new bali venture


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Dear Angie
how would you no what I have research I have done ????? :shock:

I have my bus with driver , I have my interpreter,for when i get stuck
I have a full 10 day itinerary , going to all the clothing, shoe factorys
I have 3 band's that are my personal mate's in Bali that we will go see
I have a silver factory that are my personal mate's .....

so do go on
as for Roy he has never awnsered ????

for Visa all sorted

As you say most people that have a business in Bali work very hard :shock: ...
that's what im doing , spending every night doing research , marketing hear in NZ , also running a retail shop , a wholesale out let & a cafe

so tell me about hard work ??? :shock:

But ha thanks for all your help .

the only thing that I still need to find is an arroma factory ??Is that to much to ask :cry: :cry:

every other thing is booked I have spoken to all the factorys in person over the last 3 months & with all my research I have awnsered many others on this forum :D

but ha thanks for your kind thought's

I have said many time's & i truly belive you get what you give 8)


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Well Jill, it does seem like you have been very busy in the last week gathering information and organising your visa.

Just a word of advice, travellers on BTF, as every where, all have varied opinions on where is the best tailor, best shops, best spas etc. The only way to know for sure is to investigate these places yourself, which I am sure you intend on doing.

I guess what concerned me about your requests for information was your own admittance to "always looking for that extra dollar". When I started a business in Bali it was after the bombing and my partner and I had one motivation - to get people back to Bali and to "give" back to Bali in every way we could. Our business doesn't make a lot of money but it does pay wages to locals, support small locally owned businesses, gives our friends jobs and send 3 children to school.

If that is what motivates you, rather than self gratification then I really do wish you all the best. Don't take criticism personally or as an attack on your character. Learn and grow from it and take it with the intention it was given, not to hurt but to help.



Nov 5, 2002
Sorry Jill, did not realize there were two pages.
Look just go for it woman.
No matter what one does in life there are knockers and knockers.
I congratulate you on what you are attempting to do and instead of sitting back and doing nothing, you are actually going to make this happen.
And whatever your motivations, that IS YOUR BUSINESS, no one else's.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi there Angie
Well yes I have done loads of work , & not in the last week it's been months
as for giving back to Bali I love the place . We sponser 2 girls there 1 at the ophernage she is 8 , when i go there I take stuff for ALL the kids there,
I have been going way befor the bomb . but was there for it not good . :cry:
neg coments dont upset me I just see gree eye's & not mine ... But I do love positive one's .(thanks Ppamela)
This whole adventure is to put money on the table of many Bali folk . that's why i want to go direct to the maker not mr rich ...
& yes I will make money on it to but ha isn't that what we all do ?????
Like I keep saying you get what you give .
that's how I live ... Giving as much as i get & more
Jill :D


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia

Please take the time to actually read what I wrote and you will see that I was in no way negative of your business venture.

I have given you some good advice and it is entirely up to you whether you care to listen to it or not, it doesn't bother me either way.

Do not call me jealous as it is completely untrue. I do not have a jealous bone in my body. I also own 3 successful businesses, one of which is in Bali and no, we are not all here to make money.

I will not make any more comments on the subject of your new venture. As I have said, I wish you luck (doesn't sound like the sort of thing a knocker would say does it??)



Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi again
ya Angie , I did re read your note but still a little neg , you seem to think I have all my info from Bali travel forum ??????
well no not at all there is a FEW good things there but like you said only there opinion's not mine ...
I have been doing trade with Bali for 4 years now & have many great places to go
bargins to find ect
I all ready have a tailer that make's for me & my shop
I already have a silver smith
I already have a driver that speeks english
bla bla bla
& i'm sorry but you do sound negative , well to me you do , but ha that's how i read it .... and i think others did to
you no you have never asked any thing about me !


Aug 31, 2004
Hi Jill, I have been to Bali many times and know brilliant places to shop or go sightseeing. You don't say what your 10 day itinerary is, like where you are going or what do you want to shop for. We would be able to add some places if you said what you are looking for. Though, can't help if it's girlie shops you're looking for.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Hi to all
Thank's harimau , im ok for all my shops , but would still love to find 100% oil factory :?
hear is a short look at itinerary

oct 22 leave nz for Bali

oct 23 short walk around local markets get the feel of bartering
look arround local aira & of to my tailer for ordering of cloths , ditto for leather( not to much today as some will be jet laged )

oct 24 double 6 for cloths ,
of to surf factory

oct 25 ubud
first, Celuk to my silver family
Ubud pasar
Komang art studio
of to Senur

oct 26 free day , ill book them on tourist trips today have names & prices for all ( gives me time to order my stock )

oct 27 seninyak
lunch at beach
butterfly park
ceramic factory
bali lace clothing factory
Taharna lot for sun set

oct 28 spa factory (only if i carnt find better one)
factory outlet cloths
underwear factory outlet
shoe factory
back early to hotel as tonight, Ubud to jazz cafe to sing with the band

oct 29 Denpasar
bird market on way to hotel

oct 30 sukawattio pasar
pura goduh gongs
Gianyar more pasar

oct 31 pick up any cloths/ leather being made
send any exess back by cargo ( i have extra baggage allowance)
of to Kuta to dep store for those that need to buy more cases ect

nov 1 last day
of to seminyak to furniture factory to see being made
back to hotel for check out
buy Bali

well thats it in a nut shell ... its very basic as all my clients have never traveled to any where other than oz , so dont no how to barter ect ...
ill teach them a new Bali word each day on the bus , & get them to try Bali food
each night is free time for all but I can book them thing if they want also can do some night pasar , I have friends play in band at
Kuta paradiso, & at garden view , ill go to the orphanage to see Dewi & take any that want to come along , so lots of side trips as well

this is only the shopping trip , next one will be a pamper trip doing spas ect
then a real bali trip going to the out of way places
then bali bead buying direct to the wholesale spots & bead lessons
then a bali craft trip doing craft with the locals ,painting with komang , basket weaving with one of Made mates , go do dance lessons , cooking classes & more
so as you can see loads of work being done

but it means i get to go to bali every 6-8 weeks ya :lol:


Aug 31, 2004
You are very lucky to be going every six weeks. I don't like flying that often though. Thats a lot of shopping. They will be all shopped out by the end of the trip. Surf factory Kuta is one i usually go to but usually shop for electronics or music and dvds.

Searched aroma bali and got

Don't know whether that helps or not.


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
Thanks again harmau .
thats the same spa that i can find but not 100% oils there :(
the surf factory we are of to is on jl by pass Ngurah Made my mate works for surfer girl now so we are all ok with surf gear
I love flying wanted to be a trolly dolly when i was a kid but alas im to short