
New Member
Jan 11, 2014
Ubud, Bali
Hi, I got my M-EBV about 10 months ago, doing a visa run every 60 days for a few hours then coming back. However, on my last visa run I was taken to a room by one of the immigration counter staff and asked why I do not have a KITAS instead and a bunch of silly questions. Then they let me go. It did not seem like an attempt to extort money but my question is when my visa expires next month and I go get a new 1 year Multiple-Entry Business Visa will they do the same thing again/will I even get the visa again?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Hi Ezilkio89, I am no expert on this stuff, but seeing no-one has answered yet, I will start. From Visas and Documentation - Information on working documents for expatriates in Indonesia I get
A business visa does not allow a foreigner to work or be gainfully employed in Indonesia, but only to conduct business negotiations, short term work assignments, or training assignments. If you plan to work in Indonesia for a period of time, you must have a KITAS and a proper IMTA.

So you can see the purpose of their questions was to see if you were working in Indonesia. If you think back to the conversation, you can figure out if you handled it well, given what they were after.


New Member
Jan 11, 2014
Ubud, Bali
Hi ronb, and thanks for your reply.

Actually I did explain that I am not working illegally and even had a handful of ATM receipts and a copy of my bank balance sheet to prove I do have my own funds from an overseas bank. So I'm definitely in the legal here.