new hospital


Well-Known Member
I have been in the US a few months and would appreciate getting some info. before returning. First, has the new hospital in Sanur been completed, and are they adding foreign physicians to their staff?
Nothing like some casual racism to start the day. Im surprised Admin hasn’t suspended your account given the stick you’ve been given him/her/ they/ non- binary/ cis plus.
That was certainly informative. It will be interesting to know where you drag your ass when the need occurs.
I haven't seen any recent articles for when the new hospital will be opening, but just driving by it it looks like the finishing touches are being made at least to the exterior. My family and I just returned from Bangkok for a week of medical and dental appointments and of course that comes with some expense, but it's also an opportunity to visit Bangkok. We are hopeful that the new hospital will provide a level of care comparable to the care we get in BKK at Bumrungrad or at least close to it. Of course there are those on this forum that have alternate views on what appears to be a private hospital that will probably not accept BPJS and the perceived slight that that invokes. If I hear anything on an opening date, I will post it.
Nothing like some casual racism to start the day. Im surprised Admin hasn’t suspended your account given the stick you’ve been given him/her/ they/ non- binary/ cis plus.
I'm so sick of the people in this world that haven't got a thing going on in their sad little lives that then decide to be upset or offended for another group of brainless fools.
It's time that the we who do interesting things and have strong opinions put those poor fools behind us and simply say "get out of the way, we have things to do and say and no time to worry about your silly mealy-mouthed objections, gender issues, woke drivel and anything that even remotely resembles it".
We have all heard so many different responses, as to this new hospital. Will they have foreign doctors? Will they only cater to the rich? Will they accept BPJS? If all the above are true, then most likely, they will not accept BPJS.
I am currently getting some skin cancers removed and even though, I pay the highest monthly rate, BPJS will not cover my operations. I previously went to a large hospital in south Kuta area, and went to see three skin doctors, who all said they could not preform any surgery on me. They did not explain why either. They were all payed by BPJS. Now I go to the Wing International and receive the care I need, but have to pay Cash!
I ask myself, what is BPJS good for, if they won't provide the care I need? I went to the dentist at the clinic near me, and had a cavity filled. I asked them if this work was adequate for years to come, and they told me because BPJS covered it, the work was only good for six months or so! I was shocked to hear this.

So as to this new hospital, it will most likely not accept BPJS.
We have all heard so many different responses, as to this new hospital. Will they have foreign doctors? Will they only cater to the rich? Will they accept BPJS? If all the above are true, then most likely, they will not accept BPJS.
I am currently getting some skin cancers removed and even though, I pay the highest monthly rate, BPJS will not cover my operations. I previously went to a large hospital in south Kuta area, and went to see three skin doctors, who all said they could not preform any surgery on me. They did not explain why either. They were all payed by BPJS. Now I go to the Wing International and receive the care I need, but have to pay Cash!
I ask myself, what is BPJS good for, if they won't provide the care I need? I went to the dentist at the clinic near me, and had a cavity filled. I asked them if this work was adequate for years to come, and they told me because BPJS covered it, the work was only good for six months or so! I was shocked to hear this.

So as to this new hospital, it will most likely not accept BPJS.
Well a video of a big building doesn't mean much. Lots of promises of excellent service, but also did you see the part, about private paying service! Well there goes BPJS out the window!!! Only time will tell, if this really is going to be a great new hospital. We can only hope so!
Given the shameless misuse of local TV by owners using their services to present as news their own various commercial enterprises, it is unsurprising to see such a glowing report in the Bali Sun. Media here is a happy mutual conglomerate eager to promote each others enterprises. Not that this misuse doesn't happen in other countries. Time will tell how the new hospital works out. Maybe it will be great..... if you have pots of money.
Given the shameless misuse of local TV by owners using their services to present as news their own various commercial enterprises, it is unsurprising to see such a glowing report in the Bali Sun.
Having lived here for nigh on 2 decades I can happily report in that entire time never to have watched even 5 minutes of local TV and I would suggest anyone that does deserves everything they (don't) get.

What were you thinking off?
Having lived here for nigh on 2 decades I can happily report in that entire time never to have watched even 5 minutes of local TV and I would suggest anyone that does deserves everything they (don't) get.

What were you thinking off?
My wife finds it impossible to speak slowly in Bahasa Indonesia so speaks English at home. Other than the usual exchanges shopping I get little opportunity to to speak Bahasa Indonesia and watch local TV to try and slowly pick up a bit more of the language.
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Well a video of a big building doesn't mean much. Lots of promises of excellent service, but also did you see the part, about private paying service! Well there goes BPJS out the window!!! Only time will tell, if this really is going to be a great new hospital. We can only hope so!
Mate, you become a bit boring with your BPJS rants....
Personally, being on retirement visa I don't have it. Minor medical cost I can handle, if it's cancer or a hearth attack I am simply on the way out. But before I'll spend my last money on Jack Daniels and girls !
Mate, you become a bit boring with your BPJS rants....
Personally, being on retirement visa I don't have it. Minor medical cost I can handle, if it's cancer or a hearth attack I am simply on the way out. But before I'll spend my last money on Jack Daniels and girls !
Thanks for your input about insurance. It is not the facts of the cost. It is the purpose of having an insurance policy, in which a person pays the highest amount required, and receiving the service needed from the company. That is why people buy insurance. You are fortunate to have enough money not to need insurance. Some of us don't.
It is interesting you mentioned Cancer, And heart attacks. I had both of those, and didn't die, and had to pay out of pocket. It is a valid complaint to be upset, when I pay for a service, and the company doesn't cover my needs.
Enjoy the Jack Daniel's, and girls!
Thanks for your input about insurance. It is not the facts of the cost. It is the purpose of having an insurance policy, in which a person pays the highest amount required, and receiving the service needed from the company. That is why people buy insurance. You are fortunate to have enough money not to need insurance. Some of us don't.
It is interesting you mentioned Cancer, And heart attacks. I had both of those, and didn't die, and had to pay out of pocket. It is a valid complaint to be upset, when I pay for a service, and the company doesn't cover my needs.
Enjoy the Jack Daniel's, and girls!
What do you expect for 150k per month ?
If you take a real insurance, at our ages, it would cost 200 or 300 USD per month.
Mate, you become a bit boring with your BPJS rants....
Personally, being on retirement visa I don't have it. Minor medical cost I can handle, if it's cancer or a hearth attack I am simply on the way out. But before I'll spend my last money on Jack Daniels and girls !
You do realize that, for better or worse, you are now able to get bpjs on a retirement visa? At least you were for the last years but I've heard rumors that the authorities are now beginning (again!) to restrict access to it. Hell I spent more money on JD (Glenmorangie) and girls than anything else, happily.
My wife finds it impossible to speak slowly in Bahasa Indonesia so speaks English at home. Other than the usual exchanges shopping I get little opportunity to to speak Bahasa Indonesia and watch local TV to try and slowly pick up a bit more of the language.
Sounds like absolute hell - the missus blathering away in 2 languages in the background and Indo TV blaring in the foreground.

Makes euthanasia seem a lot more pleasant don't it?