New year, new member, new plan


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Roy
Yes i knew this already thanks for your post so now everyone else knows. The american indian tribes are a powerfull people that have been humiliated by the 'white's their land was taken away,religion,culture,status all taken away. The history books are written from the prespective of a 'white' person not from the american indian version.
Its so sad to be present at an indian 'pow-wow' (many tribes come together in traditional wardrobe,doing tribal dances ) The sadness comes from not seeing this on a daily basis,not seeing their amazing culture dominate the usa,the country that was once theirs stolen by the missionaries.
Yes the same as what happened in indonesia when it was invaded by various european countries,the same in bali invaded by the dutch...............but bali still holds on to their amazing traditions that is a sign of a even more powerfull force.
Gina Tyler


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington
Hi Gina,

The history books are written from the prespective of a 'white' person not from the american indian version.

I do not know much about american indian for the history book, maybe the indian has to start writing the history book from their prespective.

I'd love to learn their history.

PS I met a lot of Indonesian-Dutch couples in Seattle.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Dahlia
Not an indonesian around here for hundreds of miles,your lucky.
Yes its a sad fact history is written so one sided,but if you dig deep enough specially now with acess to the internet you get all your answers. Example is the way the japanese army put indonesians into camps in WWII,my mother and father were both in them when they were only children,their entire linage of family died there of starvation and malaria my mother is the only one left of her entire family,the horror she suffered via the japanese army is not recorded in japanese history books,not anywhere,it has been deleted from their history.
Those that were prisoners of the japanese are slowly dying,their stories lost for all time.
Gina Tyler


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
Dear Gina, Dahlia .. and all,
about history from our world it´s many kind of information must be changing... In Indonesian too ... It´s very important to understand self identity and to understand the other side. In the scholl i´ve learned many aspect from history under "Orba" ... i think is many things not relevan with the present reality.

About my plan to moving to Bali ...
my oldest sister is helping me to find property, she was in Bali for a couple of days to see the offers and now i have one seriously. I´m very happy to hear about that from my sister... i trust her, that she know me good, what i want.

So... i´m coming soon to Bali. I hope that i get special low price for Indonesian citizen with Malaysian Airways... they have "pulang Kampung" offer.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Dyah
I just came back from bali via Malaysian air,I'm Indonesian,no discount for me........sorry.
Looking over all the prices,they were the best priced,they normally need you to stay over but that's included the hotel that is.
Good Luck on your house hunting,I did not have any so far.
A few years ago i almost bought a house in Ubud on the outskirts,went to take a look,spoke to one of the homeowners,and then a month later this homeowner was robbed at knifepoint in the middle of the evening. These homes in Ubud had no solid walls so anyone could come in yes even when you are asleep.If i were to stay alone i would not be save either. Choose to pick some property nearby my relatives in south bali area instead..............still looking.
Gina Tyler


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington

Congratulations! you finally found your dream home :) In what area is the new house?

Hopefully we will meet in Bali one day.

We plan to move to Bali in the next 3 to 5 years. We also have a piece of property in Kupang NTT, will go back and forth to both places (nice). I have a humanitarian project with a friend in Kupang.

Well, selamat ya.


Nov 10, 2005
New year, new member, new plan

Well as my New Years resolution is usually - stop smoking, eat better, get fitter etc.

I decided this year to only make one, which I will keep to - and that is to move to Bali. I made the decision with my lovely “Balinese Angel” last year to do this, but have been waiting for her parents to finish both their Phds in the UK before we all depart. But now I feel desperate to move. I will sell up in the UK and pack my bags.

So hopefully by the summer I will be there and then I can join in and share my new experiences of Bali and help others whether they be Balinese, ex-pat or whatever. Maybe as another British ex-pat I can shine some light on the fact that ‘the British’ as anywhere else have a mixture of personalities and I will not be like my brethren Balinese British ex-pat Mr Balinounder1. I do look forward to meeting him and seeing what makes him tick.

