NEW How to extend 30 day VOA w/out leaving the country?


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Ok, as of tuesday 26 January, there is no more 7 day VOA, only the 30 day VOA. The good thing is that you can extend the 30 day VOA with another 30 days without leaving the country.

My question is, how? Does anyone know how this process works?

Does one need to go to Ngurah Rai immigration or at Renon?
Do you apply for the extra 30 days as you land?
Do you just overstay the 30 days and they charge you on departure?
How much do they charge for the extra 30 days?

Would be interesting to know.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Wouldn't life be so much more simpler if they had a website set up to convey this kind of information? :)

There is a comment on the Jakarta Post article, "When I tried to contact the immigration office in Jakarta Uttara, they said that they don't have information yet."

I am pretty sure, it will be the same whichever office you go to.

I wonder if these visa changes were are response to recent articles about the problems with tourism in Indonesia.

Stopping the 6 day visa is probably going to have an impact on the people who come to Indonesia for just a short weekend visit, people from Malaysia, Singapore etc.

And why not just give everyone a free 60 day visa on entry?


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Does the return ticket have to be within the 30 days or 60 days?

Can you enter in DPS and extend in Manado?

Does you need a domestic sponsor to extend?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
At the risk of being severely contradicted I will go out on a limb and say that nobody has ever been asked for their return ticket. Not on entry at least.

Ok, most people have never been asked - I don't know of anybody.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Hi balibule
I'm still living on rubber time here. I do understand your questions...unfortunately, I can't answer them.

As our Admin asks:
Wouldn't life be so much more simpler if they had a website set up to convey this kind of information?
Yes and Maybe.

"They" already have a website.
It's always out-of-date (assuming it works in the first place).
We all love broken, non-functioning links, don't we?
"Corruption" appears to be endemic in this country.
No end in sight...

I read a comment somewhere recently which asserted that some Indonesian officials are talking about what features you get with this year's model of the Toyota Kijang? "Office talk". How much more money will they have to extract to keep up with the Jones's?



Active Member
Feb 6, 2009

I actually got through with a phone call to the Ngurah Rai immigration office (it took me 4 phone calls untill I had the right person on the line). The lady I talked to was incredibely lazy with answering my questions. On my last question on if they had a website to confirm her answers, she put me on hold and after 2 minutes she just put down the phone. Very rude (as usual). Maybe she should be looking for another job :)

Either way,

Return ticket can be later than 30 days

The price of extending is USD 25

To extend you need to go to Ngurah Rai immigration (not Renon)

You can only extend after already entering Bali, so you cannot apply for a 60 day VOA

You can extend at any international airport, so you can enter in Bali and extend in Manado if you wish.

Again, the above info was gained through a phone call so there could be details missing.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Don't know how it works elsewhere but in Oz you can get a 60 day visa before you even leave for $60aud .
So my thoughts are that if you have any intention of staying after 30 days then just get the 60 day visa before even going.
Especially as to extend the visa in bali is another $25USD plus all the drama of going back to Immigrasi at the airport which can be an exercise in frustration at the best of times. :evil:



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I actually got through with a phone call to the Ngurah Rai immigration office (it took me 4 phone calls until I had the right person on the line). The lady I talked to was incredibly lazy with answering my questions. On my last question on if they had a website to confirm her answers, she put me on hold and after 2 minutes she just put down the phone.
Sadly, your experience is not that unusual these days.

I'm not sure of the veracity of the information you were given...
...Again, the above info was gained through a phone call so there could be details missing.
I think there can be little doubt that various Indonesian "authorities" have no interest in making clear, unambiguous and accurate information freely available that everybody can both access and understand.

Why don't they simply grant everyone a 30 days' visa, that can be extended anywhere in the country? Sixty days days would be even better. Too hard? Too simplistic?

Sounds reasonable enough to me compared to the current bureaucratic, totally inefficient, money-grubbing nonsense they have in place. What are they afraid of? (The loss of some extra illegal income opportunities springs to mind.)



New Member
Jul 9, 2008

I agree, I have never had my return tickets checked on entry. I have however, had my return ticket checked by airline in Australia when leaving! :roll: