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Kewarganegaraan :
Alamat tempat tinggal :
- Ibu
Nama lengkap :
Tempat tanggal lahir :
Kewarganegaraan :
Alamat tempat tinggal :
berdasarkan penetapan pengadilan… nomor…tanggal…bulan…tahun…;

dengan ini mengajukan permohonan pendaftaran untuk memperoleh Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia bagi anak tersebut di atas berdasarkan Pasal 41 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2006.

Untuk melengkapi permohonan pendaftaran ini kami lampirkan:
1) fotokopi kutipan akte kelahiran anak yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang atau Perwakilan Republik Indonesia;
2) surat pernyataan dari orang tua atau wali bahwa anak belum kawin;
3) fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk atau paspor orang tua anak yang masih berlaku yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang atau Perwakilan Republik Indonesia;
4) pas foto anak terbaru berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 6 (enam) lembar;
5) fotokopi kutipan akte perkawinan/buku nikah atau akte perceraian/surat talak/perceraian atau keterangan/kutipan akte kematian salah seorang dari orang tua anak yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang atau Perwakilan Republik Indonesia bagi anak yang lahir dari perkawinan yang sah;
6) fotokopi kutipan akte pengakuan atau penetapan pengadilan tentang pengangkatan anak yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang atau Perwakilan Republik Indonesia bagi anak yang diakui atau yang diangkat;
7) fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk warga Negara asing yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang bagi anak yang sudah berusia 17 tahun dan bertempat tinggal di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia; dan
8) fotokopi kartu keluarga orang tua yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang bagi anak yang belum wajib memiliki kartu tanda penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia

Demikian permohonan pendaftaran ini saya ajukan untuk dapat dikabulkan. Atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.


meterai dan tanda tangan

(nama lengkap)


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Thanks Roy. The news is getting better all the time.

Phil, I find GGH to be just awful. One of my brothers-in-law used to bring me arak from Karangasam which was pretty tasty and quite cheap, but he rarely gets there anymore.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
As Eri and I reviewed this application and information, the only big question we have is about this court document that is required. We need to clarify if this means the regency court or the provincial court (Denpasar). We will be calling the office in Denpasar to ask specifics about what court needs to issue this certification on Friday. Also, another big question is the cost for all of this. Stay tuned as we are going to pursue this big time. We have three good reasons to do so!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004

...Phil, I find GGH to be just awful...

Either I've been in Bali too long or not long enough. Just to test myself, I opened a new bottle and took a swig out of it. Rolled it around in my mouth, tried to be as subjectively objective as I could. It ain't that bad.

Connoisseurs of arak will certainly disagree. But unless they have complete faith that the purity of their current favourite poison is deserved, they're taking a significant risk drinking it. It's not like the good old days any more, or maybe some of us don't throw caution to the winds as far as before.

Ooops...I didn't do "the burn test". Years ago, one sign of a potent, fair-dinkum arak was to spill some on a table and light it. The longer it burned, the better it was supposed to be.

OK - I'm going to do that right now (and have another swig, while I'm at it, all in the interest of science)......

The second swig was fine. I poured some onto our tiled floor and tried to set fire to it. It burned like a dream. That proves to me that it does have a significant amount of alcohol in it. And for me, it tastes OK too. Maybe the makers have improved upon what they used to dish up. I don't know. But I haven't gone blind, where's the letter "f" on the keyboard again, where's the "control key", hey darling - what happened to the "space bar"? No more internet for you.

Might be time for a third swig, or two.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Bruce...there's no way I'm trying to promote GGW over any other brand of commercial arak in Bali. All the other 'commercial' brands in Bali cost even more these days (and stuffed if I know why).

It's easy to be flippant or realistic, but how much do you pay for JW in Sumbawa? Can't be cheaper than here (or can it?). I don't mind JW when I have to drink it - I've even seen some places around Sanur flogging the Blue label stuff, but I've been too scared to ask the price. Rather than appear to be a financially-challenged individual, I ask them if they have any Gold label (after scanning the top shelf very carefully first). I'd rather single malts anyway (and I have to say I've never tasted Gold label JW yet).

Lay people, (yourself excluded), are often bemused by the steps 'scientists' take in their pursuit of 'knowledge'. I just spent a couple of hours with a close friend of mine, sweltering in a Sanur venue. We talked a lot about attempts by scientists to make very difficult concepts in physics understandable to the average person (Stephen Hawkings, Paul Davies, Carl Sagan, come to mind immediately, et al). I think we covered things like the marriage of Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics, red blue and green quarks, muons, mesons, gravitons, anti-matter, electron spins...I think the sole waitress working in the place (because of Galungan), saw us either as geniuses or tourists from another planet, speaking an unintelligible language.

"Yes, mate...about the expanding universe idea. That Russian bugger, Freidmann, came up with several potential models. Einstein didn't like to think that God plays dice. New evidence suggests that not only is the universe expanding, but many things in it kind of wobble from side to side as well, so that maybe the notion of a singularity, a point in space-time where the curvature becomes infinite, is not necessary after all. Do you think God drinks beer? Let's have another one any way. What's the name of that other guy? - you know, 'it's on the tip of my tongue' - funny you should bring that up: I thought about researching that phenomenon a long time ago, in the days before Google...what's your take on the left-right brain stuff these days? What about the altruism equation that somebody just came up with, as recently reported in New Scientist...mathematically, altruism occurs when r x b > c (where r = species relatedness, b = the benefit to the recipient and c = the cost to the giver). Hmmm. Anybody done any studies about why humans laugh? What about other species - do fish laugh? Not sure, mate..."

Meanwhile, the toilet broke in the venue - the owner thinks the septic tank is full. Where does Bali's water supply come from? Is a broken septic system a sign of a singularity, like a black hole?

Anybody reading this will be glad to hear that we gave Ketut, the waitress, a significant tip for her patience.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
According to the labels on my bottles of GGH, the 'correct' spelling is Gwan Gwan Hoo, not Gwan Gwan Ho.

Doesn't really matter and definitely doesn't make it taste any better. Still, I keep seeing people spelling it with one 'o' missing.
I'm posting this in the interests of accuracy.

That reminds me: time for a 'GGH coffee' but we've run out of cream. Bummer.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Who the dickens highjacked this string into a discussion of arak?

In my view, anyone who admits drinking this “Russian roulette” crap is suicidal, or at best, an idiot.

One of the best, if not the best American patriots of the 18th century, Ben Franklin, put it quite succinctly...”penny wise, pound foolish.”

If he were alive today, he might say something along the lines of, “if you can’t afford to drink, then don’t.”


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Back to the original point.

Have you heard anything new about this, Roy or Phil, or anyone else? We have a few more weeks before we get back to Bali for break and we want to start to deal with this thing while we are in Bali and close to most of our resources.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
So far, so good. We made our applications for our three boys today, first American, and among the first foreigners in Bali to do this.

The folks at the Kepala Kantor Wilayah in Denpasar were outstanding, and seemingly motivated to help in any way they could. Their charge is Rp 30,000 per child for handling.

The court document that I mentioned in an earlier post here is only applicable for adopted children.

So far, our only financial outlay is the seven 4 X 6 cm photos per child, the Kepala Kantor, and the two certified copies of the foreign dad’s (my) passport, plus two copies of that, per child, which in my case (American), ran a total of Rp 1,170,000 for all our three boys.

These certified copies of the foreign dad’s passport can be obtained from the appropriate consulate office in Bali. The charge for this will most likely vary by country.

The paper work is now being forwarded to Jakarta and the process, so we are told, will take about another two months. Charges as levied by Jakarta are at this time, unknown.

We will continue to advise. Bottom line so far....this process is not too complicated, or expensive, so far anyway.


Jun 9, 2006
Hi Roy ,I have been waiting for your follow up regarding Dual Citizenship for your Kids ! How did you go or going ?
We are anticapating applying for this from the Perth Indo consulate for the kids.
This way we will be a step closer to where we love.


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
We've just finished the process, but the fees are somewhat different than Roy paid which I was told was because the fee structure is being set in place. We did have to go back twice after the initial visit because we received the wrong instructions on the first visit. We were asked for 700,000 per child for completing the process which we paid to the desk in the front of the office. They were quite helpful from what my wife said - I only accompanied her on the first visit as I'm somewhat laid up at the moment. We were told that the process will be finished in a month and that we can pick up everthing then.

Overall, it is considerably cheaper than paying for the KITAS each year, and it has the added benefit of making our children Indonesian citizens who will be able to inherit their mother's property eventually.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Doc, with all due respect, and duly considering your recent injury, your post is innocuous at best and leaves much to be worst.

While I may know exactly what you are saying, no one else would have much of a chance of figuring it out.

The process, that you and Su went through, due to the process being very recently changed, deserves some elaboration....don’t you think?

Don’t you also think that the several conversations with my wife Eri, who freely gave her time and her experience deserves at least a little recognition?

Personally, I never look for thanks from those I help, but when I engage my wife to help those of which she has no knowledge, I surely do expect some recognition for her willingness to assist total strangers at my request.

I hope that makes sense to you, as it sure makes sense to me.


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Sorry Roy, I didn't, by any means, have the intention of not recognizing all the help from you and Eri. I just wasn't sure that a public forum was the place to do it. My wife wanted to do it more personally on a visit since she doesn't use computers, and since Eri was kind enough to take time off of the ceremony she was involved in to give Su the benefit of her experience. But the visit just isn't going to work this time due to my injury. You two saved us a huge amount of time.

You may have misinterpreted my comment about wrong instructions as meaning something that you or Eri said. Actually, the wrong instructions came from the lady who is processing the application. The lady processing all of this at the Kantor HAM told us to bring some documents from the local government here in Singaraja, but she left out one part of what we needed, and she was nice enough to acknowledge that on Su's visit when she thought she had everything needed. Also, the photocopy of my passport that I had certified at the US consulate wasn't acceptable because she wanted every page of my passport copied, not just the first few pages as is normally done. Again a misunderstanding between us and her, as in the past the first two pages of my passport have always been sufficient for transactions with the government.

A couple (a French fellow I assume from the accent, and his Indonesian wife) were there just before us, and he apparently had the same problem, but he took great offense at having to go back and get more documents and said so quite emphatically. You can imagine what the reaction was to his outburst. The point being, that as always in dealing with Indonesian bureaucracy, you need to keep cool and go with the flow as much as possible.

So once again Roy, sorry about any misunderstandings. We greatly appreciated all the help that you and Eri gave us, and we're still looking forward to thanking you in person on our next visit when inshallah, I'll be in better health.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Many thanks Doc for the clarification. I have to admit I’m a little sensitive lately with how Eri has been frequently pulled in many directions without a simple “thanks.” I know that Su was very appreciative of Eri’s time, so it was entirely inappropriate of me to vent this frustration on you.

Let’s make a deal that whoever gets their kids “legalized” as Indonesians first report here to keep this string viable and informative about this whole process.

As you say, we are also looking forward to meeting you and Su. Many thanks for your understanding.


Jun 9, 2006
Ok Roy and Doc,apart from your washing on the line niether of you acknowledged my post............but thats OK , Me ,Yuni and the Kids are looking forward to how you both go with the Kids dual citizenship application.
Bye from Perth............