Until I get there I can only dream….

But as my late father said “A man without dreams has no future” So I can only dream on 8)

P.S. Roy I will be living in Jimbaran, near Kuta, so I hope you can give me some tips on how to avoid those horrible “Fallen Angels” :lol:


Aug 19, 2004
Did I miss something is this correct that Balibounder1 :evil: is British and lives on Bali.


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
Dear Tina, Dahlia ...
i buy my ticket in frankfurt, from one travel agent and the owner is indonesian ... and until March can flight to Jakarta with Malaysian Airways for 560,00 EUR, to Denpasar 680,00 (Visithomes fares) ... nesian.pdf

Of course we´ll meet us one day Dahlia ... maybe in Kupang or Bali ...
the house is in south bali, Jimbaran area, Puri Gading, in quite part, my sister and her husband said that´s is balinese style, very solid, good material ...

Talking about humanitarian projekt in Kupang it´s very interesting. My father is from NTT and have been living there. But i dont know Kupang... so many kinship over there and if i visit Kupang i must bring so many time to visit them.

Jabberworker ...
But as my late father said “A man without dreams has no future”
i agree with your father ...

Tina, i visit homepage from Crisiscare. On Summer (Juli-August) one of my course-participant plan to go to Indonesia with one group of 15 teenager (she is teacher) to parttake in one youth-congress with the thema "water" in Yogjakarta ... she looking for NGO, with it the student can work as humanitarian helper or any kind of volunteer job.
Maybe you or Om Roy have any idea or information about that?


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Hello everybody, pleased to meet you all.

It is good to find a forum like this, where we can discuss all manor of things and find qite useful answers to questions such as visa's and business in Bali.

I will be in Bali on the 14th of feb for three weeks and again on the 7th of july when i plan to try to make Bali my home.

I have already got myself a friend who is willing to be my sponsor for a social visa. So that part is taken care of.

i would love to meet any of you in Bali to discuss business, living in Bali and all things Bali while im over there. Im not sure where i will be staying yet but will post it on this site when i arive. :lol:


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Dear Dyah
Are you asking me (gina?) if yes ,the Crisiscare foundation does look for volunteers to help out,no matter how long no time limit,no money to pay up front,just call gloria the owner and ask how to help out. Everyone from builders,craftsman,drivers,mechanics,doctors,nurses,social workers,are needed. To be more specific you need to email gloria goodwin
she cannot arrainge a visa for you ,that one must do for yourself.
Gina Tyler


Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, Washington
Welcome Davo!

You will like living in Bali for sure.

As for the project in Kupang, we are helping a friend to finish a children library.

We are also planning to build an english speaking school in Kupang which will be affliated to one of Singapore school. The revenue of this school will be used to subsidise (correct spelling????) scholarship for the bright students in Kupang to continue their higher education. Drop out rate in Kupang is very high due to poverty. There are a group of people who are interested to help this project. You or your friends are welcome to join this project if interested. New ideas are welcome.

There will be 25 college students from Spore coming next March to help with the farming projects (kebun percontohan , Jati, Mangga, and Mente).

Come and visit Kupang sometime. It's hot and dry, is not as beautiful as Bali, but it is a unique spot.

Indo Enterprises, Inc.


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
Hello Dahlia, Gina, ... sorry for writing your name incorect.
Thank you for your Info about the project. It´s very good for the student. I´ll tell them...

And wellcome Davo! I´m sure that you´ll find somebody from this forum to discuss about bussines and etc... so many ccooperatively people here and with many experience.

I´ll be there, in Bali, on Februar ... but i can´t help you ... i´m pretty new here ... and need many advice too like you.


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Thank you Dyah, Pooochie, Made ,helen and me ship mate Tommy. thank you for your greetings and making me welcome.

I must now leave here and explore this great forum.


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Dear Pooochie, i am just learning bahasa indonesian.

I thought indonesian would be better to learn first rather than Balinese.

But understood what you wrote. so im kind of proud. lol :wink: